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Detention camps exceed the juridical concept of punishment and crime. This book comprises two parts: 1. a collected volume that discusses camps not as something of the past, but as a paradigmatic political space in which ordinary law is completely suspended, and 2. an Italian-English parallel text of the war diary of an Italian prisoner during his confinement at the Stalag X-B internment camp near Sandbostel from 1943–1945. 1. The Human Condition of Exception: Collected Essays Edited by Aisling Reid and Valentina Surace Written in Italian and English, the essays collected in this volume explore the issue of camps and suffering from various perspectives, including philosophical inquiry, lit...
The essays collected here outline a geophilosophy of the Mediterranean—a sea of great importance in the history of Europe and the wider West. Conceived from a geophilosophical perspective, the Mediterranean is a sea surrounded by lands—that is, a "pluriverse" of different cultures and religions, which have often become entangled in conflicts. Nevertheless, they have also demonstrated a remarkable capacity for coexistence, as exemplified by multilingual, multiethnic, and multireligious Sicily during the reign of Roger II of Hauteville. Throughout its millennia-long history, the Mediterranean has consistently displayed a profoundly unified configuration despite its inherent diversity. Its distinctive blend of singularity and plurality can serve as a paradigm for rethinking new forms of social and political coexistence, not only for Europe, which draws its origin from this sea, but also for a new global order.
The Exodus has a risky and combative character that links individuals to their unconscious, to the uncertainty of their reality, and to the possibility of the disturbing event of the incalculable arrival of the Other. This encounter with the unknown does not expect a messianic salvation but a human solution, which is aware that change requires the abandonment of self-referential identities. This eccentricity is more than evasive desertion or escapism, but an experiment with new modes of organizing community that grows on the responsibilities that go with it. This collected volume gathers contemporary philosophical perspectives on the Exodus, examining the story’s symbolic potentials and dynamics in the light of current social political events. The imagination of the Promised Land, the figure of the migrant, the provisional and precarious dwelling of the camp, the promise of a better future or the gradual estrangement from inherited habits are all challenges of our time that are already conceptualized in the Exodus. The authors reaffirm the pertinence of the story by addressing the fundamental link between the ancient narrative and the human condition of the 21st century.
Translation Studies has been an extraordinary success story which grew out of the work of a small group of international scholars in the 1970s and has become a global phenomenon. As the field has rapidly expanded, it has also diversified. This collection of essays, by world-leading translation specialists, sheds light on some of the major shifts in thinking about translation that are taking place today. The authors here engage with the most contentious issues within translation studies and cover topics ranging from examining the scope for machine and human translation to develop together, to addressing the role of translation in the age of the Anthropocene and considering how we prepare translators for the complexities of contemporary communication. Written in an accessible and engaging style and with an emphasis on challenging orthodoxies and encouraging critical thinking, this is essential reading for all advanced students of translation studies and literature in translation.
This Companion brings together leading scholars in the field of Irish studies to explore the significance of twenty-first-century Irish writing and its flourishing popularity worldwide. Focusing on Irish writing published or performed in the 21st-century, this volume explores genres, modes, and styles of writing that are current, relevant, and distinctive in today’s classrooms. Examining a host of innovative, key writers, including Sally Rooney, Marion Keyes, Sebastian Barry, Paul Howard, Claire Kilroy, Micheal O’Siadhail, Donal Ryan, Marina Carr, Enda Walsh, Martin McDonagh, Colette Bryce, Leanne Quinn, Sinéad Morrissey, Paula Meehan, Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh, and Doireann Ni Ghríofa. This text investigates the socio-cultural and theoretical contexts of their aesthetic achievements and innovations. Furthermore, The Routledge Companion to Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing traces the expansion of Irish writing, offering fresh insight to Irish identities across the boundaries of race, class, and gender. With its distinctive contemporary contexts and comprehensive scope, this multifaceted volume provides the first significant literary history of 21st century Irish literature.
