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The years of Chancellors Dollfuss and Schuschnigg's authoritarian governments (1933/34-1938) have been denounced as "Austrofascism" from the left, or defended as a Christian corporate state ("Stondestaat") from the right. During this period, Austria was in a desperate struggle to maintain its national independence vis-o-vis Hitler's Germany, a struggle that ultimately failed. In the end, the Nazis invaded and annexed Austria (Anschluss"). Volume 11 of the Contemporary Austrian Studies series stays away from these heated historiographical debates and looks at economic, domestic, and international politics sine ira et studio. Timothy Kirk opens with an assessment of "Austrofascism" in light of...
Between the later middle ages and the eighteenth century, religious orders were in the vanguard of reform movements within the Christian church. Recent scholarship on medieval Europe has emphasised how mendicants exercised a significant influence on the religiosity of the laity by actually shaping their spirituality and piety. In a similar way for the early modern period, religious orders have been credited with disseminating Tridentine reform, training new clergy, gaining new converts and bringing those who had strayed back into the fold. Much about this process, however, still remains unknown, particularly with regards to east central Europe.Exploring the complex relationship between weste...
"Canonical theorists of sovereignty (Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) put the monopoly of power at the center of their definitions. These thinkers abstracted from western European experiences to universal norms. In the wake of their transformative contributions, states that did not fit the model appeared to be underdeveloped or deviant. Labels such as "provisional" or "irregular" rendered them irrelevant to theorizing and, worse, political problems that needed to be solved. One early "anomaly," says historian Natasha Wheatley, was the Habsburg Empire. Layered as it was with imperial, national, and regional sovereignty, its trajectory was not one of progress toward a unitary state. Instead, it e...
International journal for the application of formal methods to history.
The study of ethnology or ’Volkskunde’ in Austria had a somewhat murky reputation last century with prominent scholars carrying out dubious research on behalf of the National Socialist government. This volume examines this research, along with its political, sociological and cultural implications and sets it in context with an analysis of ethnology in Austria from the turn of the last century to the present.
Seit geraumer Zeit boomen nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum die Universitätsgeschichte im Allgemeinen und die Geschichte einzelner Fächer im Besonderen. Zur Historie des Faches Geschichte an den anderen Universitäten Österreichs existieren bereits Monographien, nicht hingegen für die »Hauptstadtuniversität« Wien. Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen die allmähliche Vermehrung und Spezialisierung der historischen Lehrstühle, Seminare und Institute seit dem letzten Viertel des 18., vor allem aber seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, sowie Leben, Werk und Wirkung der Professoren. Eigene Abschnitte sind darüber hinaus den Anfängen des Frauenstudiums, dem Akademischen Verein deutscher Histo...
Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts zeigten verschiedene Kriege, insbesondere der russisch-japanische Krieg 1904/05, welche Auswirkungen ein Seekrieg zwischen zwei industrialisierten Mächten haben konnte. Aus dem Bestreben, diese Art der Kriegführung berechenbarer zu gestalten, entwickelten sich internationale Debatten über das Seekriegsrecht, die es in dieser Intensität weder zu früheren noch zu späteren Zeiten gab. Ihren Höhepunkt fanden sie in zwei großen internationalen Konferenzen, der 2. Haager Friedenskonferenz 1907 sowie der Londoner Seekriegsrechtskonferenz 1908/09. Diese Debatten haben in der historischen Forschung bisher kaum Beachtung gefunden, obwohl oder gerade weil das Seekriegsrecht an der Nahtstelle dreier sensibler Bereich von Staatlichkeit liegt – es betrifft außenpolitische Beziehungen ebenso wie militärische Strategie und internationales Recht.