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Buku ini kami sajikan sebagai suatu upaya untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai konsep dan penerapan Sistem Akuntansi dalam konteks bisnis dan keuangan. Sebagai buku ajar, kami berusaha menyajikan materi dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh praktis yang relevan. Sistem Akuntansi menjadi landasan utama dalam mencatat, mengukur, dan melaporkan aktivitas keuangan suatu entitas. Melalui buku ini, pembaca diharapkan dapat memahami berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan pengelolaan informasi keuangan, termasuk proses pencatatan transaksi, penyusunan laporan keuangan, serta pengendalian internal.
Buku ini merupakan rangkaian penemuan baru di bidang keilmuan Strategi manajemen berbasiskan penelitian penulis sejak studi Doktoral (PhD) tahun 2010-2013 di The University of New England Australia hingga saat Pandemi Covid 19 melanda di seluruh dunia tahun 2020. Penemuan ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk seluruh masyarakat dunia dan pemerintah di berbagai negara untuk menghadapi kondisi yang sangat berat melanda umat manusia yaitu kelangkaan pangan. Dampak dari virus Corona yang telah menyebar di seluruh dunia adalah awal dari sebuah rentetan panjang kejadian extra ordinary yang menyebabkan runtuhnya ekonomi di seluruh dunia dan bergesernya pola ekonomi yang tidak pernah terpikirkan manusia sebelumnya
Buku ini membahas tentang teknik elektronika daya yang merupakan bagian dari keilmuan di bidang teknik elektro. Di dalamnya meliputi komponen semikonduktor, berbagai macam konverter daya, serta sistem pengendali tegangan dan frekuensi. Buku ini cocok bagi semua kalangan yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang dinamika teknik elektronika daya.
Kebijakan publik merupakan sarana untuk mewujudkan kehendak-kehendak rakyat yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah atau stakeholders, dan sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor andalan di negeri ini yang sejak lama diandalkan untuk menghasilkan pundi-pundi pendapatan, baik pendapatan nasional maupun pendapatan daerah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kebijakan publik yang tepat dalam pengelolaan pariwisata di Indonesia. Buku ini hadir sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan bagaimana strategi yang tepat dalam mewujudkan kebijakan publik di sektor pariwisata.
Virus Corona mengguncang dunia. Statment ini telah merasuki otak dan alam bawah sadar seluruh manusia di muka bumi ini, termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian, dibalik musibah pasti ada hikmah. Buku ini kami susun secara ilmiah berbasiskan sumber yang valid. Fokus buku ini adalah dampak positif dibalik musibah Corona
Urban flooding is an increasing challenge today to the expanding cities and towns of developing countries. This Handbook is a state-of-the art, user-friendly operational guide that shows decision makers and specialists how to effectively manage the risk of floods in rapidly urbanizing settings--and within the context of a changing climate.
The surprising case for liberal nationalism Around the world today, nationalism is back—and it’s often deeply troubling. Populist politicians exploit nationalism for authoritarian, chauvinistic, racist, and xenophobic purposes, reinforcing the view that it is fundamentally reactionary and antidemocratic. But Yael (Yuli) Tamir makes a passionate argument for a very different kind of nationalism—one that revives its participatory, creative, and egalitarian virtues, answers many of the problems caused by neoliberalism and hyperglobalism, and is essential to democracy at its best. In Why Nationalism, she explains why it is more important than ever for the Left to recognize these positive qualities of nationalism, to reclaim it from right-wing extremists, and to redirect its power to progressive ends. Provocative and hopeful, Why Nationalism is a timely and essential rethinking of a defining feature of our politics.
This book reflects on how teachers and students use new technologies in classroom settings in order to improve the capacity of teaching and learning in history to successfully meet the challenges of the twenty-first century through a complex understanding of the relation between past and present. Key authors in the field from Europe and the Americas present a comprehensive overview of the central questions at the heart of the book. They contribute to this process of reflection by taking diverse methodological, pedagogical and conceptual approaches to analyse the ways in which digital tools could advance the development of historical comprehension in the fields of formal and informal history education in different settings as schools, museums, exhibitions, sites of memory, videogames and films. Drawing together a disciplinary diversity that approaches the topic from the viewpoints of collective memory, global history, historical thinking and historical consciousness, the book’s cutting-edge content offers interested academics and practitioners with a broad-based view on the current state of debate in this area, examined via theoretical exploration in-depth case analysis.
This handbook is a resource for enhancing disaster resilience in urban areas. It summarizes the guiding principles, tools, and practices in key economic sectors that can facilitate incorporation of resilience concepts into decisions about infrastructure investments and urban management that are integral to reducing disaster and climate risks.
This is the ninth time we are hosting this seminar and we are proud to inform you that this seminar is an annual event in our calendar and has been held every year since 2014. This year, for the third year, we are holding it via Zoom meeting (online meeting) due to Covid-19 pandemic. We are inviting internationally recognized speakers from several countries to share their latest discoveries in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Science Education. Well-known researchers in science and science education will share their experiences and knowledge so that we can stay up-to-date with the latest information. This is one of the goals of this seminar. As science researchers, ...