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Environmental pollution raises serious concern worldwide about effects on human health. Based on a recent meeting, this book focuses on diverse aspects of environmental hygiene, dealing with the evaluation of chemical and physical agents and their relevance to human health. To assess the toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of environmental pollutants, a variety of methodological approaches, both in vivo and in vitro, as tissue cultures, isolated organs and animal models, were developed and are described in detail. Data on human exposure, biological monitoring and epidemiological studies are also included. Problems of environmental control and legislation as well as possible provisional steps are discussed.
Environmental Hygiene II deals with the evaluation of environmental pollutants and their relevance to human health. Main topics include mutagenic and carcinogenic activity of environmental chemicals, specific effects of heavy metals, special biological indicators for screening environmental contaminants and monitoring of indoor/outdoor air pollutants. Furthermore, assessment of exposure to environmental and occupational chemicals in man are presented as well as epidemiological studies on the health effects by environmental pollution, studies of inhalation toxicology and strategies and policy of environmental control.
ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE III deals with the detection and evaluation of environmental pollutants as well as with their relevance to human health. Environmental components are important determinants of the health status of groups at risk and of the general population. The main objective is the early detection and identification of hazardous substances by physical, chemical and biological methods, risk assessment andprotection of human health. Faced with these problems the volume gives an overview on the mulifaceted aspects of environmental hygiene and medicine. Contributions include basic and innovative approaches in the fields of - Experimental cell biology - Cytotoxicity testing - Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity studies - Inhalation toxicity - Human exposure monitoring - Epidemiology - Important harzardous agents - Environmental control, prevention and legislation.
A VÖRÖS HADSEREGNEK volt miért bosszúra készülnie, amikor katonái 1945 januárjában elérték a birodalom határait. A politikai tisztek a hátországban megállás nélkül sulykolták a Wehrmacht és az SS kegyetlenkedéseiről szóló híreket. Az eredmény önmagáért beszélt, a szovjet katonák tűzzel-vassal irtották az ellenséget: harckocsival hajtottak a menekültekből álló menetoszlopokba, tömegesen erőszakolták meg a német nőket, fosztogattak és pusztítottak. A félőrült Führer bunkerében esztelen parancsokat osztogatott. Uralma végén, mintegy a végzetét beteljesítő istenek alkonyaként, még látni akarta a birodalom fővárosának pusztulását. Mi...