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In dit 'Jaarboek' worden diverse interessante thema's uit de middeleeuwse geschiedenis van de Nederlanden behandeld. Nicolas Mazeure onderzoekt de omgang van monnik Folcuin met de archivalia van de Vlaamse abdij van Sint-Bertijns. J.A. (Hans) Mol biedt een nieuwe kijk op de eind elfde eeuw op gang gekomen veenontginningen in het huidige Noordwest-Overijssel en Zuid-Friesland. Aan de hand van de door de dertiendeeeuwse Vlaams-Henegouwse gravin Johanna van Constantinopel uitgevaardigde oorkonden belicht Els De Paermentier het bestuur en de machtsuitoefening door vrouwen. Jaap van Moolenbroek ontrafelt het ontstaan van de mythe rond de inname van Damietta door Haarlemse kruisvaarders. Ellen Wurtzel laat zien hoe de stedelijke verdedigingswerken in het vijftiende- en zestiende-eeuwse Lille in toenemende mate werden beschouwd als collectief bezit. Truus van Bueren, Kim Ragetli en Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld belichten de mogelijkheden en uitdagingen van het brede onderzoeksterrein van middeleeuwse 'memoria', in het bijzonder van het Utrechtse MeMo-project.
The humanist Hermann Schotten, or Hermannus Schottennius Hessus (c. 1503-1546), student, schoolmaster, and university lecturer in Cologne, was the author of a number of works on humanist pedagogy. His *Confabulationes tironum litterariorum* of 1525, a collection of Latin dialogues designed to help schoolboys master Classical Latin conversation, was written in admiring imitation of the colloquies of Erasmus. But Schotten had his own distinctive style: a natural ear for dialogue, and a sympathetic understanding of the schoolboy world. As a result, he produced one of the liveliest pedagogical works of the century and a vivid and valuable cultural document of life in the early modern metropolis of Cologne. This critical edition of the *Confabulationes*, the first since the sixteenth century, makes this one-time best-seller available and comprehensible to modern readers. It presents the Latin text, a full English translation, and extensive notes on the language and on Schotten's many literary and cultural allusions, accompanied by a detailed investigation of the early printing history of the collection.
Interdisciplinary approaches to the material culture of the middle ages, from illuminated manuscripts to church architecture.
Based on papers given by historians, art historians and musicologists during two conferences devoted to memoria in the Middle Ages, held in Utrecht in 2000 and 2001.
Provides a view of the late Stifter as a forerunner of twentieth-century modernism. Adalbert Stifter has always been viewed as a natural heir to the Great Classical tradition, even by those critics who detect disturbing subtexts in his fiction. But he should be viewed quite differently: however well disguised, heis in truth a closet modernist, and a major trailblazer for Kafka and the Absurd. This is most evident in his late fiction, which has been almost universally ignored, dismissed or disparaged by his critics. His last novel Witiko in particular has been conspicuously neglected by both nineteenth- and twentieth-century critics. Ragg-Kirkby demonstrates -- largely by way of close reading -- that this is Stifter's extreme masterpiece. Beneath the surface of Biedermeier stuffiness is a vision of fracture, emptiness, meaninglessness, and mania not only more radical than that of any other 19th-century author, but arguably more radical than that of any 20th-century author, precisely because there is such a disjuncture between text and sub-text. In his final novel, Stifter simply leaves the future behind. Helena Ragg-Kirkby is a lecturer in German at the University of Sheffield.
Readings in the Anthropocene brings together scholars from German Studies and beyond to interpret the German tradition of the last two hundred years from a perspective that is mindful of the challenge posed by the concept of the Anthropocene. This new age of man, unofficially pronounced in 2000, holds that humans are becoming a geological force in shaping the Earth's future. Among the biggest challenges facing our future are climate change, accelerated species loss, and a radical transformation of land use. What are the historical, philosophical, cultural, literary, and artistic responses to this new concept? The essays in this volume bring German culture to bear on what it means to live in the Anthropocene from a historical, ethical, and aesthetic perspective.
Kaum eine Epoche der Kunst ist von so durchgreifenden Veränderungen geprägt wie die Spätgotik im 15. Jahrhundert. Angeregt durch niederländische Vorbilder werden Licht und Schatten, Körper und Raum zunehmend wirklichkeitsnah dargestellt. Der Alltag hält Einzug in die Künste. Mit der Erfindung der Drucktechnik kommt es zu einer ungeahnten Verbreitung von Bildern und Texten. Künstler wie Nicolaus Gerhaert oder Martin Schongauer erlangen überregionale Berühmtheit und nehmen über alle Gattungen hinweg Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Bildkünste in ganz Europa. Die Gegenüberstellung der unterschiedlichen Gattungen macht den Katalog zu einem Handbuch der Kunst am Übergang zur Neuzeit.