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Monografia powstała jako pokłosie konferencji zorganizowanej przez Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego na temat relacji współczesnego populizmu i prawa. Temat ten jest obecnie żywo dyskutowany w globalnej oraz regionalnej nauce prawa, konstytucjonalizmie oraz filozofii politycznej. Już prawie dwadzieścia lat temu niderlandzki politolog Cas Mudde pisał, że nadchodzi „populistyczny Zeitgeist”. Od tego czasu problem nie stracił nic na znaczeniu, a w Polsce od 2015 roku stał się jednym z głównych problemów szerokiego dyskursu rządów prawa. Dlatego publikacja ma szanse wzbudzić zainteresowanie rozległego środowiska nauk społecznych. Tym bardziej że ...
The Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, edited by the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, is an indispensable record of the development and impact of the world’s oldest binding international human rights treaty. It reviews the implementation of the Convention both by the European Court of Human Rights and by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, responsible for supervising the application of the Court’s judgments in the member states. The Yearbook includes: Full text of any new protocols to the Convention as they are opened for signature, together with the state of signatures and ratifications. Full listing of Court judgments; judgments broken d...
This Report consists of two main parts devoted to Poland’s and Hungary’s remembering of and dealing with the past, including with the use of memory laws and other deployments of legal and extra-legal means in historical policy, including soft law. It also discusses relevant domestic courts’ jurisprudence. The report situates these practices against European human rights law standards, inferred from the ECtHR case law. The aim of this exercise is capturing the dynamics of the Polish and Hungarian state’s relationship to the past after 1989 in a concise form and examine the current legal framework. The Polish and Hungarian sections are structured around common themes. In what follows, ...
Publikacja przedstawia obraz wybranych aktualnych problemów prawa karnego UE z różnych perspektyw. Omawiane zagadnienia obejmują dialog sądowy pomiędzy sądami krajowymi, Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej (TSUE) i Europejskim Trybunałem Praw Człowieka (ETPC); adekwatną ochronę praw uczestników postępowania karnego w państwach członkowskich UE; stosunki Prokuratury Europejskiej (EPPO) z państwami nieuczestniczącymi we wzmocnionej współpracy; wzajemne zaufanie w kontekście pozyskiwania dowodów elektronicznych; pozbawienie nielegalnego mienia w kontekście praw ofiar i konfiskaty rzeczy; harmonizację prawa karnego materialnego w zakresie definicji przest...
"The complexities and paradoxes of the Bulgarian film industry during the era of Communist rule (1945-1989) are explored.... This influential industry was mobilized for the needs of the state. During its creation and development, cultural institutions and those involved in film production operated within a relatively closed system, based on rewards and punishments imposed by the Communist bureaucratic apparatus. Sub-textual content in films produced in Bulgaria during this period highlights the attitude of the elite towards the regime. Understanding this multifaceted relationship helps explain why so many intellectuals found the film industry to be an attractive field in which to work, and decided to remain loyal to the regime instead of leaving or openly rebelling against it. This work challenges the historiographical perception that the arts in the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War were largely unsuccessful vehicles of propaganda and dissent. By using a comparative methodological approach, the cinema arts in the East and West are shown following similar paths despite the Iron Curtain."--Provided by publisher.
Includes section, "Recent book acquisitions" (varies: Recent United States publications) formerly published separately by the U.S. Army Medical Library.
This is a continuation of a series of comprehensive chronological reference works listing the results of men's chess competitions all over the world--individual and team matches. The present volume covers 1964 through 1967. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 1,204 tournament crosstables and 158 match scores. It is indexed by events and by players.