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Includes the lineages and honors for all armies, corps, divisions, and separate combined arms brigades in order to perpetuate and publicize their traditions, honors, and heraldic entitlements, organized under Tables of Organization and Equipment that have been active in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army of the United States since the beginning of World War II. Included in this edition is the 12th Infantry Division (formerly the Philippine Division), which did not appear in the earlier one. The lineages are current though 1 October 1997. Brigade headquarters and headquarters companies or headquarters, except for aviation and engineer brigades, organic to the above-mentioned combat divisions since ROAD (Reorganization Objective Army Divisions) in the early 1960s have also been incorporated. (Divisional aviation and engineer brigades are branch specific and therefore have been omitted.) The lineages and honors for Army National Guard divisions and separate combined arms brigades that were active on 1 October 1997 are also included.--Preface.
Amerikansk militærhistorie, amerikanske hær's historie. Army Almanac for 1959. Udkom første gang i 1950 (dette ex. er på DEPOT I-1159). KGB har1959-udgaven med ajourførte oplysninger på Læsesalen. En form for grundbog om US Army. Indeholder alle mulige nyttige oplysninger og informationer om den amerikanske hær, organisation, opdeling, enheder, uddannelse, officerskorpset, veteraner, material, våben, uniformer, udrustning, efterretningsvirksomhed, logistikområdet, militærlove, dekorationer og belønninger, oversigt over generaler, hærens relationer til det civile, m.m. samt afsnit om USA's deltagelse i krige og væbnede konflikter fra Uafhængighedskrigene i 1775 til Koreakrigen i 1950, væbnede konflikter, "småkrige", m.m.