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Gurek çawa ji gurbûna xwe dûr dikeve ? Gurek dikare bibe kubar ? Ger ev pirsên hanê bala we kişandibe, werin guh bidin çîroka Gurgîn… Gurgîn goştxwir e û bi kubarî hînî xwarina sê danan bûye. Roja ewil li xwezayê, sê ajalên gîhaxwir nas dike. Ev hersê ajal, yek bi yek di dema taştê û firavîn û şîvê de rastî Gurgîn tên…
Nûbihar 152 Havîn 2020 *** Ji jimara 152yan merheba Di dema şewba coronayê de mirovahî, li her deverê neçarî jiyaneke nû bû. Însanên ku demeke dirêj di malên xwe de hepiskirî man hewceyî riyên nû yên danûstendinê bûn. Vê yekê kir ku em jî êdî karên xwe li gor vê ‘jiyana nû’ bi pêş bixin. Li gor vê rewşê, di serê Gulanê de me malpera xwe ya firotinê vekir. Êdî kesên bixwazin dikarin kovar û kitêbên me li ser malpera me bikirrin. Di nava heman mehê de, li ser hesabên xwe yên medya civakî jî me dest bi bernameyên zindî kir û niha jî ev bername dewam dikin. Malpera me jî, bernameyên me jî aleqeyek baş dîtin. Di çêkirina malperê de ...
This study illustrates why the language of the Qur'an is miraculous, unique, and evidence of divine authority. The author compares the language of the Qur'an with the language of pre-Islamic poetry, the Prophet's words (hadith), and the language of the Arabs both past and present, to demonstrate that although the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic it was at the same time an Arabic which was entirely new. Original and early Muslim audiences viewed this as miraculous and responded to the Qur'an's words, sounds, rhythms, etc. in a manner consistent with a deeper appreciation of its beauty and majesty which modern ears, trained by familiarity, and despite being surrounded by all manner of dictionarie...
| WINNER OF THE GAJA CAPITAL BUSINESS BOOK PRIZE 2019 | The nineteenth century was an exciting time of initiative and enterprise around the world. If John D. Rockefeller was creating unimagined wealth in the United States that he would put to the service of the nation, a Parsi family with humble roots was doing the same in India. In 1822, a boy was born in a priestly household in Gujarat's Navsari village. Young Nusserwanji knew early on that his destiny lay beyond his village and decided to head for Bombay to start a business - the first in his family to do so. He had neither higher education nor knowledge of business matters, just a burning passion to carve a path of his own. What Nusserwa...
First published in March 2014 under the title "Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: a pocket guide for front-line health workers: interim emergency guidance for West Africa".
çîrokbêjên ji dem û dewranên klasîk pêdivî ji eşq û bûyerên mezin hebûn. qewimîn çiqas mezin bûna ewqas bandoreke mezin li pey xwe dihişt. berovajî vê yekê, di têgeha çîroka modern de pêdivî ji peyvjeniyê heye; loma jî qewimînên mezin nîn in, hevokên alegorîk û cihêreng divên. çîroknûsên modern, li herriya ser solê dinêre û ew herrî li ser şaneşîna jêrzemîna hişê çîrokbêj vediguhêze çîrokek şil û mezeloqî. “erojen”, kitêba “berfo barî” ya ewil e û çîrokên bi qandî vê herriyê mezeloqî û ji rêzê di xwe de vedihewîne. çîrokên berfo barî di bin hiş de hatine meyandin û dawerivînin ser kaxizê. cihêtiya wan ...
gava ku te got Hîç(0), tu qala destpêka, destpêka, destpêka, destpêka, destpêka destpêka, destpêka, destpêka, destpêka, destpêka, destpêka bûyînî, çêbûnê, jihevguherînê, jihevzayînê, jihevpirrbûnê dikî/ gava te got Hîç(0), tu qala nîşaneyeke, vetîreyeke pirrwate, pirrneqş, pirrşewq dikî, lew em giş asê dibin li ‘Wir’(0), lew ‘Wir’(0) a çar pêvajoya yanzde-astî ye Hîç(0), diqelibin, diheyîrin, diponiji, difikirin em li hemberî têgiha ‘Wir’(0) ê, welhasilê kelâm derdixîne pêş em li hemberî şewqa Hîçê(0) hemû melekeyên xwe yên fêrisî yek bi yek/ gava te got Hîçê(0), tu qala tiştekî nehênî dikî, tu qala tiştekî ku heya radeyekê tu car nikaribî bizanibî dikî/ ku te got Hîç(0), tu qala tiştinên ku di nav çarçoveya nezanînê de ne, di nav mija ferasetê de ne dikî/ gava te got Hîç(0), tu qala ew rasteqîniyên şênber, yên ku bi zanistiyê tenê zanînê nakî, «?» tu qala ew têgihên heyeneheyewêdayên … heyeneheyên … heyetiştên … , heyeheyên … muemayî yên rêzberî yên bûjenî, rasteqînî yên ku sirf bi hiş tenê ravekirinê dikî
To save his tribe, Stopmouth must abandon it. Leaving the stone-age world of the surface behind, he makes his way to the Roof, the mysterious hi-tech world suspended above. But the Roof has its own problems. The nanotechnology that controls it is collapsing. And now a rebellion against the ruling Commission is about to erupt. Hunted by the Commission's nano-enhanced agents, Stopmouth must succeed in a desperate hunt of his own: to find the woman he loves. Only she knows how to save his tribe. But in this super-sophisticated world, all he has to fight with are his raw strength and fierce courage. A powerful, original and pulse-racing novel from the author of The Inferior.
The eighth and final volume of The Cambridge History of Africa covers the period 1940-75. It begins with a discussion of the role of the Second World War in the political decolonisation of Africa. Its terminal date of 1975 coincides with the retreat of Portugal, the last European colonial power in Africa, from its possessions and their accession to independence. The fifteen chapters which make up this volume examine on both a continental and regional scale the extent to which formal transfer of political power by the European colonial rulers also involved economic, social and cultural decolonisation. A major theme of the volume is the way the African successors to the colonial rulers dealt with their inheritance and how far they benefited particular economic groups and disadvantaged others. The contributors to this volume represent different disciplinary traditions and do not share a single theoretical perspective on the recent history of the continent, a subject that is still the occasion for passionate debate.
To save the members of his tribe from being devoured by the beasts that share their primitive world, Stopmouth must make his way to the mysterious, futuristic world above, even though a virus is destroying the Upstairs and driving millions of refugees to seek shelter below.