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This is an open access book.Fostering Synergy and Innovation in Digital Learning EnvironmentsThe 4th ICOPE 2022 is an international conference in education with the theme of fostering synergy and innovation in digital learning environments. It is organized by the faculty of teacher training and education, at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung Province, will be the host of this event. It will be taken place on the 15th — 16th of October 2022. This conference involves keynote speakers from Indonesia, USA, Malaysia, and Australia. It is intended to be a forum to convey specific alternatives and significant breakthroughs in rapid social developmen...
Fenomena di abad ke-21 yaitu adanya pergeseran kebutuhan SDM dari berpikir secara biasa menjadi berpikir tingkat tinggi. Hal ini harus difasilitasi pada pembelajaran abad 21. Pada pembelajaran abad ke-21, banyak tuntutan keterampilan yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa. Sehingga guru dan sekolah harus memfasilitasi keterampilan tersebut secara optimal. Keterampilan yang menjadi tuntutan abad 21 yaitu literasi matematis, berpikir matematis, dan berpikir komputasi. Selain keterampilan, ada sikap yang perlu menjadi tuntutan dalam pembelajaran seperti self regulated learning, self esteem, self efficacy, dan sikap produktif. Pada buku ini akan disajikan urgensi dari keterampilan-keterampilan tersebut serta cara dalam memfasilitasi agar keterampilan tersebut berkembang secara optimal.
Mombowa Tumpe adalah upacaya adat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat adat Batui di wilayah Banggai, Indonesia. Upacara yang dipusatkan pada ritual penyerahan telur burung maleo yang pertama kepada Kerajaan Banggai merupakan simbol rasa syukur dan amanah yang diperintahkan nenek moyang kepada masyarakat. Tradisi tahunan ini merupakan warisan budaya penting masyarakat Batui, dan peleksanaannya melibatkan serangkaian acara dan ritual yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai dan norma sosial masyarakat. Upacara diawali dengan pengambilan telur burung maleo oleh pejabat adat dari berbagai lokasi, antara lain Dakanyo Tolando, Binsilo Katudunan, Dakanyo Kolam, dan Dakanyo Ende, Telur-telur tersebut kemudian diang...
Grade level: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, e, i, s, t.
THE book for elementary education mathematics content courses! Designed to help prospective teachers of elementary school mathematics learn content beyond the rote level, this text stimulates readers to think beyond just getting the problem right and fosters their development into thoughtful, reflective, self-motivated, life-long learners. It stresses the what and why of elementary school mathematics content. Hints are provided about how to teach the content but this is mostly left to courses and texts that are dedicated to that purpose. The text is organized around the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics' Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. The Standards dictate the ba...
This book combines information communication technology (ICT) with the creative interdisciplinary teaching approach known as STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). It introduces STEM and Creative Education and shows (through examples and creative activities) the importance and impact that ICT has for STEM and modern education. The book describes the audio visual classroom, the use of the Internet, Social Networking and STEM and provides STEM lessons for both the real and virtual worlds. Instructors will find this unique textbook to be very useful with students, of various ages, in creative education and engineering classes. This special book offers something for everyone. I...
In the current era where lifelong learning is brought to the fore, higher education can no longer be regarded as an isolated trajectory within one’s educational career as many students face substantial challenges in crafting their professional future. More specifically, the transition from school to higher education and continuing to the labour market are often a difficult hurdles for many students. Almost half of students do not succeed in the first year and often withdraw from education, students are faced with a variety of contexts and may choose to study in a different (international) context, and they are then confronted with structural barriers in finding a (high-quality) job, as evi...
David Klahr suggests that we now know enough about cognition--and hence about everyday thinking--to advance our understanding of scientific thinking.
Award-winning psychologist and educator Thomas Lickona offers more than one hundred practical strategies that parents and schools have used to help kids build strong personal character as the foundation for a purposeful, productive, and fulfilling life. Succeeding in life takes character, and Lickona shows how irresponsible and destructive behavior can invariably be traced to the absence of good character and its ten essential qualities: wisdom, justice, fortitude, self-control, love, a positive attitude, hard work, integrity, gratitude, and humility. The culmination of a lifetime’s work in character education from one the preeminent psychologists of our time, this landmark book gives us the tools we need to raise respectful and responsible children, create safe and effective schools, and build the caring and decent society in which we all want to live.