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Discusses how modernization and the birth of the nation state, with the concomitant impact of Western ideas, gave birth to a significantly different form of anti-Semitism in Romania. This type defined its national goals in a limited manner. That it did so would be critical in the 20th cent. for the survival of almost half a million Romanian Jews. Its unusual character would be hidden from view in most instances by a brutality of execution that has led observers over the course of the last hundred years or so to focus on the style rather than substance of what happened. The Romanians did not cooperate in the full execution of the Final Solution as the Nazis wanted and expected them to do. As they had done in the 19th cent., the Romanians attempted to counterpoise Great Power interests and thereby pursue their own self-interest whenever the Jewish Question came into play.
Despite the Holocaust's profound impact on the history of Eastern Europe, the communist regimes successfully repressed public discourse about and memory of this tragedy. Since the collapse of communism in 1989, however, this has changed. Not only has a wealth of archival sources become available, but there have also been oral history projects and interviews recording the testimonies of eyewitnesses who experienced the Holocaust as children and young adults. Recent political, social, and cultural developments have facilitated a more nuanced and complex understanding of the continuities and discontinuities in representations of the Holocaust. People are beginning to realize the significant rol...
Lucrarea reprezintă o sinteză apărută şi tipărită în două volume (vol. I – 2002 şi vol. II – 2004 şi) sub egida Editurii “Mica Valahie” din Bucureşti. Volumele, elaborate în temeiul unor documente descoperite în arhivele române şi străine, acoperă perioada de până la 1929 în primul volum şi perioada 1929-2005 în cel de-al doilea volum. În lucrare se relevă rolul şi locul petrolului românesc în derularea istoriei naţionale şi universale, mai ales pe parcursul conflagraţiei mondiale din 1939-1945 şi în desfăşurarea “războiului rece”. Volumul stăruie asupra perspectivelor evoluţiei problemei “aurului negru”. În anexe, se publică documente şi bibliografia completă a petrolului.
Modern Balkan history has traditionally been studied by national historians in terms of separate national histories taking place within bounded state territories. The authors in this volume take a different approach. They all seek to treat the modern history of the region from a transnational and relational perspective in terms of shared and connected, as well as entangled, histories, transfers and crossings. This goes along with an interest in the way ideas, institutions and techniques were selected, transferred and adapted to Balkan conditions and how they interacted with those conditions. The volume also invites reflection on the interacting entities in the very process of their creation and consecutive transformations rather than taking them as givens. Contributors include: Alexander Vezenkov, Constantin Iordachi, Raymond Detrez, Ronelle Alexander, Roumen Daskalov and Tchavdar Marinov.
Lucrarea reprezintă o sintază apărută şi tipărită în două volume (vol. I – 2002 şi vol. II – 2004 şi) sub egida Editurii “Mica Valahie” din Bucureşti. Volumele, elaborate în temeiul unor documente descoperite în arhivele române şi străine, acoperă perioada de până la 1929 în primul volum şi perioada 1929-2005 în cel de-al doilea volum. În lucrare se relevă rolul şi locul petrolului românesc în derularea istoriei naţionale şi universale, mai ales pe parcursul conflagraţiei mondiale din 1939-1945 şi în desfăşurarea “războiului rece”. Volumul stăruie asupra perspectivelor evoluţiei problemei “aurului negru”. În anexe, se publică documente şi bibliografia completă a petrolului.
Le processus d'union européenne voit aujourd'hui un point d'arrêt sur le plan politique et institutionnel, malgré les étapes décisives réalisées après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il reste en effet à affronter des thèmes et des problèmes qui, pendant l'entre-deux-guerres, animèrent le débat entre les pionniers de l'européanisme. Si, à l'époque, leurs propositions restèrent sans suite, ayant une issue destructrice pour la paix et l'Europe, cet héritage idéal si précieux a permis une continuité et de germer par la suite. Ce livre a pour but de présenter une série d'idées, d'initiatives, de programmes, qui entre les deux guerres entendirent promouvoir le maintien d'un ord...
Winner of the 2019 CEU Award for Outstanding Research This book documents the making of Romanian citizenship from 1750 to 1918 as a series of acts of national self-determination by the Romanians, as well as the emancipation of subordinated gender, social, and ethno-religious groups. It focuses on the progression of a sum of transnational “questions” that were at the heart of North-Atlantic, European, and local politics during the long nineteenth century, concerning the status of peasants, women, Greeks, Jews, Roma, Armenians, Muslims, and Dobrudjans. The analysis emphasizes the fusion between nationalism and liberalism, and the emancipatory impact national-liberalism had on the transitio...
Satellite Empire is an in-depth investigation of the political and social history of the area in southwestern Ukraine under Romanian occupation during World War II. Transnistria was the only occupied Soviet territory administered by a power other than Nazi Germany, a reward for Romanian participation in Operation Barbarossa. Vladimir Solonari's invaluable contribution to World War II history focuses on three main aspects of Romanian rule of Transnistria: with fascinating insights from recently opened archives, Solonari examines the conquest and delimitation of the region, the Romanian administration of the new territory, and how locals responded to the occupation. What did Romania want from ...
Culegerea de studii “Istoria romanilor de la Carol I la Nicolae Ceausescu” reprezinta o reusita sinteza a istoriei noastre pe o perioada de peste un secol, in care Romania a cunoscut diverse regimuri politice si avantul modernizarii, dar si o criza economica si doua razboaie mondiale devastatoare. In acest context economic si politic, romanii au reusit, pentru prima data in istoria lor zbuciumata, sa traiasca toti in granitele unui singur stat – Romania. Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Scurtu a reusit sa fixeze principalii piloni in evolutia istorica de la momentul Marii Uniri pana la regimul comunist al lui Nicolae Ceausescu. De asemenea, evidentiaza pozitia celor mai importante personalitati care au marcat aceasta perioada istorica cum ar fi: Carol I, Nicolae Iorga, Hitler, Constantin Argetoianu si Nicolae Ceausescu, dimpreuna cu pozitia Romaniei la conferintele si tratatele de pace care au avut loc in acest rastimp. Fiecare studiu este realizat cu un deosebit simt istoric si critic, exhaustiv din punct de vedere bibliografic si stiintific. De asemenea, cu fiecare din aceste studii, istoricul si dascalul vine sa completeze istoria romanilor pe perioada sus amintita.