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This volume contains two Open Access chapters. Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory explores how manifestations of digital transformation requires rethinking of our understanding and theorization of institutional processes.
Documents artist Allan Keprow's life and work through an extensive chronology that visually portrays his evolution from painter to environmental artist to inventor of the Happening and the Activity.
Crusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) drawing together scholars working on war, theology, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history. It publishes both historical sources of the Crusades - narrative, homiletic and documentary - in European and oriental languages, and interpretative studies. Ashgate publishes this journal for The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East in both print and online editions, and the subscription price covers both. The print edition also incorporates the Society's Bulletin. The journal is available on-line via IngentaConnect: The on-line edition does not include the Society’s Bulletin.
Digital technologies change employees' working environments, methods and behaviours profoundly and are challenging employees' very personal beliefs, attitudes and identities. Digital mindsets provide insight into an individual's beliefs, attitudes and assumptions related to digitalisation. Strongly influencing employee behaviour, they play a major role in an organisation’s digital transformation. Building on research on mindsets, cognition and digitalisation, Ricarda Rauch analyses digital mindsets both conceptionally and empirically. Within one qualitative and two quantitative studies, she explores the personal meaning of digitalisation and derives four central digital mindsets. Her research helps to better understand the extent to which digitalisation impacts employees, explains their subsequent behaviour, and proposes beneficial employee development measures. The thesis reveals relevant implications for organisational researchers, HR practicioners and management alike.
Crusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and settlements from the Baltic to Africa and from Spain to the Near East and on theology, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history. Routledge publishes this journal for The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East. Particular attention is given to the publication of historical sources in all relevant languages - narrative, homiletic and documentary - in trustworthy editions, but studies and interpretative essays are welcomed too. Crusades appears in both print and online editions.
Can data science truly serve the public interest? Data-driven analysis shapes many interpersonal, consumer, and cultural experiences yet scientific solutions to social problems routinely stumble. All too often, predictions remain solely a technocratic instrument that sets financial interests against service to humanity. Amidst a growing movement to use science for positive change, Anne L. Washington offers a solution-oriented approach to the ethical challenges of data science. Ethical Data Science empowers those striving to create predictive data technologies that benefit more people. As one of the first books on public interest technology, it provides a starting point for anyone who wants h...
Armand Treffer untersucht die internationale personalstrategische Ausrichtung eines Automobilherstellers und zeigt auf der Basis qualitativ-empirisch hergeleiteter Hypothesen auf, welche Einflussparameter auf die internationale Mobilitätsbereitschaft von Stammhausmitarbeitern wirken. Dabei werden die identifizierten Einflussfaktoren differenziert und detailliert analysiert, indem die unterschiedlichen Mitarbeitergruppen und Geschäftsbereiche des Unternehmens betrachtet sowie komplexe Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen den Einflussvariablen erfasst werden.
Diese Open Access Publikation bündelt Ergebnisse aus der ersten Förderphase des interdisziplinären DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 2267 „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten“. Digitalisierung verändert Arbeit mit vielfältigen Konsequenzen für Arbeit(smarkt) und Qualifizierung. Wie dramatisch und grundsätzlich diese Veränderungen sind, wird seit Jahren kontrovers diskutiert und anwendungsbezogen erforscht. Das Schwerpunktprogramm nimmt die Veränderung der Arbeitsgesellschaft als Ganzes in den Blick – Geschichts-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften analysieren die vielschichtigen und widersprüchlichen Dynamiken als eine systemische Transformation. Leitend ist dabei die These von drei Bewegungsdynamiken: die Durchdringung (z.B. von digitalen Arbeitsprozessen), die Verfügbarmachung (z.B. von Daten über einzelne Arbeitshandlungen) und die Verselbständigung (z.B. von datengetriebenen Wertschöpfungsketten). Methodische Reflexionen zu Erfassbarkeit der Transformation runden den Band ab.