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Preparando-se para o Debate: PCH e CGH é um Guia Prático sobre Hidrelétricas e uma ferramenta indispensável para àqueles impactados pela construção de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs) e para qualquer pessoa interessada no tema. Com 133 perguntas e respostas objetivas, este guia busca facilitar a compreensão e preparar os leitores para participarem de debates efetivos, especialmente durante as audiências públicas. Abordando questões ambientais, sociais e econômicas de forma imparcial, o livro visa proporcionar transparência aos projetos e otimizar o tempo dos debates. Ao antecipar dúvidas comuns e oferecer informações embasadas em pesquisas documentais, esta obra promove uma maior interação e entendimento do assunto. Alinhado com as recomendações do Plano Nacional de Energia 2050, este guia destina-se a todos os interessados no planejamento e implantação de hidrelétricas em todo o Brasil.
Trata-se da terceira publicação organizada pela União Brasileira da Advocacia Ambiental – UBAA, na qual seus associados trazem apontamentos e considerações acerca dos dez anos de vigência da Lei Federal nº 12.651/12, que protege toda a vegetação nativa do nosso país, mais popularmente conhecida como o Código Florestal. O título da obra é sugestivo: “10 anos do Código Florestal: o que temos a comemorar?” Dentro deste contexto, surge a oportunidade de avaliação de novas perspectivas sobre os clássicos temas de áreas de preservação permanente – APP e reserva legal. Além disso, são trazidos temas atuais inseridos na perspectiva do Código, como ESG, o mercado de carbono e o pagamento por serviços ambientais. A UBAA ratifica a sua intenção de consolidar doutrina qualificada em busca de uma melhor interpretação do Direito Ambiental brasileiro e a publicação tem esse propósito. Ainda que a tarefa seja complexa, se mostra confiante na concretização de sua missão, justificada pela participação dos melhores profissionais da matéria em seu quadro de associados.
Sob a coordenação da especialista Daniela Giacobbo, esta obra aborda a complexa interseção entre segurança e transição energética em tempos de eventos climáticos extremos. Em um contexto marcado pelas recentes enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul, que afetaram severamente a infraestrutura energética, o livro destaca a importância da resiliência e eficiência no setor elétrico. Com capítulos que exploram desde a prestação eficiente de serviços públicos e governança sustentável até a complementaridade das fontes de energia, a obra discute descarbonização, inovação tecnológica, infraestrutura e desafios socioambientais com profundidade. Segurança & Transição Energética – Tomo III é uma leitura essencial para profissionais e acadêmicos que buscam entender e contribuir para um futuro energético sustentável, resiliente e eficiente. Com artigos de excelência, a obra oferece uma visão abrangente e detalhada, tornando-se uma referência indispensável no estudo e prática da transição energética.
"Superbly conceptualises and contextualises social justice in and for our global age. The stellar cast of sociologists connect concepts to practices and outline the challenges we face, as well as providing necessary responses." Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, University of Sussex" A collection of brilliant essays by international scholar-activists, examining concepts and practices from diverse contexts." Mary Romero, Professor of Justice Studies and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University "An excellent set of chapters bringing to the fore new perspectives on the social injustices and inequalities facing a world in crisis." Kammila Naidoo, Professor of Sociology, University of Johannesburg By using contextual global sociology, Sociology and Social Justice explores: Historic and contemporary sites and contexts around the world Sociological insights on topics ranging from social movements, to cyber space. International struggles, processes, and outcomes Written by distinguished international scholars, this is an essential text for those looking at issues of: Human Rights, Public Sociology, Democratization, Gender, and Globalization.
It is said that for every naturally occurring ailment, there is a naturally occurring remedy. So many people are in the process of finding earth friendly practices to help improve the health of the planet. Incorporating herbs into your life can benefit both the earth, and your body, this book provides a path to taking control of your own health, even growing beneficial plants in your own back yard. If you are familiar with using herbs or are discovering them for the first time; Herbs To Help you Heal can give you the information you need at a glance to make smart and informed choices.
This paper provides estimates of output multipliers for spending in clean energy and biodiversity conservation, as well as for spending on non-ecofriendly energy and land use activities. Using a new international dataset, we find that every dollar spent on key carbon-neutral or carbon-sink activities can generate more than a dollar’s worth of economic activity. Although not all green and non-ecofriendly expenditures in the dataset are strictly comparable due to data limitations, estimated multipliers associated with spending on renewable and fossil fuel energy investment are comparable, and the former (1.1-1.5) are larger than the latter (0.5-0.6) with over 90 percent probability. These findings survive several robustness checks and lend support to bottom-up analyses arguing that stabilizing climate and reversing biodiversity loss are not at odds with continuing economic advances.
Sheds new light on Native Life appearing at a critical historical juncture, and reflects on how to read it in South Africa’s heightened challenges today. First published in 1916, Sol Plaatje's Native Life in South Africa was written by one of the South Africa's most talented early twentieth-century black leaders and journalists. Plaatje's pioneering book arose out of an early African National Congress campaign to protest against the discriminatory 1913 Natives Land Act. Native Life vividly narrates Plaatje's investigative journeying into South Africa's rural heartlands to report on the effects of the Act and his involvement in the deputation to the British imperial government. At the same ...
The twenty-first century is a world in constant change. In A New Culture of Learning, Doug Thomas and John Seely Brown pursue an understanding of how the forces of change, and emerging waves of interest associated with these forces, inspire and invite us to imagine a future of learning that is as powerful as it is optimistic. Typically, when we think of culture, we think of an existing, stable entity that changes and evolves over long periods of time. In A New Culture, Thomas and Brown explore a second sense of culture, one that responds to its surroundings organically. It not only adapts, it integrates change into its process as one of its environmental variables. By exploring play, innovat...
According to most studies, allergic reactions represent 35%-50% of all untoward reactions to drugs, yet the pharmacological literature concerning the clinical aspects, diagnosis, and pathophysiological mechanisms of drug allergy is markedly less extensive than reports dealing with the toxicological or pharmacological effects of drugs. The main reasons for this state of affairs may be on the one hand that until a few years ago the pathophysiological mechanisms of the various types of allergic reactions were not well understood, and on the other hand that objective diagnosis of a drug allergy is still fraught with serious difficulties. Drug allergy is still an unpopular topic for most allergol...