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Professor Linda M. Fedigan, Member of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, has made major contributions to our understanding of the behavioural ecology of primates. Furthermore, Linda Fedigan pioneered and continues to advance scholarship on the role of women in science, as well as actively promoting the inclusion of women in the academy. A symposium in honour of her career was held in Banff (Alberta, Canada) in December 2016, during which former and current students and collaborators, as well as scientists with similar research interests, presented and discussed their work and their connections to Linda Fedigan. These presentations and discussions are here presented as chapters in this festschrift. The original works presented in this book are organized around four major research areas that have been greatly advanced and influenced by Linda Fedigan: Primate life histories Sex roles, gender, and science Primate-environment interactions Primate adaptation to changing environments
This book brings a unique perspective to animal movement studies because all studies come from African tropical environments where the great diversity, either biological and structurally (trees, shrubs, vines, epiphytes), present the animals with several options to fulfil their basic needs. These conditions have forced the evolution of unique movement patterns and ecological strategies. The book follows on our previous book “Movement Ecology of Neotropical Forest Mammals” but focuses on tropical African forests. Movement is an essential process in the life of all organisms. Animals move because they are looking for primary needs such as food, water, cover, mating and to avoid predator...
This volume comprises refereed papers and abstracts of the 8th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (EVOLANG8), held in Utrecht on 14-17 April 2010. As the leading international conference in the field, the biennial EVOLANG meeting is characterized by an invigorating, multidisciplinary approach to the origins and evolution of human language, and brings together researchers from many subject areas, including anthropology, archaeology, biology, cognitive science, computer science, genetics, linguistics, neuroscience, palaeontology, primatology and psychology.The latest theoretical, experimental and modelling research on language evolution is presented in this collection, including contributions from many leading scientists in the field.
An in-depth and wide-ranging approach to the study of older adults in society Taking a holistic approach to the study of aging, this volume uses biological, archaeological, medical, and cultural perspectives to explore how older adults have functioned in societies around the globe and throughout human history. As the world’s population over 65 years of age continues to increase, this wide-ranging approach fills a growing need for both academics and service professionals in gerontology, geriatrics, and related fields. Case studies from the United States, Tibet, Turkey, China, Nigeria, and Mexico provide examples of the ways age-related changes are influenced by environmental, genetic, socio...
Ms. Fischer s research with macaques, and other primates, and her agility at sharing this research with the general public, at science pubs and lectures the world over, inspired a Suhrkamp editor to commission from her a book about primate social behavior, which they published in 2013. Affengesellschaft explores the world of primate behavior largely through the lense of communication, and in the setting of Fischer s fieldwork, and that of other primatologists."
Experts from psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, ecology, and evolutionary biology assess the field of animal cognition. Do animals have cognitive maps? Do they possess knowledge? Do they plan for the future? Do they understand that others have mental lives of their own? This volume provides a state-of-the-art assessment of animal cognition, with experts from psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, ecology, and evolutionary biology addressing these questions in an integrative fashion. It summarizes the latest research, identifies areas where consensus has been reached, and takes on current controversies. Over the last thirty years, the field has shifted from the collection of anecdotes and t...
Kämpfende Berberaffen, schreiende Bärenpaviane, kuschelnde Guineapaviane: Das sind nur einige der Protagonisten dieses spannenden Buches. Die Primatenforscherin Julia Fischer geht in ihm den Fragen nach, welche Informationen Affen mittels ihrer Laute, Gesten und Grimassen austauschen und ob sie so etwas wie eine Sprache besitzen. Durch die Verbindung von Labor- und Feldforschung gelingt es ihr, erstaunliche Gemeinsamkeiten im Sozialverhalten von Mensch und Affe aufzuzeigen, aber auch die Unterschiede, die uns von unseren nächsten Verwandten trennen, darzustellen. Ob im Senegal, in Botswana oder in einem Freilandgehege in Frankreich: Fischer beschreibt Sozialverhalten, Intelligenz und Kommunikation der Affen auf ebenso anspruchsvolle wie unterhaltsame Art und Weise. Angereichert um viele Episoden aus dem Forschungsalltag, in dem nicht nur Gefahr durch Leoparden droht oder bürokratische Hürden zu bewältigen sind, ist dies ein Buch, das auf der Höhe des Forschungsstandes sein Thema allgemeinverständlich beschreibt: die Affengesellschaft.
TOPICS IN THE BOOK Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs among Postnatal Mothers at Women and New born Hospital – University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka Zambia The Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among People with Chronic Diseases in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya Health Services Utilization and Associated Factors among Internally Displaced Persons in South Wollo Zone, North-Eastern Ethiopia AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare – Applications, Challenges and Ethics
Der Widerspruch zwischen dem empirischen Befund faktischer gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit und der idealen Forderung nach Gleichheit ist der Ausgangspunkt des Jahrbuchs: Soziale Ungleichheit und ihre Folgen stellen ein massives Problem für die Stabilität moderner menschlicher Gesellschaften dar. Der Diskurs thematisiert einen primatologisch-ethologischen Zugang, in dem die Sozialität nicht-menschlicher Primaten analysiert wird. Die Dynamik der Koevolution zwischen kultureller Veränderung und evolutionärer Anpassung ist dabei eine der grundlegenden Herausforderungen für die evolutionäre/ interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Welche Auswirkungen hätte eine Anerkennung der Ungleichheit als ...