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The aim of this book is to apply the principles of stellar astrology to the field of medical astrology, in order to have a clearer picture, complete and "iconic" (thanks to the descriptive role of celestial images) of astrological factors that can lead to serious diseases. In fact, if we disregard the important role played by constellations, asterisms and stars in this area, it is very hard, nearly impossible, to predict whether certain critical factors of the birth chart will manifest as diseases or otherwise, and especially to predict whether these diseases will be serious. And this is because, as always in astrology, serious events are always signaled by a redundancy of astrological facto...
The techniques of mundane astrology inherited from tradition are not the most suitable for explaining and predicting events, as in reality they only capture the last links in the chain of celestial causes that underlie them. In fact, the primary causes of all events always and only reside in the Eighth Sphere, that is, in the sky of the constellations and fixed stars. In this book, the Stellar Astrology techniques are developed and applied to the real prediction of world events, but also to natal charts. Heaven and the stars that populate it are living beings. The various parts of the starry sky - constellations, parts of constellations (asterisms) and single stars - are not isolated, but co...
Examining the astronomical alignments of the main Egyptian monuments, the author shows that almost none of them is oriented to the rise or set of Sirius or Orion at the time of construction. How is it possible? The reader will discover that in reality all are oriented in some way to the rising points of the stars of Orion or Sirius when they were in the extreme phases of their cycle. Since there is not only one of the most important Egyptian monuments that escapes this rule of orientation, it is evident that it was the true "secret" technique behind these choices. Being a specialist in stellar astrology, in the last part of the book the author shows how these "stellar mechanisms" have worked...
The readers of this book will have access to secret knowledge that has never been published before. This book explains how "the ascension to the stars" happens from the point of view of initiatory astrology, that is, how to choose and use certain astrological moments for the operations of the ascent of the planes. The aim is to delineate a Stellar Way for the "ascent to Heaven" up to the Supreme State, or at least to learn how to progressively bring the consciousness to higher levels with the help of certain "star maps" that we will learn to create, interpret and revive in our Microcosm. In fact, it is possible to transpose on the Celestial Sphere the traditional teachings about the higher s...
In this thought-provoking book, the author explores the intricate dynamics of gender identity, challenging conventional ideas about what defines being a man or a woman. The narrative underscores the critical distinction between sex—biological differences—and gender—socially constructed roles. It argues that understanding identity requires recognizing the influence of both biological and cultural factors. The book begins by questioning the validity of traditional gender definitions, proposing that identity is shaped by a complex interplay between nature and culture. It delves into the philosophical aspects of life and death, suggesting that gender identity is not merely a conscious choi...
After being transported back to the Roaring Twenties, our main character becomes immersed in the quiet life of the countryside, leaving behind the stunts and adventures with gangsters in order to hide herself from the many admirers of the famous Rodolfo Valentino. This tranquillity, however, will be turned upside down by a certain desire of Anna's, which she will eventually express on the day of her 30th wedding anniversary. Without interruption, she will be transported through time and through countless adventures, to rediscover something that she would never think to be possible to witness with her own eyes: to come into personal contact with a past shrouded in mystery and to forever be an...
The constellations and the fixed stars are the true origin and the foundation of astrology. Paracelsus claimed that each of us is the manifestation of a star, but by this we mean a certain cosmic principle, one of the ideas; this idea is also typical of a certain star, but we have not derived it from the star, it is only that we are related to it and therefore we attract each other. Thus we understand the importance of the techniques shown in the first part of this book for identifying stellar and planetary significators in a birth chart. We will see how to identify the constellations, the fixed stars and also the planets with which the native is in particular "sympathy" and how to use them both in the common astrological practice, both in spiritual or magical astrology. In the following the book deals with the relevance of the heliacal phases in world astrology. The last chapter focuses on the analysis of sympathetic attraction mechanisms between terrestrial and celestial realities.
Studiando questo libro verificherete quanta verità vi è nella famosa frase di Confucio, secondo cui "Il mondo è governato da segni e simboli, non da leggi e frasi". Nella prima parte ci soffermeremo sulla particolare importanza che hanno le stelle in una fase eliaca (intendendo per tali anche le fasi cosmiche e acroniche) nel giorno dell’Equinozio primaverile o nei giorni vicini. Come vedremo, anche le stelle in paran con il Sole equinoziale si fanno sentire con forza maggiore. Si mostrerà in che modo queste stelle influenzano le caratteristiche e gli eventi di un’epoca, anche alla luce di esempi recenti.Nella seconda parte parliamo di tutti i possibili fattori stellari che segnano l...
Questo libro spiega tutto ciò che serve per usare le erbe nella pratica magica, dal modo per incantarle al momento della raccolta e dell'uso in un rituale al modo in cui seminarle, raccoglierle e conservarle per esaltare al massimo i loro naturali poteri magici. Sono inoltre date dettagliate istruzioni relative al timing astrologico da seguire per ciascuno di questi momenti. L'opera contiene anche una serie di schede relative alle singole piante, ciascuna delle quali suddivisa in una serie di sezioni: descrizione, pianeta o pianeti che governano la pianta, genere maschile o femminile della pianta, divinità ad essa associate, tradizioni e miti, erboristeria e fitoterapia, usi magici, momenti migliori per seminarla, raccoglierla e usarla. Nell'ultima parte sono presentati anche vari tipi di riti e incantesimi che fanno uso di erbe e piante, nonché le Stelle Fisse che governano ciascuna pianta. Si parla anche del loro uso alchemico, cioè come aiuto per il compimento della Grande Opera.
Qual è la reale natura del viaggio ultraterreno di Dante? Ci sono molti indizi che fanno pensare che si trattasse di un “viaggio stellare” molto simile a quello viene descritto nelle prime due parti di questo libro. E alcuni di questi indizi sono di natura molto “tecnica”, come vedremo esaminando le corrispondenze del viaggio di Dante sulla sfera celeste e le varie costellazioni e stelle di cui i suoi personaggi rappresentano altrettante allegorie. Per comprendere tutto questo, nella prima parte del libro partiamo dall’originario simbolismo della Tradizione primordiale, che era di tipo polare e assiale. Solo successivamente è avvenuto uno spostamento di questo simbolismo sul pian...