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This is the first book dedicated to clarifying the concept of “foundlings” and how to best prevent their statelessness in light of the object and purpose of Article 2 of the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and equivalent nationality law provisions. Among other features, the book defines the terms “foundling,” including the maximum age limit of the child to be considered a “foundling”; “unknown parents”; being “found” in a territory; and “proof to the contrary”; as well as the procedural issues such as the appropriate burden and standard of proof. In doing so, the book draws upon a comparative analysis of national legislation on “foundlings” co...
Exploring the external impact of the Court of Justice of the European Union, this book delves into the influence its judgments have outside EU borders and particularly on the legal systems of countries in the European neighbourhood. A team of scholars from non-EU countries provided analysis and insight into this project.
The book identifies the impact of misinformation in the context of referenda. While the notion of misinformation is at the centre of current events and is the subject of several studies, it has rarely been addressed in the context of referenda or from a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective. This book fills this gap. Different legal orders have been chosen because of their extensive referendum practices (California and Switzerland); a recent legislative process on the issue of misinformation (Germany, France, and Canada); or recent experience with a vote during which it was considered that false information had been disseminated (Brexit, Catalan independence, and Italian constitution...
This volume addresses the major questions surrounding a concept that has become ubiquitous in the media and in civil society as well as in political and economic discourses in recent years, and which is demanded with increasing frequency: transparency. How can society deal with increasing and often diverging demands and expectations of transparency? What role can different political and civil society actors play in processes of producing, or preventing, transparency? Where are the limits of transparency and how are these boundaries negotiated? What is the relationship of transparency to processes of social change, as well as systems of social surveillance and control? Engaging with transparency as an interrelated product of law, politics, economics and culture, this interdisciplinary volume explores the ambiguities and contradictions, as well as the social and political dilemmas, that the age of transparency has unleashed. As such it will appeal to researchers across the social sciences and humanities with interests in politics, history, sociology, civil society, citizenship, public policy, criminology and law.
The volume presents seven contributions which analyse two different progressive complex developments of European law: the legal challenges of adherence to the internal market without membership in the European Union in a comparative view of Norway (EEA) and Switzerland ("Bilateral Agreements"), and the legal answers to the financial and/or budgetary crisis and challenges in Europe. The common denominator of both subjects is the raising complexity of European law.--
The Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, edited by the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, is an indispensable record of the development and impact of the world’s oldest binding international human rights treaty. It reviews the implementation of the Convention both by the European Court of Human Rights and by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, responsible for supervising the application of the Court’s judgments in the member states. The Yearbook includes: Full text of any new protocols to the Convention as they are opened for signature, together with the state of signatures and ratifications. Full listing of Court judgments; judgments broken d...
La conception de la famille a énormément évolué depuis le 1er janvier 1978, date à laquelle notre actuel droit de l'établissement de la filiation est entré en vigueur. Les causes de cette évolution sont multiples : augmentation de la proportion de parents non mariés ou divorcés, progression des droits de la communauté LGBTQI+ et développement des techniques de procréation médicalement assistée. Malgré ces changements, le droit de l'établissement de la filiation est resté en grande partie inchangé depuis 45 ans. La doctrine et une partie de la société civile réclament aujourd'hui une mise à jour en profondeur de ce droit, notamment s'agissant de l'établissement de la f...
Redefining EU Membership examines the issue of Membership within the European Union (EU) today by focusing on differentiation in and outside the EU. The Treaty on European Union unequivocally declares that the contracting parties are the Member States of the EU. However, a closer examination casts some doubt of the unitary status of Member States, or at least suggests that the concept requires nuancing. Whilst diversity, and to some extent differentiation, have been part and parcel of the European integration process since its inception, Redefining EU Membership proposes that, considering several developments, a new reflection on membership within the EU and on differentiation in and outside...
Seit dem Erscheinen der 1. Auflage des Kommentars haben zahlreiche Regelungsbereiche des Ausländer- und Integrationsgesetzes weitreichende und umfassende Änderungen erfahren. Dazu gehören unter anderem die Bestimmungen über die Integration und jene über die vorläufige Aufnahme. Hinzu kommen bedeutende und für die Praxis tiefgreifende Änderungen und Anpassungen von Bestimmungen des Ausländer- und Integrationsgesetzes im Zusammenhang mit der Annahme von Volksinitiativen (Masseneinwanderungsinitiative, Ausschaffungsinitiative), politischen Vorstössen (z.B. die Bedeutung von Sozialhilfebezug für den Widerruf von Bewilligungen und die Möglichkeit der Rückstufung) sowie schengenrechtl...