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Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) is an interdisciplinary international journal of original research and writing on education. The EduLearn aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills are transmitted from one generation to another; and to make methods and contents of evaluation and research in education available to teachers, administrators and research workers. Bilingualism and Vocabulary Learning: A Comparison between Baluchi and Persian EFL Learners Yahya Keikhaie, Amirali Khoshkhoonejad 183 Professionalization of Teaching in Nigeria: Strategies,...
Untuk kepentingan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran MKI di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, LPP telah menyusun program bahwa setiap MKI memiliki buku ajar yang ditulis para dosen pengampunya. Buku ajar yang ditulis dosen Universitas Ahmad Dahlan memiliki keuntungan, karena ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan, sekaligus menjawab kebutuhan di masa yang akan datang, yang didasarkan pada lingkungan terdekat mahasiswanya. Buku Kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan yang hadir di hadapan pembaca ini, memiliki nilai penting bagi pemenuhan sumber belajar mahasiswa, sekaligus sebagai upaya mengokohkan nation and character building mahasiswa.
Judul buku ini memang sengaja disesuaikan dengan tema Seminar Pra-Muktamar (putaran ke-16) yang dipercayakan Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah untuk digelar di UAD, 10 Maret 2022. Selain hal itu dijadikan sebagai dokumentasi peristiwa bersejarah di UAD, tema Seminar tersebut dipandang sangat relevan untuk kebutuhan Muhammadiyah saat ini dan yang akan datang. Berdasarkan hal itu, UAD mengorganisir para dosen yang potensial untuk mengangkat pena dan menulis tentang “Dakwah Muhammadiyah dalam Masyarakat Digital: Peluang dan Tantangan”.
This book sets the innovative research contributions, works, and solutions for almost all the intelligent and smart applications in the smart cities. The smart city concept is a relevant topic for industrials, governments, and citizens. Due to this, the smart city, considered as a multi-domain context, attracts tremendously academics researchers and practitioners who provide efforts in theoretical proofs, approaches, architectures, and in applied researches. The importance of smart cities comes essentially from the significant growth of populations in the near future which conducts to a real need of smart applications that can support this evolution in the future cities. The main scope of this book covers new and original ideas for the next generations of cities using the new technologies. The book involves the application of the data science and AI, IoT technologies and architectures, smart earth and water management, smart education and E-learning systems, smart modeling systems, smart mobility, and renewable energy. It also reports recent research works on big data technologies, image processing and recognition systems, and smart security and privacy.
This proceedings book is the fourth edition of a series of works which features emergent research trends and recent innovations related to smart city presented at the 5th International Conference on Smart City Applications SCA20 held in Safranbolu, Turkey. This book is composed of peer-reviewed chapters written by leading international scholars in the field of smart cities from around the world. This book covers all the smart city topics including Smart Citizenship, Smart Education, Smart Mobility, Smart Healthcare, Smart Mobility, Smart Security, Smart Earth Environment & Agriculture, Smart Economy, Smart Factory and Smart Recognition Systems. This book contains a special section intended for Covid-19 pandemic researches. This book edition is an invaluable resource for courses in computer science, electrical engineering and urban sciences for sustainable development.
University Presses worldwide are struggling with three key issues: profitability and sustainability, globalization (digitalization and dominance of English), and Open Access. Indonesia, categorized as the third world in global discourse, is still developing its scholarly communication institution, including its University Press. Many publications stated that the Indonesian university press is in a weak position because of the managerial problem, the lack of support from authority and human resources matters. This research aims to seek the position of Indonesian University Press in the three main issues and pay much attention to elaborating the UGM Press. It combined the online survey and int...
The 4th Progressive and Fun Education (The 4th Profunedu) International Conference is a forum for researchers and lecturers within the ALPTK Muhammadiyah College to disseminate their best research results. This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers and academics to share their research findings with others and meet lecturers and researchers from other institutions and to strengthen the collaboration and networking amongs the participants. The 4th Profunedu was held on 6-8 August 2019 in Makassar, Indonesia. It is hoped that this proceeding can help improve the quality of education, especially the quality of education in Indonesia.
This book highlights original research and recent advances in various fields related to smart cities and their applications. Bringing together new contributions by prominent researchers from around the globe, the book is a rich pedagogical tool and an inspiring research support for courses on computer science, electrical engineering, and urban sciences. The book gathers papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA 2022), held on October 19–21, 2022, in Castelo Branco, Portugal. The technical program of SCA 2022 consisted of 80 papers. The keynote speakers were Eng. Loide Monteiro (Foundation Smart City Cape Verde), Prof. Teodora Vuckovic (University of Novi Sad), Prof. Susana Sargento (University of Aveiro), Prof. Andy Van Den Dobblesteen (TU Delft), and Prof. Juan Corchado (University of Salamanca). SCA 2022 provided a good forum for all researchers to discuss all aspects of science and technology that are relevant to smart city applications.
This is an open access book. Still related to the big theme of reinforcement the SDG’s at the previous conference, we try to invite academics and researchers in the world to participate in the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium 2021 (3rd BIS 2021). As we know, The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on all 17 SDGs have demonstrated that what began as a health catastrophe swiftly transformed into a human and socioeconomic crisis. In September 2019, the UN Secretary-General urged all sectors of society to mobilize for a decade of action on three fronts: global action to ensure increased leadership, increased resources, and smarter solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals; local action...
Kegiatan riset suatu perguruan tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kualitas perguruan tinggi tersebut. Riset yang berhasil adalah riset yang memiliki multiplier effect; efek yang berlipat ganda. Indikator efek yang berlipat ganda ini adalah menghasilkan luaran yang berdaya guna bagi masyarakat, mampu membangkitkan keberdayaan masyarakat baik melalui rekayasa sosial maupun rekayasa produk. Indikator keberhasilan lainnya adalah adanya diseminasi dan publikasi nasional dan internasional yang disitasi oleh banyak pihak, publikasi yang berupa buku, dan peningkatan kemampuan kekayaan intelektual. Kegiatan riset suatu perguruan tinggi memerlukan biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu, strategi pendanaan di tingkat perguruan tinggi sudah seharusnya dikelola secara tepat agar mampu bersaing menghasilkan luaran yang terukur. Buku ini memotret secara jelas hal pendanaan dan seluruh rangkaian pelaksanaan riset di perguruan tinggi, dari perencanaan sampai hasil riset. Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca dan pihak perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia.