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Burial and Memorial explores funerary and commemorative archaeology A.D. 284-650, across the late antique world. This second volume includes papers exploring all aspects of funerary archaeology, from scientific samples in graves, to grave goods and tomb robbing and a bibliographic essay. It brings into focus neglected regions not usually considered by funerary archaeologists in NW Europe, such as the Levant, where burial archaeology is rich in grave good, to Sicily and Sardinia, where post-mortem offerings and burial manipulations are well-attested. We also hear from excavations in Britain, from Canterbury and London, and see astonishing fruits from the application of science to graves recently excavated in Trier.
This volume presents almost 100 papers deriving from the 6th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Themes comprise sea and land routes, workshops and production centres, and regional contexts (western Mediterranean, eastern Mediterranean, Sicily and the Mediterranean islands).
The Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012. [No other information found for this title].
This volume aims to merge theoretical models with methodological approaches on ceramic technology and artisanal networks in the Classical world. This convergence of analytical frameworks allowed scholars to explore some traditional archaeological topics that usually have a very low-level of visibility, such as the skillful gestures of the craftspeople involved, the organization of the ceramic production, the dynamics of apprenticeship and knowledge transfer as well as intra and inter-regional artisanal mobility, in the Graeco-Roman ‘communities of practice’. The papers promote interdisciplinary dialogues among various fields of study, such as archaeology, archaeometry, anthropology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, and digital humanities - such as Social Network Analysis, computational imaging, and big data analysis.
A one-of-a-kind exploration of archaeological evidence from the Roman Empire between 44 BCE and 337 CE In A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, distinguished scholar and archaeologist Professor Barbara Burrell delivers an illuminating and wide-ranging discussion of peoples, institutions, and their material remains across the Roman Empire. Divided into two parts, the book begins by focusing on the “unifying factors,” institutions and processes that affected the entire empire. This ends with a chapter by Professor Greg Woolf, Ronald J. Mellor Professor of Ancient History at UCLA, which summarizes and enlarges upon the themes and contributions of the volume. Meanwhile, the sec...
Why did ancient autocrats patronise theatre? How could ancient theatre – rightly supposed to be an artform that developed and flourished under democracy – serve their needs? Plato claimed that poets of tragic drama "drag states into tyranny and democracy". The word order is very deliberate: he goes on to say that tragic poets are honoured "especially by the tyrants, and secondly by the democracies" (Republic 568c). For more than forty years scholars have explored the political, ideological, structural and economic links between democracy and theatre in ancient Greece. By contrast, the links between autocracy and theatre are virtually ignored, despite the fact that for the first 200 years...
KTISEIS Fondazioni d’Occidente Intrecci culturali tra Gela, Agrigento, Creta e Rodi – Atti delle XIV Giornate Gregoriane Agrigento, Museo Archeologico 25-27 Novembre 2022 Il volume KTISEIS raccoglie gli atti del convegno internazionale svoltosi ad Agrigento nel novembre 2022 nell’ambito delle XIV Giornate Gregoriane. Il convegno, organizzato in concomitanza con le celebrazioni per i 2600 anni della fondazione di Akragas, ha rappresentato un prezioso momento di dialogo, confronto e aggiornamento sul tema delle fondazioni greche d’Occidente, con speciale focus su Agrigento naturalmente, ma anche Gela, madrepatria di Akragas, Rodi e Creta, protagoniste della joint venture che direttamen...
Bringing together the scientific contributions of a wide panel of Sicilian and mainland Italian specialists in prehistory, this book focuses on the Sciacca region and its landscape which is extraordinarily rich in natural geological phenomena and associated archaeological activity.
Il volume Una favola breve riunisce una serie di contributi scientifici che in prospettiva diacronica affrontano il tema della salute dell’infanzia, dell’abuso sul minore e della morte prematura, dal mondo antico (greco, italico e romano) fino all’era moderna. Il volume è parte di un più ampio progetto, intitolato Mors immatura, nato nel 2017 con l’obiettivo di costruire un fecondo dialogo interdisciplinare su temi delicati e non privi di ricadute nell’attualità: archeologia, antropologia, storia del diritto e della medicina possono scrivere pagine importanti sull’infanzia, contribuendo alla formazione di una coscienza civica e di un’attenta responsabilità sociale rispetto ...
Die im Westen Siziliens um Mitte des 7. Jh. v. Chr. gegründete Polis Selinunt gehört in vielerlei Hinsicht zu den exemplarisch erforschten Fundstätten der Antike. Archäologische Equipen und Altertumswissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt forschen derzeit an unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Urbanität und der Kulturgüter der Polis. Der Wuppertaler Althistoriker Christian Leeck wirft dagegen Licht in eine Nische der Forschung, indem er die Chora von Selinunt detaillierter fokussiert. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde die gesamte Datengrundlage, bestehend aus gegenständlichen Einzelfunden, archäologischen Grabungskontexten, Surveys, textlich-literarischen Zeugnissen und landschaftlich-topographischen Beobachtungen, erfasst. Das Ergebnis stellt eine thematisch differenzierte Rekonstruktion der Entwicklung des östlichen Chora-Abschnitts von Selinunt dar. Die Untersuchung trägt dem Forschungsdesiderat Rechnung, durch einen mikroräumlichen Blick auf die historische Landschaft Aussagen zu den inneren Wirkungsweisen der Chora in archaisch-klassischer Zeit zu formulieren. Dem Forscher gelingt es so, einen methodischen Schlüssel zu finden, um die Geschichte der Polis Selinunt zu verstehen.