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The 8th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 206

The 8th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics

Libro de abstracts del congreso celebrado en Santander en junio de 2013.

River Flow 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2459

River Flow 2020

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-08-27
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Rivers form one of the lifelines in our society by providing essential services such as availability of fresh water, navigation, energy, ecosystem services, and flood conveyance. Because of this essential role, mankind has interfered continuously in order to benefit most and at the same time avoid adverse consequences such as flood risk and droughts. This has resulted in often highly engineered rivers with a narrow set of functions. In the last decades rivers are increasingly considered in a more holistic manner as a system with a multitude of interdependent processes. River research and engineering has therefore added to the river fundamentals also themes like ecohydraulics, consequences of...

River Flow 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2422

River Flow 2020

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-08-26
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Rivers form one of the lifelines in our society by providing essential services such as availability of fresh water, navigation, energy, ecosystem services, and flood conveyance. Because of this essential role, mankind has interfered continuously in order to benefit most and at the same time avoid adverse consequences such as flood risk and droughts. This has resulted in often highly engineered rivers with a narrow set of functions. In the last decades rivers are increasingly considered in a more holistic manner as a system with a multitude of interdependent processes. River research and engineering has therefore added to the river fundamentals also themes like ecohydraulics, consequences of...

Cuentos sabios de mi abuelo Jeremías
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 101

Cuentos sabios de mi abuelo Jeremías

Cuando vivimos una época en la que el niño, a través de distintos medios divulgativos y otros factores vivenciales, recibe un constante bombardeo perjudicial para su desarrollo sensorio-psíquico-afectivo, los que nos decidimos a escribir para niños deberíamos tener muy presentes las siguientes consideraciones: - El niño debe seguir siendo niño en todo momento, y como tal hay que tratarle y considerarle. - Frente a influencias y modismos que contribuyen negativamente a su desarrollo personal, como son la exaltación de la competitividad, la violencia, el materialismo, la acumulación de cosas, objetos, etc., tenemos la obligación de inculcarle otros valores, que en todos los estadios...

Almas Blancas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 114

Almas Blancas

¿DE DÓNDE? Del olivo la aceituna, y de la zarza la mora. De mamá son las caricias, de la mañana la aurora. De la nube el aguacero, del monte flor y romero, y del amor un "te quiero".

Como el enebro y la niebla
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 161

Como el enebro y la niebla

ENEBRO Pies en el suelo, árbol y zarza. Espina, moho, manta y visera. Refugio, luz, escarcha, sombra. Pobre, pequeño, guarida humilde. Enebro que acunas voces blancas de flores chaparreras y guardas la mía bronca bajo sábanas de seda verde... NIEBLA Humo de niebla suspendido en gotas de lágrimas. No dejas ver, ni dices de donde vienes. Cuando te vas... arrastras contigo mis penas.

Antonio Chavarrías
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 226

Antonio Chavarrías

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: Unknown

El cineasta de l'ombra Director, guionista i productor, Antonio Chavarrías ha tingut sempre la quotidianitat en el punt de mira, encara que la seva filmografia vagi de la mà de morts poc accidentals i crims més propis del cinema negre. El títol de la seva opera prima, Una ombra al jardí, resumia aquest esperit dual, contradictori només a primera vista, que ha marcat la seva filmografia. Els seus personatges, de pel·lícules que van de Manila a Susanna, de Volverás a Las vidas de Celia o Dictado, han seguit jugant amb foc sota l'atenta mirada d'un cineasta a la recerca constant de la veritat en la llum, el so i el rostre de l'actor. Director inquiet, Chavarrías estrena pel·lícula pensant ja en la següent i ho compagina amb una intensa activitat com a productor que deixa oberta la porta d'aquest llibre a unes quantes pàgines més.

Rosana. La rosa crece rodeada de espinas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 164

Rosana. La rosa crece rodeada de espinas

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000-02-01
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  • Publisher: Palabra

La vida, como una rosa, despide un aroma maravilloso; y como a ella, también la rodean espinas y sufrimientos.

Medical Data Analysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 322

Medical Data Analysis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-08-06
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  • Publisher: Springer

The 2nd International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis (ISMDA 2001) was the continuation of the successful ISMDA 2000, a conference held in Fra- furt, Germany, in September 2000. The ISMDA conferences were conceived to integrate interdisciplinary research from scienti?c ?elds such as statistics, s- nal processing, medical informatics, data mining, and biometrics for biomedical data analysis. A number of academic and professional people from those ?elds, including computer scientists, statisticians, physicians, engineers, and others, - alized that new approaches were needed to apply successfully all the traditional techniques, methods, and tools of data analysis to medicine. ISMDA 2001, as ...

Southwestern Pottery
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

Southwestern Pottery

  • Categories: Art

When this book first appeared in 1996, it was “Pottery 101,” a basic introduction to the subject. It served as an art book, a history book, and a reference book, but also fun to read, beautiful to look at, and filled with good humor and good sense. After twenty years of faithful service, it’s been expanded and brought up-to-date with photographs of more than 1,600 pots from more than 1,600 years. It shows every pottery-producing group in the Southwest, complete with maps that show where each group lives. Now updated, rewritten, and re-photographed, it's a comprehensive study as well as a basic introduction to the art.