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Vitor da Fonseca
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 218

Vitor da Fonseca

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-22
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  • Publisher: Wak

Vitor da Fonseca é considerado um dos grandes pensadores da humanidade, possivelmente o maior epistemólogo da Psicomotricidade. Sua influência na formação de profissionais pelo mundo é considerável, mas sua conexão com os brasileiros é impressionante! Desde suas primeiras obras, Vitor ultrapassou as fronteiras de sua terra natal Portugal e conectou-se com diversos países! Contudo, no Brasil, o autor atingiu profissionais com os quais desenvolveu mais que uma coesão, uma comunhão. Influenciou em nossas formações profissionais e pessoais, entusiasmou novas conquistas e, consequentemente, nos convidou a evoluir! VITOR DA FONSECA – cognição, motricidade, emoção e afetividade é uma homenagem de todos nós, brasileiros, a Vitor da Fonseca! Um mergulho em sua teoria, descrita por meios das áreas de atuação de diversos profissionais renomados, sejam eles da saúde ou da educação.

Educação especial: em direção à educação inclusiva
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 280

Educação especial: em direção à educação inclusiva

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: EDIPUCRS


Manual de observación psicomotriz
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 398

Manual de observación psicomotriz

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1998
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  • Publisher: INDE

El presente texto llama la atención por tres aspectos. En primer lugar, el enfoque del cual se parte para analizar los factores que componen la Psicomotricidad; en segundo lugar, el análisis que se realiza de cada uno de esos factores; y por último, pero no por ello menos importante, el baremo que se aplica para valorar cada uno de estos elementos y que componen la Batería de Observación Psicomotora. Partir de los descubrimientos de Luria, en lo que respecta a las tres unidades funcionales del cerebro y ubicar en ellas los factores psicomotrices, nos parece un nuevo y profundo planteamiento para entender con rigor científico qué implica la psicomotricidad en el desarrollo del ser humano. Nos parece un libro sumamente interesante para todos los profesionales que trabajan con la motricidad humana porque ayuda a comprender toda la complejidad del funcionamiento de nuestro cerebro y cómo se manifiesta al exterior en la denominada conducta psicomotora. Libro de texto imprescindible para las disciplinas de Educación Física, Psicomotricidad o Educación en general.

Teoria do jogo
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 206

Teoria do jogo


Psicomotricidade Otimizando as Relacoes Humanas
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 204

Psicomotricidade Otimizando as Relacoes Humanas


Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, The: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, And Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings Of The Mg16 Meeting On General Relativity (In 4 Volumes)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 4880

Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, The: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, And Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings Of The Mg16 Meeting On General Relativity (In 4 Volumes)

The proceedings of MG16 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 46 plenary presentations, 3 public lectures, 5 round tables and 81 parallel sessions arranged during the intense six-day online meeting. All talks were recorded and are available on the ICRANet YouTube channel at the following link: www.icranet.org/video_mg16.These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many contributions made at the meeting. They contain 383 papers, among which 14 come from the plenary sessions.The material represented in these proceedings cover the fol...

International Conference on Social, Education and Management Engineering
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 589

International Conference on Social, Education and Management Engineering

SEME2014 is a convention which aims at calling for people’s attention to the improvements of education environments and providing excellent researchers from the world an opportunity to present their creative and inspiring ideas. The wide range of topics for SEME2014 includes social research like social network analysis, social system dynamics and area studies, education science and technology like higher education, teaching theory, multimedia teaching and lifelong teaching, management science and engineering like management theory, decision analysis and economics management etc. SEME2014 holds the advance and improvement of Social, Education and Management Engineering as its earnest purpose. And to achieve this goal, experts and scholars of excellence in their domains are invited to present their latest and inspiring works. All the attendees will gain great benefits both on his academic ability and personal experience.

National Union Catalog
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1032

National Union Catalog

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1983
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Includes entries for maps and atlases.

Origins of Mind
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Origins of Mind

The big question of how and why mindedness evolved necessitates collaborative, multidisciplinary investigation. Biosemiotics provides a new conceptual space that attracts a multitude of thinkers in the biological and cognitive sciences and the humanities who recognize continuity in the biosphere from the simplest to the most complex organisms, and who are united in the project of trying to account for even language and human consciousness in this comprehensive picture of life. The young interdiscipline of biosemiotics has so far by and large focused on codes, signs and sign processes in the microworld—a fact that reflects the field’s strong representation in microbiology and embryology. What philosophers of mind and cognitive scientists can contribute to the growing interdiscipline are insights into how the biosemiotic weltanschauung applies to complex organisms like humans where such signs and sign processes constitute human society and culture.

Football and Fascism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 312

Football and Fascism

Football and Fascism. The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal tells the hidden history of football and discusses its political, social and cultural foundations, during the longest running authoritarian regime in Europe. Theoretically grounded on Bourdieu’s field theory, and using a multi-scalar methodology, this award-winning research explores the political tensions between the nationalization of sports envisaged by the Portuguese “New State” and the integration of national football in a globalized urban popular culture. Mobilizing unexplored archival sources, and a wide array of primary materials, this groundbreaking work offers new insight on the administrative structures of the ...