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Os transtornos mentais constituem parte dos mistérios da condição humana desde sempre, posto que deles somente as incertezas e as possibilidades são unanimidades. As explicações sobre as determinantes e condicionantes biopsicossociais que atuam na construção de distúrbios psíquicos não primam pelo consenso, tendo nos paradigmas das ciências biomédico-psiquiátricas e das ciências humanas e sociais interpretações diferentes e – por vezes – divergentes a respeito da etiologia desses transtornos. Os textos aqui coligidos não têm a pretensão de se constituírem a palavra final sobre os temas tratados; não obstante, demonstram as preocupações de pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas do conhecimento a respeito dos transtornos mentais ao longo da história. Assim, os ensaios apresentados neste livro não se esgotam em si mesmos, posto que são contributos à discussão sempiterna que tem na loucura e suas representações seu objeto par excellence.
O livro abrange algumas das mais relevantes reflexões acadêmicas sobre a trajetória dos Guarani e Kaiowá no sul do Mato Grosso do Sul produzidas nos últimos anos e, além disso, aponta para as novas demandas teóricas e analíticas necessárias para dar conta de uma realidade socioespacial profundamente injusta e instável. A obra contém contribuição de autoras(es) indígenas e não indígenas, com formação acadêmica particularmente em geografia, história e antropologia em diferentes estágios da sua carreira universitária, e com múltiplas perspectivas sobre a problemática e as respostas criativas do movimento Guarani e Kaiowá. É resultado de uma ampla rede de colaboração ...
Este volume faz parte de uma coleção dedicada a servir como referência para estudos e reflexões aprofundadas sobre os seres humanos, o funcionamento da sociedade, suas instituições e os impactos das interações entre as pessoas e o ambiente em que vivem. A proposta da coleção é fomentar o pensamento crítico e incentivar a análise dos sistemas nos quais os indivíduos estão inseridos, o que permite análises jurídicas e interdisciplinaridade entre as áreas do saber das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, promovendo questionamentos que ampliem a compreensão das dinâmicas humanas e sociais.
Título: Saúde Fronteiriça: Estrutura, Políticas e Futuro da Integração Brasil – Paraguai Volume 1. Ed. 1. Editora-chefe: Me. Bárbara Aline Ferreira Assunção – São Paulo, Brasil. ISBN: 978-65-85931-45-8 DOI: 10.51473/ Local: São Paulo-SP Editora: EBPCA – Editora Brasileira de Publicação Científica Aluz Apoio: Universidad Central del Paraguay (UCP) Ano: 2024 O volume 1 da obra Saúde Fronteiriça: Estrutura, Políticas e Futuro da Integração Brasil – Paraguai aborda as interações de saúde entre os dois países que compartilham uma extensa fronteira. Organizado por acadêmicos do curso de Medicina da Universidade Central do Paraguai (UCP) com orientação do Professor Dr. Cristian Basilio Díaz Cuevas, o livro apresenta uma análise das questões relacionadas à saúde pública nas regiões fronteiriças, discutindo os desafios, as estratégias de cooperação, as políticas públicas e as particularidades culturais que afetam os sistemas de saúde do Brasil e do Paraguai.
There are alarming reports of new and emerging microbial diseases. The recent emergence of COVID-19 is a burning example that has attracted global attention. Not only this, the development of multidrug resistance in microbes is frightening and thus the available antibiotics have been ineffective. Considering these facts, there is a pressing need to develop effective treatment options that are eco-friendly, biobased, and cost-effective. The present book covers the natural/bio-based products from plants, mushrooms and microbes that can be used against different microbial diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. This book would be an essential reading for students, researchers and people from pharma industries. Key features: • Describes the biobased natural products to combat microbial diseases. • Examines the antimicrobial potential of mushrooms, endophytes and secondary metabolites. • Discusses the role of defensins and terpenes in microbial diseases. • Incorporates natural products from the Amazon for treating microbial diseases.
As essential nutrients, sodium and potassium contribute to the fundamentals of physiology and pathology of human health and disease. In clinical settings, these are two important blood electrolytes, are frequently measured and influence care decisions. Yet, blood electrolyte concentrations are usually not influenced by dietary intake, as kidney and hormone systems carefully regulate blood values. Over the years, increasing evidence suggests that sodium and potassium intake patterns of children and adults influence long-term population health mostly through complex relationships among dietary intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. The public health importance of understanding these...
This book describes the role of trace elements in health and longevity, pursuing a biogerontological approach. It offers essential information on the impact of trace elements on molecular and physiological processes of aging, and on their impact on health in connection with aging. The major topics covered in its 11 chapters, each dedicated to a specific trace element or mineral, are: a) Role of the element in species longevity, b) Recommended intake for longevity in animal species and in the elderly, c) Deficiency and age-related disease, d) Excess/toxicity and age-related disease, and e) Interactions with drugs prescribed in the elderly. Clinical, animal and other laboratory models of interest in aging are included, which enable a more in-depth analysis to be made. The respective chapters are a mixture of overviews and more in-depth reviews in which the mechanisms of aging are described from the point of view of their specific interactions with trace elements and minerals.
A New Zealand Book of Beasts is a groundbreaking examination of the interactions between humans and 'nonhuman animals' - both real and imagined - in New Zealand's arts and literature, popular culture, historiography, media and everyday life. Structured in four parts - Animal Icons, Animal Companions, Art Animals and Controversial Animals - the Book of Beasts touches on topics as diverse as moa-hunting and the SPCA, pest-control and pet-keeping, whaling and whale-watching; on species ranging from sheep to sperm whales and from pekapeka to possums; and on the works of authors and artists as various as Samuel Butler and Witi Ihimaera, Lady Mary Anne Barker and Janet Frame, Michael Parekowhai an...
This is an entirely new translation of one of the fundamental works in the development of the study of language. Published in 1836, it formed the general introduction to Wilhelm von Humboldt's three-volume treatise on the Kawi language of Java. It is the final statement of his lifelong study of the nature of language, and presents a survey of a great many languages, exploring ways in which their various grammatical structures make them more or less suitable as vehicles of thought and cultural development. Empirically wide-ranging - von Humboldt goes far beyond the Indo-European family of languages - it remains one of the most interesting and important attempts to draw philosophical conclusions from comparative linguistics.
Essential oils, renowned for their multifaceted properties, have been integral to the tapestry of human history, forging connections to our past by evoking memories of cherished places and the aromatic embrace of grandparents' kitchens. Beyond their nostalgic allure, these oils play a pivotal role in various industries, serving as functional compounds in food matrices, packaging, preservatives, and essential elements in plant protection—ranging from pesticides to antimicrobials and repellents. This book unfolds in ten chapters, presenting a collection of groundbreaking studies on the composition, biological, and pharmacological properties of essential oils. Collaborative efforts from multidisciplinary groups across the globe, including Brazil, Chile, Vietnam, Nigeria, and the Southeast Asian Region, converge to offer a diverse and innovative perspective on the subject. Delving into the intricate world of essential oils, this book encapsulates a wealth of knowledge that transcends geographical boundaries, providing valuable insights regarding the global impact and applications of these extraordinary natural compounds.