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Between 1940 and 1945, more than 100,000 airmen were shot down over Europe, a few thousand of whom survived and avoided being arrested. When Men Fell from the Sky is a comparative history of the treatment of these airmen by civilians in France, Germany and Britain. By studying the situation on the ground, Claire Andrieu shows how these encounters reshaped societies at a local level. She reveals how the fall of France in 1940 may have concealed an insurrection nipped in the bud, that the 'People's War' in Britain was not merely a myth, and that in Germany, the 'racial community of the people' had in fact become a social reality with Allied airmen increasingly subjected to lynching from 1943 onwards. By considering why the treatment of these airmen contrasted so strongly in these countries, Andrieu sheds new light on how civilians reacted when confronted with the war 'at home'.
This volume provides the first comprehensive reference work in English on the French language in all its facets. It offers a wide-ranging approach to the rich, varied, and exciting research across multiple subfields, with seven broad thematic sections covering the structures of French; the history of French; axes of variation; French around the world; French in contact with other languages; second language acquisition; and French in literature, culture, arts, and the media. Each chapter presents the state of the art and directs readers to canonical studies and essential works, while also exploring cutting-edge research and outlining future directions. The Oxford Handbook of the French Langua...
BESTSELLER GAUDEAMUS 2023 Lecturi, revolte, nostalgii veți găsi în această carte, adică: „reacții de bun-simț față de ofensiva prostiei și a imposturii“, proteste împotriva strâmbătăților aduse de corectitudinea politică în lumea de azi care a luat-o razna, analize lucide asupra unor fenomene ce marchează și reconfigurează societatea românească, occidentală ori globală, dar și un „vagabondaj livresc“ a cărui plăcere autorul, rafinat cronicar literar și scriitor, nu și-a refuzat-o. Un volum-mozaic care surprinde iureșul vieții complicate a ultimilor ani, abia trecutele spaime ale izolării pandemice și apăsătoarea atmosferă actuală pe care o gener...
Europe is the name for a scintillating variety of historically emerged concepts, constantly developed and discussed over time. Its complexity and fuzziness is reflected in a multitude of myths, topoi, symbols and boundaries, which all constitute shared knowledge of the concept of EUROPE and which continue to influence attempts to (de- and re-)construct European identity. The case studies collected in this volume investigate the competing concepts of Europe in political and public discourses from a wide range of perspectives (e.g. frame semantics, discourse linguistics, multimodal analysis), focusing on the following aspects: How is EUROPE conceptualised, (re-)negotiated and legitimised by different political actors, political bodies and institutions? How does “the European idea” change throughout history and how is the re-emerging idea of nationality evaluated?
Dans ce recueil, sont réunis des articles qui ont en commun d'engager une réflexion autour du terme métalinguistique d'altérité. Derrière ce qui pourrait apparaître comme une notion singulière, une pluralité de conceptions se révèle à travers la spécificité des démarches théoriques et des sujets d'étude. Ce recueil montre que cette polyphonie conceptuelle est la conséquence des différentes dimensions d'analyse qu'implique la recherche linguistique. Une dimension théorique, tout d'abord, qui pose la question de l'acception que chacun se donne de l'altérité selon le courant dans lequel on s'inscrit. Une dimension linguistique aussi, propre à la particularité de la langu...
English historical linguistics is a subfield of linguistics which has developed theories and methods for exploring the history of the English language. This Handbook provides an account of state-of-the-art research on this history. It offers an in-depth survey of materials, methods, and language-theoretical models used to study the long diachrony of English. The frameworks covered include corpus linguistics, historical sociolinguistics, historical pragmatics and manuscript studies, among others. The chapters, by leading experts, examine the interplay of language theory and empirical data throughout, critically assessing the work in the field. Of particular importance are the diverse data sources which have become increasingly available in electronic form, allowing the discipline to develop in new directions. The Handbook offers access to the rich and many-faceted spectrum of work in English historical linguistics, past and present, and will be useful for researchers and students interested in hands-on research on the history of English.
Ce volume est le premier à réunir des contributions qui mettent l'accent sur les aspects théoriques et méthodologiques de la sociolinguistique historique dans leur application spécifique au domaine gallo-roman. Il propose un bilan des études en sociolinguistique historique et entend cerner les enjeux et les implications de cette discipline émergeante. Il allie des chapitres axés sur la théorie et des études de cas qui permettent d'exemplifier les fondements méthodologiques de la discipline en partant d'une base documentaire particulière ou d'un problème spécifique. Une préoccupation revient de manière récurrente dans ce volume : celle qui pousse certains contributeurs à men...
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of the Société de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian) provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest bibliographical information.
Pourquoi la propagande est-elle plus sophistiquée dans une société démocratique que dans une société totalitaire ? Comment définir le phénomène propagandiste ? Quelle est sa différence avec l'idéologie ? Quels sont les domaines touchés ? Quels sont les procédés discursifs, linguistiques, psycho-sociaux qui rendent possible le discours propagandiste aujourd'hui ? Comment la propagande est-elle diffusée ? Quel est le rôle des médias, des réseaux sociaux, mais aussi de l'école, de l'art, du sport ? Cet ouvrage cherche à répondre à ces questions, en montrant que l'enjeu principal du phénomène propagandiste tient à son entreprise de totalisation, d'homogénéisation de l'...
La déconstruction est devenue folle. Entreprise jadis salutaire pour dénicher les préjugés et démasquer les illusions, elle a engendré une mode délétère, prétexte d’un nouvel ordre moral, suppôt d’une idéologie qui envahit les savoirs, tétanise la culture et terrorise le débat. Ce livre réunit les contributions du colloque organisé à la Sorbonne les 7 et 8 janvier 2022 par le Collège de Philosophie et l’Observatoire du décolonialisme, avec le soutien du Comité laïcité République. Soixante universitaires et intellectuels de toutes disciplines se mobilisent pour dénoncer les dérives de ce courant et travailler à la reconstruction d’une frontière claire, qui d...