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Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich – vordergründig – mit der Frage nach der rechtlichen Natur der privaten Kredit- und Kautionsversicherungsverträge. Anlass dieser Themenstellung war die Rechtsprechung des IX. Zivilsenats, wonach es sich bei dem Kautionsversicherungsvertrag – wegen seiner Vergleichbarkeit mit dem Avalkreditvertrag der Banken – um einen Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrag i.S.d. § 675 BGB handeln soll, wohingegen die versicherungsrechtliche Literatur den Kautionsversicherungsvertrag ganz überwiegend als Versicherungsvertrag i.S.d. § 1 VVG begreift. Daneben bereitet auch die rechtliche Einordnung des Kreditversicherungsvertrags Probleme, da hier vor allem die Abgrenzung z...
Trotz einer seit über 100 Jahren intensiv geführten Diskussion ist die Frage nach dem „Wesen“ und der Rechtsnatur des Versicherungsvertrags i.S.d. § 1 VVG auch heute noch weitgehend ungelöst. Ursache hierfür ist in erster Linie die auch im allgemeinen Vertragsrecht zu verzeichnende Unkenntnis über die rechtsdogmatischen Grundlagen bei der Bestimmung des „Wesens“ eines Vertragsverhältnisses und seiner Rechtsnatur. Mit vorliegendem Buch hat sich der Verfasser zur Aufgabe gemacht, die vorbezeichneten Probleme zu lösen, indem er zunächst einmal die allgemeine rechtsdogmatische Frage beantwortet, wie überhaupt ein Vertragsverhältnis rechtsmethodisch erfasst und in das System de...
This dictionary identifies more than 13,000 German-Jewish surnames from the area that was pre-World War I Germany. From Baden-Wuerttemburg in the south to Schleswig-Holstein in the north. From Westfalen in the west to East Prussia in the east. In addition to providing the etymology and variants of each name, it identifies where in the region the name appeared, identifying the town and time period. More than 300 sources were used to compile the book. A chapter provides the Jewish population in many towns in the 19th century.
Don't fear crises: use them as opportunities to make money! Shock Markets shows traders and investors exactly how to do it -- with exceptional detail, not vague handwaving. Robert Webb and Alexander Webb offer meticulous breakdowns of recent crises, revealing how they impacted both individual stocks and the market as a whole -- and helping you create detailed game plans for profiting from future shocks. By fusing real-life trading examples with rigorous moment-by-moment analysis of price changes, they give you tools to survive and thrive in even the most volatile markets. This accessible, actionable book answers crucial questions like: What moves stock prices? What moves the overall market? ...
The Medieval Iberian Treasury in the Context of Cultural Interchange—expanded beyond the special issue of Medieval Encounters from which it was drawn—centers on the magnificent treasury of San Isidoro de León to address wider questions about the meanings of cross-cultural luxury goods in royal-ecclesiastical settings during the central Middle Ages. Now fully open access and with an updated introduction to ongoing research, an additional chapter, composite bibliographies, and indices, this multidisciplinary volume opens fresh ways into the investigation of medieval objects and textiles through historical, art historical, and technical analyses. Carbon-14 dating, iconography, and social history are among the methods applied to material and textual evidence, together shining new light on the display of rulership in medieval Iberia. Contributors are Ana Cabrera Lafuente, María Judith Feliciano, Julie A. Harris, Jitske Jasperse, Therese Martin, Pamela A. Patton, Ana Rodríguez, and Nancy L. Wicker.
Washington, D.C. The one city that affects all our lives. The one city where the game has only one name: Power. Hedrick Smith, the Pulitzer Prize-winning ex-Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, takes us inside the beltway to show who wields the most power—and for what ends. The Power Game explains how some members of Congress have built personal fortunes on PAC money, how Michael Deaver was just the tip of the influence-peddling iceberg, how “dissidents” in the Pentagon work to keep the generals honest, how insiders and “leakers” use the Times and The Washington Post and their personal bulletin boards. Congressional staffers more powerful than their bosses, media advisors...
What is meant by "Jewish Spain"? The term itself encompasses a series of historical contradictions. No single part of Spain has ever been entirely Jewish. Yet discourses about Jews informed debates on Spanish identity formation long after their 1492 expulsion. The Mediterranean world witnessed a renewed interest in Spanish-speaking Jews in the twentieth century, and it has grappled with shifting attitudes on what it meant to be Jewish and Spanish throughout the century. At the heart of this book are explorations of the contradictions that appear in different forms of cultural memory: literary texts, memoirs, oral histories, biographies, films, and heritage tourism packages. Tabea Alexa Linha...