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"The Fourth Edition of Industrial Water Quality provides the technical methods, latest information, and current regulations necessary to conceive, design, and operate industrial pollution control facilities - either as an upgrade or as newly developed industrial complex. Advanced technologies are included as well as updated approaches to control, troubleshoot, and solve the complex issues of managing industrial wastewaters and residuals."--BOOK JACKET.
Contents: Process Theory Kinetics and Sludge Quality Control: Activated Sludge Process - Process Theory - Activated Sludge Separation Problems - References Activated Sludge Treatment of Municipal Wastewater U.S.A. Practice: General Approach - Clarifier Design - Aeration Tank (Reactor) Design - Appurtenance Design - Configurations - ReferencesEurope
In the past, industrial wastewater treatment primarily focused on the removal of BOD and suspended solids. In recent years, however, the focus has changed to aquatic toxicity, priority pollutants, and volatile organics. This required changes in how we design and operate biological treatment plants. Many existing plants must be retrofitted. New approaches to meet new requirements are discussed in detail. The authors, with a combined experience of sixty years, have presented case studies for a wide variety of industrial wastewaters including pulp and paper, food processing, chemical and pharmaceuticals, and textile wastewaters. Data interpretation and process design are developed through the use of seventeen examples. Procedures for the laboratory and pilot plant generation of process design data are presented. Emphasis is placed on meeting the many new regulations governing industrial wastewater discharges.
FROM THE INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, industrial water pollution control has undergone vast changes. Public Law 92-500 passed in 1972 primarily targeted conventional pollutants such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended solids and as a result wastewater treatment plants were designed to meet these objectives. In recent years volatile organics, priority pollutants, aquatic toxicity and some heavy metals have received attention in specific industrial effluents. In some cases nitrogen and phosphorus will have specific effluent limitations. If the wastewater contains volatile organics such as benzene or toluene, these organics must be removed prior to biological treatment or bas...
Recent legislation and more stringent effluent criteria are placing increased emphasis on effective water quality management. The past few years have seen increased emphasis on research and development into both conventional wastewa ter treatment processes as well as new and advanced technology. The purpose of this book is to present a concise summary of present theory, with emphasis on the application of that theory to both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment problems. This book, in large measure, is an updating of the author's previous books, Biological Waste Treatment, published by Pergaman Press, Industrial Water Pollution Control, published by McGraw-Hill, Water Quality Engine...
As requirements for high quality wastewater effluent increase, quantities of sludge generated also increase. Contaminants removed from wastewater concentrate in the sludge and can represent serious environmental insult and health effects if not properly managed. The cost of sludge handling can be estimated to constitute as much as 50% of the cost of wastewater treatment. If properly managed, however, sludge may be considered a resource of value. Unfortunately, very little attention in the scientific commu nity has been given the sludge dilemma either in research or in practice. Sludge properties are presently characterized in various ways which do not permit rational design and operation of ...
Among the challenges to mankind, few are more critical than the need to protect the environment. The rapid increase in population, coupled with the enormous rate on industrialization had a negative effect on the realization of this goal. As a result, the environ ment (water, air and earth) has been deteriorating more and more every day. It is only with the proper treatment of the wastes which are produced by man and his activities, that this deteriora tion can be stopped. Wastewater, is a major polluter of the environment. Although in many areas, science and technology has reached a level capable of preventing pollution, the reduction has not been realized for two reasons: (a) Lack of communication and transfer of knowledge to the desired extend between engineers and scientists, (b) Economic reasons. Good knowledge of the Biological Wastewater Treatment pro cesses is essential to overcome the economic handicaps. Because of that the improvement and dissemination of knowledge in this field was selected as the goal of the NATO - Advanced Study Insti tute held in Istanbul in July 1976. The lectures presented at this meeting have been compiled in the present volume.
Applications of New Concepts of Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment deals with novel concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment, with particular reference to their engineering applications. Topics covered range from ultrahigh rate filtration of municipal wastewater to the applicability of carbon adsorption in the treatment of petrochemical wastewaters, along with regeneration of activated carbon and dewatering of physical-chemical sludges. Comprised of 31 chapters, this volume begins with a discussion on the use of physical-chemical methods for the treatment of municipal wastes and for direct wastewater treatment. The following chapters focus on the interrelationships between biol...
This book presents the basic principles for evaluating water quality and treatment plant performance in a clear, innovative and didactic way, using a combined approach that involves the interpretation of monitoring data associated with (i) the basic processes that take place in water bodies and in water and wastewater treatment plants and (ii) data management and statistical calculations to allow a deep interpretation of the data. This book is problem-oriented and works from practice to theory, covering most of the information you will need, such as (a) obtaining flow data and working with the concept of loading, (b) organizing sampling programmes and measurements, (c) connecting laboratory ...