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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
This book provides an overview of approaches to language and culture, and it outlines the broad interdisciplinary field of anthropological linguistics and linguistic anthropology. It identifies current and future directions of research, including language socialization, language reclamation, speech styles and genres, language ideology, verbal taboo, social indexicality, emotion, time, and many more. Furthermore, it offers areal perspectives on the study of language in cultural contexts (namely Africa, the Americas, Australia and Oceania, Mainland Southeast Asia, and Europe), and it lays the foundation for future developments within the field. In this way, the book bridges the disciplines of cultural anthropology and linguistics and paves the way for the new book series Anthropological Linguistics.
With a unique international scope, this timely text traces the impact of the ongoing Cold War on the transformation of the field of Latin American studies in the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. Drawing on unpublished documents, the book highlights how the new generation of academics challenged the mainstream Cold War consensus and opened the field to progressive theoretical currents. This book provides an essential foundation for new directions in the field of Latin American studies for academics and students.
Monografie komplexně zpracovává problematiku psychologie zdraví, která u nás dosud v takovém rozsahu nevyšla. Kniha vznikala několik let a sdružuje práci 33 našich předních odborníků. Publikaci využijí vysokoškolští studenti fakult filozofických, pedagogických a lékařských, ale i fakult zdravotnických oborů. Je určena rovněž pro studenty postgraduálního studia oboru Klinická psychologie a psychologie zdraví a odborníky v praxi – psychology, učitele aprobace Výchova ke zdraví či Tělesná výchova, lékaře, zdravotníky se zaměřením na všeobecné ošetřovatelství, porodní asistenci apod.
Different communities, speaking different languages, employ different naming systems to describe the events, actions, and interactions of the mathematics classroom. The International Classroom Lexicon Project documented the professional vocabulary available to middle-school mathematics teachers in Australia, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, and the United States. National teams of researchers and experienced teachers used a common set of classroom videos to stimulate recognition of familiar terms describing aspects of the mathematics classroom. This book details the existing professional vocabulary in each international community by which mathematics ...
Inclusive education has aroused heated debate among teachers, parents, politicians, and the general public, yet for many involved and affected the basic concepts and real goals of inclusion are unclear or misunderstood. Presenting research by scholars from the Czech Republic, France, Norway, Poland, Canada, and Switzerland on education, democratic citizenship, and the inclusive philosophies and politics of various countries, Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship examines and clarifies the cultural, professional, and political issues surrounding the implementation of inclusive education. The first section of the book examines the epistemology of the inclusive process. The second section compares the logic of inclusion from an international perspective. The final section explores concrete problems encountered in the different states represented.
This book analyses the film industries and cinema cultures of Nazi-occupied countries (1939-1945) from the point of view of individuals: local captains of industry, cinema managers, those working for film studios and officials authorized to navigate film policy. The book considers these people from a historical perspective, taking into account their career before the occupation and, where relevant, pays attention to their post-war lives. The perspectives of these historical agents” contributes to an understanding of how top-down orders and haphazard signals from the occupying administration were moulded, adjusted and distorted in the process of their translation and implementation. This edited collection offers a more dynamic and less deterministic approach to research on the international expansion of Third-Reich cinema in World War Two; an approach that strives to balance the role of individual agency with the structural determinants. The case studies presented in this book cover the territories of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and the Soviet Union.
Unikátní učebnice kardiologie v deseti svazcích s mimořádně rozsáhlou obrazovou dokumentací včetně videí. Editorský a autorský kolektiv zahrnuje české i slovenské kardiology a další odborníky z předních pracovišť.
Publikace je určena zejména pro studenty medicíny a byla vytvořena kolektivem předních odborníků 1. LF UK v Praze. Kniha podobného charakteru není tohoto času k dispozici. Existující monografie na toto téma jsou příliš rozsáhlé ľ tato publikace je samozřejmě nemůže nahradit, ale umožňuje zorientovat se v oboru, což je někdy při množství dostupných informací značně problematické. V publikaci jsou uvedené informace naprosto základní a nezbytné pro pochopení, ale i zvládnutí učebních osnov. Najdete zde i unikátní spojení témat ryze teoretických (patobiochemie volných radikálů, apoptóza, enzymopatie) s tématy klinicko-biochemickými a klinickými (zánět, nádorové markery, likvor, metabolické vady a patobiochemie civilizačních onemocnění). Kniha reaguje na potřeby studentů, kteří na chybění podobné publikace v tomto oboru opakovaně upozorňovali.