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As an annual event, The 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCE & SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION (ICASI) 2020 continued the agenda to bring together researcher, academics, experts and professionals in examining selected theme by applying multidisciplinary approaches. In 2020, this event will be held in 20 June at Garuda Plaza Hotel Medan. The conference from any kind of stakeholders related with Management, Economy, Administration Business, Tourism, Policy, Law, Operation Management and all research in Social Science and Humanities. Each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer reviewed was used in the paper selection.
Leading from the North aims to improve public dialogue around the future of Northern Australia to underpin robust and flexible planning and policy frameworks. A number of areas are addressed including social infrastructure, governance systems, economic, business and regional development, climate and its implications, the roles and trends in demography and migration in the region. This book not only speaks to the issues of development in Northern Australia but also other regional areas, and examines opportunities for growth with changing economies and technologies. The authors of this book consist of leading researchers, academics and experts from Charles Darwin University, The Australian National University, James Cook University, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and many other collaborative partners. Many of the authors have first-hand experience of living and working in Northern Australia. They understand the real issues and challenges faced by people living in Northern Australia and other similar regional areas. Backed by their expertise and experience, the authors present their discussions and findings from a local perspective.
We are delighted to introduce the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE) 2020 hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, in the heart of the city Bandar Lampung on 16 and 17 October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a model of an online organised event via Zoom. The theme of the 2nd ICOPE 2020 was “Exploring the New Era of Education”, with various related topics including Science Education, Technology and Learning Innovation, Social and Humanities Education, Education Management, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum and Instructions, A...
Dikisahkan Aruna, seorang anak perempuan suku Dayak Bakumpai di pedalaman Kalimantan. Bumi Kalimantan yang ia kenal sejak kecil sebagai surga petualangannya berubah menjadi sarang bencana. Hutan yang lebat, dengan segala keindahannya, harus termutilasi oleh penebangan liar. Seribu anak sungai di sekeliling Aruna terkontaminasi limbah beracun. Beribu-ribu galon limbah memadati air sungai, hutan dan laut setiap tahunnya. Ekosistem rusak, satwa liar perlahan-lahan menyusut, ekosistem laut pun terganggu. Para nelayan tak lagi punya mata pencarian. Eliyana, seorang peneliti, datang ke tanah Bakumpai dan menemukan bahwa racun yang disebabkan oleh limbah pertambangan dan tailing yang dibuang ke sun...
Apakah good looking dan good rekening menjadi syarat utama mendapatkan cinta? Apakah pernikahan harus dibangun dengan itu saja? Bagaimana dengan ketulusan, apakah punya peran dalam membangun hubungan? Saipeh dan BangSat sudah bersanding di pelaminan. Lalu bagaimana nasib Alvin dan Kayla? Sapiiira bagaimanakah nasibnya? Masih prik seperti sejak lahir? Kita ikuti kisah Saipeh yang udah gak baper lagi yuk.
Jodoh itu unik, tak satu pun dari kita tahu dengan siapa setiap diri berjodoh dan bagaimana jalannya. Tak jarang kita merasakan kebaperan dalam menemukannya. Saipeh juga normal kaleee, dia pengen dapet jodoh yang baik yaaah walaupun dia masih teuteup suka ngupil dan pakai sandal jepit ke mana-mana. Memangnya ada pemuda tampan yang mau menjadikannya pendamping hidup? Tapi, jodoh nggak selamanya seperti sepasang sandal jepit. Meski udah dibagi kanan dan kiri, tetap aja sandal jepit cebanan mah bisa ketuker. Kanan warna ijo, kiri warna merah. Yang penting bisa jalan ke tempat tujuan. Kita doakan aja, semoga Saipeh bahagia bersama jodoh terbapernya. Simak juga keseruan kisahnya bersama Kayla, Fira dan Bu Pipit. Tak lupa eta si Bang Sat masih ngikut di cerita ini. Ayeyyyy….
This is an open access book. ICOSEAT 2022 was held on July 21–23, 2022 in Bangka Island, one of the wonderful places of Indonesia. Articles in the field of Agroindustry and Appropriate Technology 4.0; Environmental and Mining Engineering; Sustainable Development and Tourism Management; Agriculture and Food Engineering; and Marine, Aquaculture and Biological Science. ICOSEAT provides a forum for Academic, Business and Government to present and discuss topics on recent development in those fields.
Why do engineers "report" while philosophers "argue" and biologists "describe"? In the Michigan Classics Edition of Disciplinary Discourses: Social Interactions in AcademicWriting, Ken Hyland examines the relationships between the cultures of academic communities and their unique discourses. Drawing on discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, and the voices of professional insiders, Ken Hyland explores how academics use language to organize their professional lives, carry out intellectual tasks, and reach agreement on what will count as knowledge. In addition, Disciplinary Discourses presents a useful framework for understanding the interactions between writers and their readers in published ...
The International Conference on Economic, Management, Business and Accounting (ICEMBA) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference took place at STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, on 14 December, 2022. The ICEMBA 2022 Theme is Glocalization, Startup & Bubblenomic: Challenges, Opportunities for the Indonesian Economy. Consist of sub themes, SME Recovery, HRM, Green HRM, Green Marketing, Digital Business, E-Commerce, Brand Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Operational Management, Business Ethic, Management Strategy, Management of Information System, Circular Economic, Behavioral Accounting, Financial Accounting...