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Transitions in the Early Years
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 187

Transitions in the Early Years

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002-11
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The contributors of this book seek to find how children cope with transition from home to the first settings of their education and whether there are ways in which professionals can better support and empoer children in transition.

International Perspectives on Transition to School
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 161

International Perspectives on Transition to School

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-06-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

With increasing attention given by governments and policy makers to children’s transition to school, and the associated need for educators, families and communities to be supported in the process, changes are often required to existing structures and pedagogy. This book is framed around the notion of transition as a time of change for those involved in the transition process and as a time for reconceptualising beliefs, policy and practice. It explores transition from a number of international perspectives and raises issues around the coherence of: how children perceive and respond to starting school; the roles and expectations of parents; developmental changes for parents; supporting child...

Informing Transitions In The Early Years
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 194

Informing Transitions In The Early Years

This book aims to bring attention to children’s experiences of personal and curricular transitions in early childhood from entry to group-settings outside home to joining playgroup or nursery school and on into the early years of formal education.

Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 480

Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-07
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  • Publisher: Cengage AU

Programming & Planning in Early Childhood Settings explores a range of approaches to curriculum and to documenting children's learning in early childhood settings. This valuable resource for early childhood education students and practitioners provides a broad view of the concepts and issues in early childhood curriculum. Chapters reflect ongoing discussions about what is meant by the terms 'planning' and 'programming' in the context of early childhood, what is authentic curriculum for young children, and effective teaching strategies to extend young children's learning. The strong focus on sociocultural theories of learning promotes awareness of children's diverse experiences, competencies ...

Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 69

Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-09-26
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  • Publisher: Cengage AU

Programming & Planning in Early Childhood Settings provides early childhood education students and practitioners with a broad view of the concepts and issues in early childhood curriculum, how to plan and program effective learning for young children and how to document children’s learning in early childhood settings. Instructor resources include instructor guide, PowerPoints, and Examples of Practice.

Starting Strong V Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298

Starting Strong V Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education

The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a big step for all children, and a step which more and more children are having to take. Quality transitions Should be well-prepared and child-centred, managed by trained staff collaborating with one another, and guided by ...

Inklusion und Partizipation - Vielfalt als Chance und Anspruch
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 228

Inklusion und Partizipation - Vielfalt als Chance und Anspruch

Mit der Verbindung von Inklusion und Partizipation setzen die Herausgeberinnen einen neuen Akzent in der Inklusionsdebatte. International und national renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern diskutieren das Thema "Inklusion und Partizipation" aus ganz unterschiedlichen fachspezifischen Perspektiven mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern guter Praxis. Der Band bietet sowohl einen Orientierungsrahmen als auch eine Diskussionsgrundlage für Wissenschaft, Administration und Praxis zu einem bildungspolitisch bedeutsamen Schüsselthema. Es werden zentrale Aspekte einer inklusiven Bildungspraxis sowie das Zusammenspiel von Partizipation und Inklusion diskutiert und Wege aufgezeigt, wie das Leitbild »Inklusion« in der frühpädagogischen Praxis und in der kommunalen Bildungsplanung Eingang finden kann, um allen Kindern gleichermaßen soziale Teilhabe und bestmögliche Bildungschancen zu garantieren.

Übergangsprozesse von Kindern mit Behinderungen aus integrativen Kindertageseinrichtungen in Grundschulen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 272

Übergangsprozesse von Kindern mit Behinderungen aus integrativen Kindertageseinrichtungen in Grundschulen

Der Übergang von der Kindertageseinrichtung in die Grundschule markiert für alle Kinder und Eltern einen besonderen Abschnitt in der Bildungsbiografie. Für Kinder mit Behinderungen geht er mit einem erhöhten Risiko einher, aus dem allgemeinen Bildungssystem ausgeschlossen zu werden. Die Autorin erforscht erstmals den Einfluss der subjektiven Einstellungen der beteiligten Mütter, Erzieher*innen, Lehrer*innen und Therapeut*innen auf den Übergangsprozess von Jungen mit Behinderungen aus integrativen Kindertageseinrichtungen in Grundschulen.

Dialogorientierte Interaktionen in Eingewöhnungen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 418

Dialogorientierte Interaktionen in Eingewöhnungen

Die Studie untersucht Mikroprozesse der Interaktionen von Kleinkindern und Pädagog*innen in Eingewöhnungen. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf videografisch gestützten Beobachtungen im Feld der Krippengruppe eines Waldorfkindergartens und der Datenanalyse nach den Prinzipien der dokumentarischen Videointerpretation. Im Fokus stehen die Interaktions- und Beziehungspraktiken und die neuen gemeinsamen Erfahrungsräume der beteiligten Akteur*innen.

Families and Transition to School
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Families and Transition to School

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-07-04
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  • Publisher: Springer

This collection addresses issues related to families and transition, and pays special attention to the transition to school, the effect of this on the family, as well as the effect of the family on that transition. It celebrates the roles of families, locating them as integral partners in time of transition and identifying a variety of ways in which families and educators can work together with children to promote positive transitions. The book draws on a range of theoretical frameworks and research projects to provide multiple perspectives of family involvement in education, family-educator partnerships, the nature of collaboration, issues for families in marginalised or complex circumstances, as well as the multiple intersections of families and transition processes. The research projects reported range from in-depth case studies to the analysis of large-scale data sets and all have multiple messages for practitioners, policy makers and researchers as they seek ways to engage with families as their children start school.