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Completely updated and expanded, this Third Edition of The Law of Fundraisingis the ONLY book to tackle the increasingly complex maze of federal and state fundraising regulations. Written by one of the country's few legal experts on fundraising laws pertaining to tax-exempt organizations, this comprehensive reference details federal and state laws with an emphasis on administrative, tax, and constitutional law. Exploring compliance issues, prospective laws, and regulatory trends, this authoritative resource also provides you with summaries of each state's Charitable Contribution Solicitation Act, the most important regulation impacting fundraising practice and professionals within each state. This essential guide is filled with a wealth of tables of cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements, an IRS checklist for monitoring charitable fundraising, and sample IRS forms. In addition, The Law of Fundraisingis supplemented annually to keep you on top of all of the latest nonprofit and fundraising legal developments.
"Fundraising Fundamentals is a practical and valuable resource forfundraising professionals, trustees, philanthropists, and nonprofitexecutives who aspire to raise substantial monies for worthycauses. I have utilized Jim Greenfield's literature in variousfundraising courses . . . my students have benefited from thetheory and substance that Jim so clearly conveys along withreal-life models that can be applied to their respectiveorganizations." -Stephen M. Levy, CFRE, President of Levy PhilanthropicCounsel Former Chair of the Association of Professionals FoundationBoard Adjunct Professor of Philanthropy, Columbia University Proven methods and techniques for running a successful annualgiving ca...
Nonprofit managers have been slow to embrace the digital age.Although technology has transformed the face of the for-profitsector and how it operates, nonprofit use of technology to improveinternal functioning and to change the way services are deliveredis almost nonexistent. These limitations actually have opened thedoor for for-profits to "compete" successfully for traditionalnonprofit business, such as moving people from welfare towork. is both a call to action and a roadmap forchange. Each chapter defines an element of Dynamic Management andidentifies "digital hotspots" or places within that element, andthe nonprofit's implementation of that element, where digitalissues will most likely arise and need to be addressed. Inaddition, at the end of each chapter, Maxims of Dynamic Managementor core truths that the authors have found helpful to follow intheir day-to-day experience as nonprofit leaders in bringingDynamic Management to their organization are provided. Finally, theauthors highlight the experience of various nonprofit andfor-profit organizations that have successfully made elements ofDynamic Management a reality in their organizations.
A Complete Guide to Personal Philanthropy Are you one of the newly wealthy with an interest in "giving back". . . an heir to money you'd like to share with a favorite cause .. . or simply someone who would like to do good in your community?There are more opportunities than ever for people of everyfinancial station to make a difference through charitable giving.But how do you choose among the many options available, and how doyou know which type of gift is best for you? Invest in Charity: A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving will teachyou everything you need to know to devise and follow an effectivecharitable giving plan. It explains how to find the right charity;understand the tax, estate, and financial considerations; andselect a gift-whether it's a one-time cash gift or a lifelongannuity. Covering everything from researching the legitimacy of anonprofit organization to navigating the tax and estate laws thatapply to you, this guide will help you make your bequest withcomplete confidence that it's right for your charity and for you.
Although Peter Drucker, “The Father of Modern Management,” died in 2005, his timeless teachings are studied and practiced by forward-thinking managers worldwide. His lessons and wisdom on the topic of leadership—the central element of management—are in constant demand, yet he wrote little under that actual subject heading. In Drucker on Leadership, William A. Cohen explores Drucker’s lost leadership lessons—why they are missing, what they are, why they are important, and how to apply them. As Cohen explains, Drucker was ambivalent about leadership for much of his career, making it clear that leadership was not by itself “good or desirable.” While Drucker struggled with the co...
"Proper application of the fund development process can define anorganization's potential for public support and the direct means toachieve it, and can realize, even predict with reliability, theincome an organization can and should expect at any moment intime."--James M. Greenfield. As the driving force behind every not-for-profit, fund raising is akey to an organization's success in fulfilling its mission.However, while it's important to develop the skills needed to raisemoney, it's equally important to know how to allocate it properlyin order to meet your goals. Now revised and expanded, thispractical resource provides an accessible game plan for not onlyraising funds, but also developing...
A newly revised and updated edition of the ultimate resource for nonprofit managers If you're a nonprofit manager, you probably spend a good deal of your time tracking down hard-to-find answers to complicated questions. The Nonprofit Manager's Resource Directory, Second Edition provides instant answers to all your questions concerning nonprofit-oriented product and service providers, Internet sites, funding sources, publications, support and advocacy groups, and much more. If you need help finding volunteers, understanding new legislation, or writing grant proposals, help has arrived. This new, updated edition features expanded coverage of important issues and even more answers to all your n...
Praise for Nonprofit Boards That Work "This book offers a refreshing and candid look at the challenges ofnonprofit boards. It moves away from theoretical frameworks to takeyou inside the real world of nonprofit organizations. . . . A mustfor any executive director who needs reassurance that buildingeffective boards is tough work, but well worth the effort."-SherryRockey, Executive Director, International Women's MediaFoundation "Maureen Robinson is uniquely qualified to help us understand theissues related to boards that are effective, those that are not,and why. It is certain that board members, potential board members,and executive directors who read this book will better understandtheir r...
Connecting everyday management skills to the policy world, this foundational textbook sheds new light on how nonprofit managers can better navigate policymaking and regulatory contexts to effectively lead their organizations. While it covers all of the nuts and bolts, what sets this book apart is how everyday management is tied to the broader view of how nonprofits can thrive within the increasingly intertwined public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. The Second Edition includes updated discussions of coronavirus and pandemic-related policy implications; regulations, sector statistics, and social media fundraising; new and updated case studies; and a new chapter on Philanthropy and Foundations.