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Critical Reflections on Religion and Media in Contemporary Bali
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 372

Critical Reflections on Religion and Media in Contemporary Bali

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Drawing on ethnographic and archival research conducted on the Indonesian island of Bali, this book demonstrates that more nuanced attention to problems of media will have serious implications for how we think about the study of religions, past and present.

Sustainability in Creative Industries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 254

Sustainability in Creative Industries


Reading Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Women Writers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237

Reading Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Women Writers

A study that discusses the construction of gender and Islamic identities in literary writing by four prominent Indonesian Muslim women writers: Titis Basino P I, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, Abidah El Kalieqy and Helvy Tiana Rosa.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343


The complex notion of "rasa," as understood by Javanese musicians, refers to a combination of various qualities, including: taste, feeling, affect, mood, sense, inner meaning, a faculty of knowing intuitively, and deep understanding. This leaves us with a number of questions: how is rasa expressed musically? Who or what has rasa, and what sorts of musical, psychological, perceptual, and sociological distinctions enter into this determination? How is the vocabulary of rasa structured, and what does this tell us about traditional Javanese music and aesthetics? In this first book on the subject, Rasa provides an entry into Javanese music as it is conceived by the people who know the tradition b...

Islam, Media and Education in the Digital Era
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 821

Islam, Media and Education in the Digital Era

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-03-10
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The proceedings of the Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes) shares ideas, either research results or literature review, on islam, media and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consists of innovative education in the digital era, new media and journalsm, islamic education, human wellbeing, marketing and fintech in terms of islamic perspective, economic welfare, law and ethics. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights to the knowledge and practice of social and humanities research. Therefore, such parties involved in social and humanities research as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will acquire benefits from the contents of the proceedings.

The Media as Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 830

The Media as Development "textbook"

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1993
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Mitra GKI - Edisi 12
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 53

Mitra GKI - Edisi 12

"WHEN JESUS IN THE FAMILY". Tema ini dipilih dengan harapan dapat menambah wawasan / pemahaman kita bersama supaya gereja (terkhusus GKI di lingkup SW Jateng) mengajak anggota jemaat, simpatisan (umat) untuk merefleksikan kembali akan persekutuan dan kehangatan, keakraban, cinta kasih di dalam keluarga (terlebih dalam masa pandemi ini yang mengharuskan setiap kita membatasi diri / memilah untuk beraktivitas di luar rumah, serta lebih banyak aktivitas dan waktu yang dikelola di rumah).

Konvergensi Media Dakwah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 370

Konvergensi Media Dakwah

Konvergensi Media yang dibahas dalam buku ini adalah sebuah fenomena tentang kehadiran media sebagai solusi dalam melaksanakan dakwah ke seantero dunia. Cakupan dakwah tidak lagi sebatas pada lokasi dimana dakwah dilaksanakan, tapi dakwah hari ini memerlukan ruang lingkup yang lebih luas. Untuk menjangkau objek dakwah yang semakin cerdas dan jauh dari jangkauan para da’i, maka konvergensi media merupakan solusi untuk menjangkau mad’u yang semakin beragam. Kehadiran buku ini nantinya pemberi wawasan baru bagi penggiat dakwah dan pemerintah agar menjadikan media bukan saja sebagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi, tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai media dakwah ke seluruh alam.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 252


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

MEMBANGUN KARAKTER DIRI MENUJU PRIBADI YANG TERCERAHKAN Penulis : SIGDE SUDARSANA Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm No. QRCBN :62-39-5892-964 Terbit : Juli 2022 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis : Membangun karakter harus dilakukan sendiri, karena karakter dibentuk dengan usaha sendiri. Tidak ada karakter yang kuat tanpa membangunnya dengan usaha sendiri. Membangun karakter yang kuat tidaklah mudah. Ada banyak rintangan, penghalang dan hambatan yang akan ditemui, akan tetapi dengan komitmen, kedisipinan dan kemauan yang tinggi semuanya bisa digapai. Membangun karakter diri yang kuat membutuhkan disiplin diri, pengendalian diri, kesadaran diri, dan pengawasan terhadap diri sendiri secara terus menerus tanpa henti....

Wisdom from Rural Java
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Wisdom from Rural Java

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-01-21
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  • Publisher: UGM PRESS

This study illustrates the strong relationship between world views and ethical values that are embedded in the lives ofa group of people called wong pinter. Some notes on the results of the study show the following points. First, on the basis of the categories of worldviews studied (classification, causality, space, time, and self-others relation), it is found that the concept of classification is not strong enough. The concept of space is also not sufficiently patterned, in contrast to the findings of the concept of space on the Ainu people, the people of Bali and Yogyakarta. Wong pinter describes the concept of space in relation to the existence of non-human beings. The concept oftime is e...