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The history of invariant theory spans nearly a century and a half, with roots in certain problems from number theory, algebra, and geometry appearing in the work of Gauss, Jacobi, Eisenstein, and Hermite. Although the connection between invariants and orbits was essentially discovered in the work of Aronhold and Boole, a clear understanding of this connection had not been achieved until recently, when invariant theory was in fact subsumed by a general theory of algebraic groups. Written by one of the major leaders in the field, this book provides an excellent, comprehensive exposition of invariant theory. Its point of view is unique in that it combines both modern and classical approaches to the subject. The introductory chapter sets the historical stage for the subject, helping to make the book accessible to nonspecialists.
Students often find, in setting out to study algebraic geometry, that most of the serious textbooks on the subject require knowledge of ring theory, field theory, local rings, and transcendental field extensions, and even sheaf theory. Often the expected background goes well beyond college mathematics. This book, aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students, grew out of Miyanishi's attempt to lead students to an understanding of algebraic surfaces while presenting thenecessary background along the way. Originally published in Japanese in 1990, it presents a self-contained introduction to the fundamentals of algebraic geometry. This book begins with background on commutative algebras, sheaf theory, and related cohomology theory. The next part introduces schemes andalgebraic varieties, the basic language of algebraic geometry. The last section brings readers to a point at which they can start to learn about the classification of algebraic surfaces.
"The book is devoted to geometry of algebraic varieties in projective spaces. Among the objects considered in some detail are tangent and secant varieties, Gauss maps, dual varieties, hyperplane sections, projections, and varieties of small codimension. Emphasis is made on the study of interplay between irregular behavior of (higher) secant varieties and irregular tangencies to the original variety. Classification of varieties with unusual tangential properties yields interesting examples many of which arise as orbits of representations of algebraic groups."--ABSTRACT.
This book covers fundamental techniques in the theory of $C^{\infty}$-imbeddings and $C^{\infty}$-immersions, emphasizing clear intuitive understanding and containing many figures and diagrams. Adachi starts with an introduction to the work of Whitney and of Haefliger on $C^{\infty}$-imbeddings and $C^{\infty}$-manifolds. The Smale-Hirsch theorem is presented as a generalization of the classification of $C^{\infty}$-imbeddings by isotopy and is extended by Gromov's work on the subject, including Gromov's convex integration theory. Finally, as an application of Gromov's work, the author introduces Haefliger's classification theorem of foliations on open manifolds. Also described here is the Adachi's work with Landweber on the integrability of almost complex structures on open manifolds. This book would be an excellent text for upper-division undergraduate or graduate courses.
This book describes the life and achievements of the great french mathematician, Élie Cartan. Here readers will find detailed descriptions of Cartan's discoveries in Lie groups and algebras, associative algebras, differential geometry, as well as later developments stemming from his ideas. The volume includes a biographical sketch of Cartan's life. A monumental tribute to a towering figure in the history of mathematics, this book will appeal to mathematicians and historians alike.
This book addresses a broad spectrum of areas in both hybrid materials and hierarchical composites, including recent development of processing technologies, structural designs, modern computer simulation techniques, and the relationships between the processing-structure-property-performance. Each topic is introduced at length with numerous and detailed examples and over 150 illustrations. In addition, the authors present a method of categorizing these materials, so that representative examples of all material classes are discussed.
The main subject of this book can be viewed in various ways. From the standpoint of functional analysis, it studies spectral properties of a certain class of linear operators; from the viewpoint of probability theory, it is concerned with the analysis of singular Markov processes; and, from the vantage point of mathematical physics, it analyzes the dynamics of equilibrium systems in quantum statistical physics and quantum field theory. Malyshev and Minlos describe two new approaches to the subject which have not been previously treated in monograph form. They also present background material which makes the book accessible and useful to researchers and graduate students working in functional analysis, probability theory, and mathematical physics.