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Designed as a textbook and interdisciplinary reference for the social sciences, this volume examines key issues in the current global security agenda and relationships between armed forces and society around the world. The book's concise chapters - on a broad range of themes related to national and international security, military sociology, and civil-military relations - were written by experts from 18 countries. This volume also has a groundbreaking section, which - using country studies and regional overviews - discusses civil-military relations in as well as the most salient theoretical and practical features of current means of democratic control of the armed forces in the early 21st century.
The present book not only illustrates the ISMS Conference's objectives and presents the contents of the lectures, but also expands on them through further in-depth contributions; the results of academic research carried out on the Conference topic, both across disciplines and ISMS member states, are thus further illuminated. The book intends to provide teachers with a guide to possible developments in the field of military science and students with greater insights into its objectives and principles. The key question is what added value, what kind of USP military science could furnish for society, what specific support not already covered by other scientific disciplines or organizations? If ...
Drawing on the results of a multidisciplinary research a first comprehensive picture of cultural property protection involving the military is presented. Practical, legal and contemplative aspects are considered while presenting a fascinating new discipline in heritage related studies.
This book contains all refereed papers that were accepted to the fifth edition of the « Complex Systems Design & Management » (CSD&M 2014) international conference which took place in Paris (France) on the November 12-14, 2014. These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of complex systems sciences & practices from an industrial and academic perspective, including the main industrial domains (aeronautic & aerospace, transportation & systems, defense & security, electronics & robotics, energy & environment, health & welfare services, software & e-services), scientific & technical topics (systems fundamentals, systems architecture & engineering, systems metrics & quality, systemic tools) and system types (transportation systems, embedded systems, software & information systems, systems of systems, artificial ecosystems). The CSD&M 2014 conference is organized under the guidance of the CESAMES non-profit organization, address: CESAMES, 8 rue de Hanovre, 75002 Paris, France.
Mit der vorliegenden Publikation wird das erste Ergebnis des institutsgemeinsamen Forschungsprojekts der Landesverteidigungsakademie zum Thema der Strategischen Resilienzfähigkeit dargestellt. Die Arbeiten der interdisziplinär breit gefächerten Institute der Akademie wurden zu einem synergetischen Ergebnis zusammengeführt, das als entscheidungsvorbereitender Beratungsbeitrag an der Schnittstelle zur oberen militärischen sowie zur politischen Entscheidungsebene angeboten werden kann, und dessen thematisches Spektrum von der Strategietheorie über operative Führung, Streitkräfte-Fähigkeitsplanung, allgemeine Führungslehre, Sicherheitspolitik, Polemologie und Rechtsethik, Rechtsdogmati...
Smallholder farmers and pastoralists fulfil an invaluable yet undervalued role in conserving biodiversity. They act as guardians of locally adapted livestock breeds that can make use of even marginal environments under tough climatic conditions and therefore are a crucial resource for food security. But in addition, by sustaining animals on natural vegetation and as part of local ecosystems, these communities also make a significant contribution to the conservation of wild biodiversity and of cultural landscapes. This publication provides a glimpse into the often intricate knowledge systems that pastoralists and smallholder farmers have developed for the management of their breeds in specific production systems and it also describes the multitude of threats and challenges these often marginalized communities have to cope with.
Obsolete, brain dead, a failure in Afghanistan - NATO has never had to deal with such massive criticism. The timing is anything but good: in the new world disorder, Russia and China are challenging the West, international terrorism is on the rise, while democracy is in retreat around the world. Even in member states of the transatlantic alliance, the seductive lure of authoritarianism is increasing. Nevertheless, there is no reason to fear that NATO's success story has come to an end. NATO is not some old-fashioned military alliance that crumbles when member states' interests diverge. Rather, it is a political alliance in which sovereign states further develop their national interests into a...
This Festschrift commemorates the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Clausewitz-Society in the Federal Republic of Germany of 1961. This volume follows the intentions of the Clausewitz-Society as described by one of its former presidents: “to view the current tasks of politics and strategy as reflected in the insights of Carl von Clausewitz and thus examine which of the principles and insights formulated by Clausewitz are still important today and are thus endowed with an enduring validity”. The board and the members of the Clausewitz-Society therefore supported the idea to examine how and when the works of Clausewitz have been interpreted in selected countries of our world; further, the goal here has been to analyze the role that Clausewitz’s thought still plays in these countries. This book is the paperback version of the 2011 published hardcover.
Anaram ist ein afghanisches Mädchen, der Name bedeutet "Endloses Licht". "Golden Hour" ist der zweite Teil der Anaram-Reihe. Mittlerweile schreibt die Kriegsgeschichte Afghanistans das Jahr 2015, Anaram ist neun Jahre alt und die Bundeswehr ist weiter im Einsatz in diesem geschundenen Land. Eng an ihrer Seite operieren US-amerikanische Streitkräfte. Sie unterstützen mit ihren Helikoptern die medizinische Notfallversorgung der Truppen, wenn sie nach Verwundung in Gefechten oder bei Anschlägen innerhalb kürzester Zeit, der "Golden Hour", versorgt werden müssen. In Kurzgeschichten erzählt der Autor vom Einsatz in Afghanistan sowie von denen, die mittlerweile wieder in der Heimat sind und mit ihren Verwundungen an Leib und Seele leben müssen. Sie handeln auch von der Zivilbevölkerung, die inmitten der Kriegsgeschehnisse unter fehlender medizinischer Versorgung und prekären sozialen Umständen leidet. Menschlich und ans Herz gehend beschreibt der Autor das Leid, den Mut, die Tapferkeit, die Hoffnung und die persönlichen Opfer, die von allen Beteiligten und Betroffenen des Krieges gebracht wurden; und von der Zuversicht, dass all dies nicht vergeblich war.
Der Tod von 182 Menschen im Sommer 2021 war - zumindest in dieser Dimension - vermeidbar. Das ist die Wahrnehmung der Gesellschaft und auch das Urteil vieler Fachleute. Bewundernswert sind die Leistungen der Kräfte des Katastrophenschutzes vor Ort und der vielen Helferinnen und Helfer aus der betroffenen und nicht betroffenen Bevölkerung. Gleichwohl sind Zweifel angebracht am Schutzversprechen des Staates gegenüber seinen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern. Es gilt, ein auf die Ortslage optimierten Zivil- und Katastrophenschutz zu einem gesamtstaatlichen Bevölkerungsschutz zu entwickeln, der verlässlich erwartbaren Katastrophen auch im nationalen Maßstab erfolgreich entgegengestellt werden kann...