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Mekanika Dasar adalah buku yang dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang konsep-konsep fundamental dalam mekanika, cabang ilmu fisika yang menjadi landasan berbagai aplikasi teknik dan sains. Buku ini disusun secara sistematis oleh para penulis berpengalaman, mencakup topik-topik penting seperti kinematika gerak, dinamika partikel, statika, hingga mekanika fluida dan mekanika benda langit. Setiap bab dilengkapi dengan definisi, prinsip dasar, ilustrasi, serta aplikasi praktis, menjadikan buku ini relevan bagi mahasiswa, dosen, dan praktisi di bidang teknik dan sains. Pembaca akan diajak memahami hukum hukum Newton, prinsip energi dan usaha, hukum gravitasi, hingga pengaruh relativitas dalam gravitasi. Dengan pendekatan yang jelas dan terstruktur, buku ini tidak hanya memberikan wawasan teoretis, tetapi juga menghubungkannya dengan masalah-masalah nyata yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun industri. Mekanika Dasar adalah referensi wajib untuk mendalami ilmu mekanika secara holistik dan aplikatif.
Buku ini merupakan bunga rampai (book chapters) hasil karya ilmiah dari tenaga pengajar dan mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo dan merupakan bagian dari salah satu program kegiatan Jurusan, yaitu di bidang pendidikan. Tulisan ini merupakan gabungan dari enam konsentrasi yang ada di Jurusan Teknik Sipil, yaitu Struktur, Geoteknik, Keairan, Transportasi, Manajemen Rekayasa Konstruksi dan Lingkungan.
Perancangan Proyek Perkerasan Jalan adalah buku yang mengupas tuntas rahasia di balik infrastruktur jalan yang kokoh dan tahan lama. Buku ini dirancang khusus untuk menjadi pegangan utama bagi mahasiswa teknik, insinyur, dan profesional bidang konstruksi jalan yang ingin menciptakan jalanan berkualitas tinggi di berbagai kondisi medan. Dimulai dari dasar-dasar perkerasan, pembaca diajak menyelami setiap lapisan yang membentuk kekuatan jalan, dari tanah dasar hingga permukaan yang mampu menahan beban lalu lintas berat. Buku ini memandu langkah demi langkah dalam proses desain—mulai dari memilih material yang tepat, menghitung beban dan ketahanan, hingga menerapkan teknik konstruksi perkerasan kaku maupun lentur. Tidak hanya itu, buku ini juga menyajikan studi kasus nyata yang menunjukkan tantangan dalam dunia nyata dan solusi inovatif yang bisa diterapkan dalam proyek jalan di Indonesia. Dilengkapi dengan diagram, ilustrasi teknik, dan contoh soal, Perancangan Proyek Perkerasan Jalan bukan sekadar teori, melainkan panduan yang hidup dan aplikatif. Bagi siapa pun yang bercita-cita menciptakan jalan yang tak hanya fungsional, tetapi juga tahan uji waktu, buku ini adalah jawabannya.
Darwin and Theories of Aesthetics and Cultural History is a significant contribution to the fields of theory, Darwin studies, and cultural history. This collection of eight essays is the first volume to address, from the point of view of art and literary historians, Darwin's intersections with aesthetic theories and cultural histories from the eighteenth century to the present day. Among the philosophers of art influenced by Darwinian evolution and considered in this collection are Alois Riegl, Ruskin, and Aby Warburg. This stimulating collection ranges in content from essays on the influence of eighteenth-century aesthetic theory on Darwin and nineteenth-century debates circulating around beauty to the study of evolutionary models in contemporary art.
Catalog of theses of the Postgraduate School, Institut Pertanian Bogor.
This book explores a variety of topics that fall in the realm of psychological and behavioral economics. It demonstrates to the reader how to perform straightforward experiments in order to understand how people think about the economic aspects of their daily lives. Behavioral economics is a 'hot new area' of economics and consumer psychology. This book provides a comprehensive guide on consumer research and the types of results required. These approaches are spreading further around the globe, thanks to the work of Dr. Howard Moskowitz, one of the authors of this book, and the incredible succ.
The relationship between ports and governments has changed profoundly over the past quarter of a century. Many governments have sought to extract themselves from the business of port operations and, in many cases, the provision of port services has devolved to local governments, communities or private management and administration. As such devolution implies a change in governance model, this trend raises questions about consequent performance. This issue examines the changed port management environment, focusing particularly on government policies such as devolution, regulatory reform and newly imposed governance models, all of which have exerted a significant influence over the nature of t...
"I would recommend this book to my peers and I would use it in my day-to-day work. It is most helpful to have a comprehensive guide that can be used in a variety of care settings and by many different healthcare providers."--Doody's Medical Reviews Evidence-based research underscores the importance of breastfeeding for the healthy development of late preterm infants, yet significant challenges can impede its success. This is a groundbreaking, problem-solving guide to the most effective techniques for breastfeeding this vulnerable population. Written for lactation consultants, NICU nurses, obstetrical nurses, and nurse-midwives, the book offers clear, simple, evidence-based solutions to the d...
This book presents studies from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives: human resources management, strategy, operations management, accounting, international business, marketing and development. It represents the latest state of knowledge in organizations and the natural environment and provides interesting perspectives for academics, environmental consultants as well as environmental managers from business, the public sector, NGOs, international development institutions, and government.
Using information from 193 banks in 58 countries, the authors develop and analyze indicators of physical access, affordability, and eligibility barriers to deposit, loan, and payment services. They find substantial cross-country variation in barriers to banking and show that in many countries these barriers can potentially exclude a significant share of the population from using banking services. Correlations with bank- and country-level variables show that bank size and the availability of physical infrastructure are the most robust predictors of barriers. Further, the authors find evidence that in more competitive, open, and transparent economies, and in countries with better contractual a...