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A presente obra tem o mérito de apresentar a espiritualidade cristã enquanto busca da santidade como processo de abertura progressiva à ação de Deus e reconfiguração da vida humana à sua plenitude: a imago Dei. Trabalha, em perspectiva católica, a vocação espiritual específica dos fiéis leigos, os quais, por sua índole secular, são a Igreja no coração do mundo e o mundo no coração da Igreja – inserção nas realidades temporais e instauração no mundo do Regnum Dei –, prescindindo, assim, de uma fuga mundi e fazendo ver a necessidade de um aprofundamento da compreensão acerca da espiritualidade laical. Os tria munera Eclesiae – múnus sacerdotal, profético e régio – são exercidos de modo peculiar pelos fiéis leigos, enquanto, pelo batismo, são membros do povo de Deus e sujeitos ativos da ação evangelizadora da Igreja. A presente obra constitui uma contribuição importante nesse tema tão relevante na atualidade! Prof. Dr. Tiago de Fraga Gomes Coordenador do PPG em Teologia da PUCRS Perito da Comissão para a Doutrina da Fé da CNBB
A missão da Igreja é comunicar a mensagem e a graça do Espírito para que os homens participem da redenção de Jesus Cristo. Da palavra e da graça da salvação, decorrem luz e forças para a promoção da dignidade da pessoa humana, a transformação da sociedade e a ordenação da criação a Deus. A obra propõe uma reflexão teológica e pastoral sobre a identidade da vocação dos fiéis cristãos leigos, à luz da eclesiologia de comunhão orgânica. O fiel cristão leigo é compreendido como o sujeito eclesial que segue Jesus Cristo no caminho do reino de Deus mediante o exercício das suas atividades seculares a partir de dentro das realidades temporais, nas quais está inserido e pelas quais constitui a sua existência (cf. LG 31).
A presente coletânea busca trazer ao público a riqueza dos elementos que conformam a rica história do constitucionalismo brasileiro, reunindo visões e interpretações muito diversas entre si sobre os desafios, dilemas e paradoxos da experiência constitucional nacional. Com as comemorações do 200 anos de independência do Brasil, impõe-se a necessidade de revisitar os infidáveis temas que cercam a experiência de desenvolvimento nacional. Não se trata de uma tarefa fácil, e as lacunas são evidentes no plano da historiografia jurídica. Tem-se aqui, pois, uma singela contribuição no sentido de angariar esforços para auxiliar na compreensão dos problemas e das idiossincrasias do Brasil, buscando-se repensar suas instituições, tradições e seus conceitos.
Widely considered the greatest genius of all time, Albert Einstein revolutionised our understanding of the cosmos with his general theory of relativity and helped to lead us into the atomic age. Yet in the final decades of his life he was also ignored by most working scientists, his ideas opposed by even his closest friends. This stunning downfall can be traced to Einstein's earliest successes and to personal qualities that were at first his best assets. Einstein's imagination and self-confidence served him well as he sought to reveal the universe's structure, but when it came to newer revelations in the field of quantum mechanics, these same traits undermined his quest for the ultimate truth. David Bodanis traces the arc of Einstein's intellectual development across his professional and personal life, showing how Einstein's confidence in his own powers of intuition proved to be both his greatest strength and his ultimate undoing. He was a fallible genius. An intimate and enlightening biography of the celebrated physicist, Einstein's Greatest Mistake reveals how much we owe Einstein today - and how much more he might have achieved if not for his all-too-human flaws.
"Brazil was the leading world producer of gold and of diamonds between the mid-18th century and the mid-19th century. At the present time, it is the leading world producer of iron ore, tin and niobium, and an important producer of manganese, aluminium, silicon, tantalum, rare earths, graphite, magnesite and countless other ores.....Brazil is the leading world producer of tourmaline (of all colors), of quartz (colorless, rutilated, amethyst and agate), of beryl (aquamarine, morganite and heliodore, and the second ranking world producer of emerald), of topaz (imperial, blue and colorless), alexandrite, euclase, phenakite and many others" INTRODUCTION.
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of John Paul II.
This book provides postgraduate trainees with 50 real clinical cardiology cases. Divided into fourteen sections, several cases are presented under each category covering various disorders of the cardiac system, including congenital heart diseases, aortic valve diseases, pulmonary diseases, ECG abnormalities, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease and much more. Beginning with a brief history and findings based on physical examination, each case then includes analytical discussion on bedside investigations and proposals for treatment. Authored by a recognised expert in the field, this practical book is highly illustrated with echocardiographic, radiographic and electrocardiographic data. Key points Presents 50 real clinical cardiology cases Covers numerous disorders of the cardiac system Authored by recognised cardiologist Includes more than 217 images, illustrations and tables
500 Cookies truly is the only cookie compendium you'll ever need. With this second edition, home cooks will find 150 scrumptious new receipes that are sure to be crowd pleasers. New recipes include tasty ingredient combinations such as Peanut butter amp; Praline Chunk Swirl cookies, Chocolate amp; Lemon Pinwheel Cookies, and Coconut amp; Cherry Macaroons.
The Stones of Rome reveals the hidden thoughts of a Sovereign Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance. Between what a Chief of State thinks and does, space and time intervene, shrouded in ambiguities and contradictions that the machinery of government does not always record. This novel intersperses confidential accounts of an agnostic humanist who exposes himself as a man as he rises to become the Pope. He is the man behind the curtain of unquestionable religious power. The dwarf Serapica, knowledgeable of Latin and Greek, would have been the custodian of the secrets, confidential revelations, regrets and loves that his master and lord, Giovani de Medici - Pope Leo X - shared with his most intimate friends, Raphael and Michelangelo. The novel is based on fragments of the life of the first Florentine pope, restless, indecisive, a patron of art and literature.