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Buku ini membahas tentang perlindungan hukum bagi korban ujaran kebencian (hate speech) di Indonesia. Ujaran kebencian merupakan tindakan komunikasi yang bertujuan untuk mengejek, melecehkan, atau menghina individu atau kelompok berdasarkan suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA). Tindakan ini dapat mengakibatkan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), mulai dari yang ringan hingga berat. Meskipun terdapat berbagai peraturan yang mengatur tentang ujaran kebencian, pada kenyataannya perlindungan hukum bagi korban, khususnya dari sisi hukum pidana, masih belum memadai. Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kedudukan korban tindak pidana hate speech dalam sistem hukum Indonesia, mendeskripsikan pengaturan terkait tindak pidana hate speech dalam Undang-Undang ITE, serta menganalisis bentuk-bentuk perlindungan yang tersedia bagi korban. Buku ini penting dibaca bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan isu HAM, hukum pidana, dan perlindungan korban kejahatan. Buku ini juga relevan bagi praktisi hukum, akademisi, mahasiswa, serta masyarakat umum yang ingin memahami lebih dalam tentang perlindungan terhadap korban ujaran kebencian di Indonesia.
Although proficiency in vocabulary has long been recognized as basic to reading proficiency, there has been a paucity of research on vocabulary teaching and learning over the last two decades. Recognizing this, the U.S. Department of Education recently sponsored a Focus on Vocabulary conference that attracted the best-known and most active researchers in the vocabulary field. This book is the outgrowth of that conference. It presents scientific evidence from leading research programs that address persistent issues regarding the role of vocabulary in text comprehension. Part I examines how vocabulary is learned; Part II presents instructional interventions that enhance vocabulary; and Part II...
Javanese traditional spiritual teaching.
Catherine Cornille, Boston CollegeDavid Tracy, University of Chicago Divinity SchoolWerner Jeanrond, University of GlasgowMarianne Moyaert, University of LeuvenJohn Maraldo, University of North FloridaReza Shah-Kazemi, Institute of Ismaili StudiesMalcolm David Eckel, Boston UniversityJoseph S. O'Leary, Sophia UniversityJohn P. Keenan, Middlebury CollegeHendrik Vroom, VU University AmsterdamLaurie Patton, Emory University
This edition, translated afresh from the Arabic text, provides extensive notes which enable the journeys to be followed in detail.
Buku ini menghadirkan kajian menyeluruh tentang Babad Tanah Jawi: dari silsilah raja-raja Jawa—dengan menarik silsilah hingga Nabi Adam—sampai penelitian tentang candi-candi peninggalan kerajaan (orang) Jawa Kuno yang tersebar di seluruh Tanah Jawa. Kelengkapan dan kekayaan data dalam buku ini didukung oleh sumber-sumber orisinil dan ilmiah (bukan fiksi sejarah) yang secara umum telah diakui kebenarannya. Sehingga, buku ini niscaya sangat berguna untuk melengkapi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, dan karenanya pantas disebut sebagai Babon Babad Tanah Jawi edisi lengkap. Buku ini juga menghadirkan metode yang berbeda dengan buku-buku Babad Tanah Jawi lainnya, seperti karya Carik Braja, Adilangu II, maupun W.A. Olthof, yang berbentuk cerita fiksi sejarah. Semua bagian dalam buku ini bersandar pada prinsip-prinsip penelitian ilmiah, dengan harapan akan mampu memberikan cakrawala pengetahuan yang lebih argumentatif dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Bagi Anda peminat studi Jawa, buku ini sangat penting untuk dimiliki dan dikaji. Semoga bermanfaat!
Humorous account of an imaginary development of American modernist poetry, with excerpts from invented poets.
Life is quiet and ordinary in Amal's Pakistani village, but she had no complaints, and besides, she's busy pursuing her dream of becoming a teacher one day. Her dreams are temporarily dashed when—as the eldest daughter—she must stay home from school to take care of her siblings. Amal is upset, but she doesn't lose hope and finds ways to continue learning. Then the unimaginable happens—after an accidental run-in with the son of her village's corrupt landlord, Amal must work as his family's servant to pay off her own family's debt. Life at the opulent Khan estate is full of heartbreak and struggle for Amal—especially when she inadvertently makes an enemy of a girl named Nabila. Most tr...
The slowdown of growth in Western industrialized nations in the last twenty years, along with the rise of Japan as a major economic and technological power (and enhanced technical sophistication of Taiwan, Korea, and other NICs) has led to what the authors believe to be a "techno-nationalism." This combines a strong belief that technological capabilities of a nation;s firms are a key source of their competitive process, with a belief that these capabilities are in a sense national, and can be built by national action. This book is about these national systems of technical innovation. The heart of the work contains studies of seventeen countries--from large market-oriented industrialized ones to several smaller high income ones, including a number of newly industrialized states as well. Clearly written, this work highlights institutions and mechanisms which support technical innovation, showing similarities, differences, and their sources across nations, making this work accessible to students as well as the scholars of innovation.