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The monumentality and the often rich embellishment of late antique buildings and monuments emphasises their importance to the patrons that commissioned them. However, the understanding and interpretation of the message conveyed may often be obtained through the study of the other important agent, namely the viewer. This book contains a collection of papers that focuses on the way patrons, pagan as well as Christian, conveyed messages through material and visual culture and on the reception by the viewers. The contributions investigate how patrons of luxurious buildings, elaborate grave monuments, and churches used architecture, images, and inscriptions to demonstrate political, social, and religious power. The visual arts were a strong factor in communicating identity and attitudes both in the public and private spheres also in Late Antiquity.
Places and spaces are key factors in how individuals and groups construct their identities. Identity theories have emphasised that the construction of an identity does not follow abstract and universal processes but is also deeply rooted in specific historical, cultural, social and material environments. The essays in this volume explore how various groups in Late Antiquity rooted their identity in special places that were imbued with meanings derived from history and tradition. In Part I, essays explore the tension between the Classical heritage in public, especially urban spaces, in the form of ancient artwork and civic celebrations and the Church's appropriation of that space through doct...
Shows how inscribed statue monuments and buildings embodied the multiple identities and memories of the Vedii and their city, Ephesos.
A groundbreaking ecocritical study that examines how ideas about the natural and built environment informed architectural and decorative trends of the Roman Late Republican and Early Imperial periods. Landscape emerged as a significant theme in the Roman Late Republican and Early Imperial periods. Writers described landscape in texts and treatises, its qualities were praised and sought out in everyday life, and contemporary perceptions of the natural and built environment, as well as ideas about nature and art, were intertwined with architectural and decorative trends. This illustrated volume examines how representations of real and depicted landscapes, and the merging of both in visual spac...
Drawing on discourses in the sociology and anthropology of space, the author presents an innovative new interpretation of pebble mosaic imagery as an active contributor to the ancient Greek symposium as a metaphorical experience.
Vom 24. bis 27. Oktober 2007 fand an der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ein vom Institut fur Kulturgeschichte veranstaltetes internationales Kolloquium uber "Stadtisches Wohnen im ostlichen Mittelmeerraum. 4. Jh. v. Chr. - 1. Jh. n. Chr." statt, dessen Akten nun gedruckt vorliegen. Das vorliegende Werk ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Akkulturation des ostlichen Mittelmeerraums im ausgehenden Hellenismus sowie in der fruhen romischen Kaiserzeit. Unter Berucksichtung verschiedenster Einzelaspekte sowie einer breiten geographischen Streuung wurden Phanomene gegenseitiger kultureller Beeinflussung romischer und hellenistisch-griechischer Elemente sowie regionale Eigenheiten diskutier...
New Directions and Paradigms for the Study of Greek Architecture comprises 20 chapters by nearly three dozen scholars who describe recent discoveries, new theoretical frameworks, and applications of cutting-edge techniques in their architectural research. The contributions are united by several broad themes that represent the current directions of study in the field, i.e.: the organization and techniques used by ancient Greek builders and designers; the use and life history of Greek monuments over time; the communication of ancient monuments with their intended audiences together with their reception by later viewers; the mining of large sets of architectural data for socio-economic inference; and the recreation and simulation of audio-visual experiences of ancient monuments and sites by means of digital technologies.
Die Niedersächsische Akademie in Göttingen hat 1990 im Rahmen des Akademienprogramms ein schon seit 1974 bestehendes Projekt zur Edition byzantinischer Rechtsquellen unter Leitung von Dieter Simon übernommen. Zu seinem Abschluss Ende 2021 fand in Sofia ein Kolloquium statt, das von der Niedersächsischen und der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ausgerichtet wurde, und dessen Akten hier vorliegen. Ziel der Beiträge war es, nicht nur Editionsmethoden, die im Verlaufe des Projekts durchgeführt wurden, zu demonstrieren, sondern auch das byzantinische zivile und kanonische Recht im Rahmen auswärtiger Rechtssysteme, insbesondere slavischer und muslimischer Länder, zu positionieren. Eine Darstellung finden zudem epigraphische Rechtsquellen, die Rolle der platonischen Gesetze in Byzanz und die Bedeutung des Rechts im Rahmen der Medizin. Die zwanzig Beiträge in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache betonen, neben speziellen Fachfragen, auch die Rolle des Rechts insgesamt als kulturgeschichtlicher Faktor in Byzanz, den Balkanstaaten, Osteuropa und der angrenzenden islamischen Welt im Mittelalter.
Cityscapes consist of houses, streets, civic buildings, sanctuaries, tombs, monuments, and inscriptions created by multiple generations of citizens and foreigners with an interest in the city; they are interpreted and reinterpreted as expressions of past lives, changing relations of power, memories, and various identities. The present volume publishes 25 contributions written by scholars specializing in the history and archaeology of western Asia Minor. New and well-known material – literary, epigraphical, numismatic, and archaeological – is presented and analyzed through the twin lenses of memory and identity. The contributions cover more than 1000 years of cultural diversity during cha...
Der seit 1971 erscheinende Chiron gehört zu den international verbreitetsten althistorischen Zeitschriften. Er publiziert wissenschaftliche Studien aus dem Gebiet der Alten Geschichte im weitesten Sinne, also von der mykenischen bis hin zur frühbyzantinischen Epoche und von der Veröffentlichung bedeutender Neufunde aus dem Bereich der Grundlagenwissenschaften bis hin zu wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen und -theoretischen Studien.