In questo volume: L. V. Arena, La strettoia dell’abitare illimitato; Davide Fantasia, Responsabilità e tragedia dell’impossibile. Pensare il politico con Patočka e Derrida; Francesco Mora, L’uomo e l’abitare. Dalla grande città al soggiorno poetico; Orietta Ombrosi, «Un pensiero della traduzione da inventare». Con Levinas, Derrida e Benjamin; Andrea Piras, Riabitare l’ethos: Hegel e la nascita dell’arte classica; Pier Alberto Porceddu Cilione, Abitare l’esistenza; Valentina Scanu, Ornamento e possibilità nel pensiero di Ernst Bloch; Valeria Secchi, Estetica e interpretazione nella filosofia dell’arte di Arthur Danto; Valentina Surace, Eden o l’archetipo dell’abitare; Chiara Boldorini, Recensione a M. Zambrano, Dire luce. Scritti sulla pittura, C. del Valle (a cura di), BUR, Milano 2017; Roberta Santucci, Recensione a La questione dell’umanismo oggi, A. Hilt, H. Zaborowski, V. Cesarone (a cura di), Quodlibet, Macerata 2017; Angelo Cicatello, La rilettura hegeliana della prova ontologica. Dall’ente allo spirito.
«Contemporanei della fine del mondo» è espressione che Sgalambro utilizza in più luoghi per definire la condizione degli esseri umani. Il fatto che il genere umano, nell’attimo, remoto eppure già da sempre attuale, della “morte del sole”, scomparirà nel suo insieme costituisce l’orizzonte costante del suo pensiero. A partire da questa incontrovertibile certezza, occorre avere il coraggio di una verità intollerabile: tutto è già da sempre destinato alla distruzione. Questa verità, che il filosofo Sgalambro assume con i toni sprezzanti dell’indignazione e della rabbia, ma anche con quelli più pacati, ma non meno aspri, del cinico disincanto, costringe a un radicale mutamento di prospettiva. Il pensiero, ultima roccaforte in cui trincerarsi, in tutte le sue declinazioni – la teologia, l’etica, la politica, l’estetica – deve trarne le dovute conseguenze. Confrontarsi con questa «filosofia del terrore», radicale fino all’estremismo, esacerbata fino al livore, comunque urtante, è quanto provano a fare i saggi raccolti in questo volume, tentando di mostrarne anche un ulteriore risvolto, quello di un disperato e inappagabile desiderio di assoluto.
Diaconia è il termine con cui si indica il servizio sociale verso il prossimo e con il prossimo. Questo libro, nato in buona parte sul campo di lavoro, propone riflessioni teologiche, incrocia tematiche socio-politiche e si interroga sugli attuali sviluppi sociali e sulle culture dell’organizzazione aziendale, soprattutto di quello che oggi viene definito Terzo settore. L’autore proviene da una lunga esperienza di direzione in organizzazioni diaconali complesse, ma le questioni trattate interessano ogni tipologia di servizio, da quello di singoli e comunità, agli Istituti più strutturati, fino a iniziative che impegnano oggi le chiese in una collaborazione ecumenica e interreligiosa. ...
Die Reformation veränderte nicht nur Theologie und Kirche, sondern setzte einen alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft erfassenden Transformationsprozess in Gang. So beeinflusste der Protestantismus nachhaltig soziale Strukturen, kulturelle Wahrnehmungsmuster, Rechtsnormen, Wissenschaftsideale, künstlerische Ausdrucksmittel und Identitätsbildungen. Die beiden gewichtigen Bände dokumentieren den internationalen und interdisziplinären Kongress "Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation", der im August 2017 von den Universitäten Halle-Wittenberg, Jena und Leipzig an der Stiftung LEUCOREA in Lutherstadt Wittenberg durchgeführt wurde. Dessen Beiträge – u. a. von Udo Sträter, Charlotte Methuen, Mart...
Das Lutherjahrbuch ist das bedeutendste Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung und wird im Auftrag der Luther-Gesellschaft e.V. herausgegeben. Der 86. Jahrgang erinnert mit seinem diesjährigen Schwerpunkt an die Gründung der Gesellschaft vor 100 Jahren, indem er die Vorträge der Jubiläumstagung "1918 Auf-Bruch 2018" dokumentiert. Darüber hinaus werden von unbekannten Tischreden über Luthers "letzte Kutte", den Fabeldichtungen, Luthers Obrigkeitslehre und Theologieverständnis bis hin zur lutherischen Wirkungsgeschichte anhand von Zedlers Universallexikon substanzhafte interdisziplinäre Beiträge geboten, die ein Muss für jeden Lutherforscher sind. Ausgewählte Buchbesprechungen und die für Lehre und Forschung unverzichtbar Lutherbibliographie orientieren darüber hinaus über bedeutende Publikationen zur Luther- und Reformationsforschung.