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This book updates the Oedipus Complex for a contemporary audience in the light of social and cultural changes and explores its implications for psychoanalytic treatment and our understanding of queer families.
This book updates the Oedipus complex for a contemporary audience in the light of social and cultural changes and explores its implications for psychoanalytic treatment and our understanding of queer families. Growing evidence during the past few decades indicates that children who grow up in same-sex families adapt well. These findings, which do not conform to the predictions of Oedipal theory, expose the theory’s biases, and call for reexamination of its premises. This book based on ground-breaking research and pursues a methodical investigation of the characteristics of the same-sex families that defy the expectations of Oedipal theory. Furnished with vivid illustrations, it invites the reader to engage actively in the interpretive effort and presents a diverse and complex story about kinship, opening a window onto a rich world of infantile phantasies and parents’ psychological conflicts, at the fascinating intersection of the personal and the social. Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, educators and policymakers, same-sex parents, and parents who were assisted by gamete donation.
"Galit Atlas deftly shows why the hurts and stuckness that can plague us can be faced and, yes, dissolved. Contemporary psychoanalysis at its best." - Susie Orbach, author of Fat Is a Feminist Issue Past family trauma can keep us unconsciously connected to the past. It shapes our lives in ways we don't always recognise, and can keep us from living to our full potential. In this transformative book, award-winning psychoanalyst Dr Galit Atlas draws back the veil on the legacy of intergenerational trauma. Entwining the stories of her patients, her own stories, and decades of research, she shows how the people we love and those who raised us live inside us - how we take on their emotional pain - and she helps us identify the links between our life struggles and the 'emotional inheritance' we all carry. For it is only by following the traces those ghosts leave that we can truly change our destiny.
Le persone che amiamo e quelle che ci hanno cresciuto vivono dentro di noi. Proviamo il loro dolore emotivo, sogniamo i loro ricordi: questo dolore e questi ricordi plasmano la nostra vita in modi che non sempre riconosciamo. L’eredità emotiva racconta di segreti familiari che ci impediscono di esprimere appieno le nostre potenzialità: come fantasmi che continuano a tormentarci, quei segreti producono una discontinuità tra quello che desideriamo e quello che siamo in grado di raggiungere. Galit Atlas intreccia le storie dei pazienti con la propria e con decenni di ricerca per aiutarci a identificare il nesso tra le difficoltà della nostra vita e l’“eredità emotiva” che portiamo dentro di noi. Solo seguendo le tracce lasciate da quei fantasmi potremo davvero imprimere un corso diverso al nostro destino.
Akiket szeretünk, és akik felneveltek minket, bennünk élnek. Megtapasztaljuk a lelki sérelmeiket, látjuk az emlékeiket álmainkban. Családi traumáik tudattalanul is összeköthetnek minket a múlttal. Bár többnyire nem vagyunk ennek tudatában, a titkok, a múltban elszenvedett traumák befolyásolják az életünket és meghatározzák a cselekedeteinket a jelenben. A neves pszichoanalitikus, Galit Atlas átütő erejű könyve saját életútján és páciensei történetein keresztül mutatja be, hogyan következnek a hibás döntéseink és megakadásaink az érzelmi örökségünkből. Ugyanakkor abban is segít, hogy tudatosítsuk és feloldjuk ezeket, és elinduljunk végre a gyógyulás útján a kiteljesedett élet felé.
Die Menschen, die wir lieben, und diejenigen, die uns großgezogen haben, leben in uns; wir erleben ihren emotionalen Schmerz, wir träumen ihre Erinnerungen, und ihre Erfahrungen formen unser Leben auf eine Weise, die wir nicht immer erkennen. In diesem bahnbrechenden Buch geht es um unser emotionales Erbe, das tiefenpsychologisch wie epigenetisch in uns und auf unsere Leben wirkt. Ob das die unbeirrbare Resilienz unserer Großmutter ist oder ein dunkles Familiengeheimnis, das uns daran hindert, unser volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen: Unser emotionales Erbe erzeugt Muster. Die preisgekrönte Psychoanalytikerin Dr. Galit Atlas verwebt die Geschichten ihrer Patient*innen mit ihrer eigenen Lebenserfahrung und jahrzehntelanger Forschung, um uns zu helfen, die Verbindungen zwischen unseren wiederkehrenden Lebensthemen und dem emotionalen Erbe, das wir alle in uns tragen, zu verstehen. Denn nur wenn wir den Spuren folgen, die unsere Vorfahren hinterlassen haben, können wir unser Schicksal wirklich ändern.
As online therapy becomes more mainstream, the importance of using a means of supervision which parallels this is increasingly being recognised by practitioners and the professional bodies. Very little has been written about this newly developing way of working, so this book is timely. Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners covers a wide range of issues, from the practical aspects of how supervision happens, through research, legal and ethical issues to specific therapeutic settings and issues. Existing models of supervision are considered in the context of the online setting and new models which have been developed specifically for supervising online are explored. All chapters are...
Le Docteur Galit Atlas met en lumière la façon dont les traumatismes générationnels affectent nos vies et nous éclaire sur la façon dont nous pouvons briser leurs cycles. Les personnes que nous aimons et celles qui nous ont élevés vivent en nous ; nous ressentons leur douleur émotionnelle, nous rêvons de leurs souvenirs et cela façonne nos vies d’une manière que nous ne reconnaissons pas toujours. Héritage émotionnel explore les secrets de famille qui nous empêchent de vivre pleinement notre potentiel, qui créent des écarts entre ce que nous voulons pour nous-mêmes et ce que nous sommes capables d’avoir et qui nous hantent comme des fantômes. Dans ce livre transformate...
This book, first published in the year of the author’s death, expresses Mitchell’s vision for the theory of relational psychoanalysis, and provides his most-developed expression of its foundations. Now republished in this Classic Edition, Mitchell’s ideas are brought back to the psychoanalytic readership, complete with a new introduction by Donnel Stern. In his final contribution to the psychoanalytic literature, the late Stephen A. Mitchell provided a brilliant synthesis of the interrelated ideas that describe the relational matrix of human experience. Relationality charts the emergence of the relational perspective in psychoanalysis by reviewing the contributions of Loewald, Fairbairn, Bowlby, and Sullivan, whose voices converge in apprehending the fundamental relationality of the human mind. Mitchell draws on the multiple dimensions of attachment, intersubjectivity, and systems theory in espousing a clinical approach equally notable for its responsiveness and responsible restraint. This remains a canonical text for all relational psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.
Wilfred Bion remains the most cited author in psychoanalytic literature after Sigmund Freud. His formulation of alpha function, waking dream thoughts, his theory of thinking and of the container/contained have proven seminal for the elaboration of psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as the exploration of psychic functioning and the primordial mind. Growth Turbulence in the Container/Contained is based on papers presented at the 2009 International Bion Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts. It represents the state of the art thinking of an outstanding international group of Bion scholars and experts. This book includes the most current trends in Bion scholarship, covering topics that range from the historical/biographical, to the clinical, the theoretical, the developmental, to the cultural and aesthetic. Proving a vital stimulus to further creative explorations in the field, Growth Turbulence in the Container/Contained will be of particular interest to psychoanalytic practitioners, graduate psychoanalysts, analytic candidates, psychoanalytic therapists, advanced therapy trainees,and scholars of all schools.