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Bulgarian writer and international migration expert Yva Alexandrova tells the story of Eastern Europeans in the UK, and argues that progressive politics needs to be grounded in migrants’ actual experiences and not political expediency. She shows how attitudes to immigration have changed in the last twenty years in the wake of Brexit and a new wave of nativism that has swept across Britain, and makes a passionate and vivid argument for migrants as full participants in social and political life. At a time when racism, xenophobia and nationalism dominate politics in the UK and around the world, Here to Stay avoids the usual racist vox-pops and sensationalist political debate and instead tells the stories of the people whose voices rarely feature in debates about immigration: the migrants themselves.
The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings is responsible for evaluating the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the countries which have ratified it. GRETA is composed of 15 independent and impartial experts from signatory countries. They come from a variety of backgrounds (legal professionals, law-enforcement officials, psychologists, doctors, civil society representatives, etc.) and are selected on the basis of their professional experience in the areas covered by the convention.
Le Groupe d’experts sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains est chargé d’évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains par les États qui l’ont ratifiée. Le GRETA est composé de 15 experts indépendants et impartiaux, qui doivent être des ressortissants des États signataires. Issus de milieux professionnels variés (juristes, membres des forces de l’ordre, psychologues, médecins, représentants de la société civile, etc.), ils sont choisis pour leur expérience professionnelle dans les domaines couverts par la convention.
누구나 옷을 입는다. 패션업계에 종사하든 아니든, 패션에 관심이 있든 없든 우리는 계절에 따라, 유행이나 취향에 따라 옷장을 채운다. 하지만 멋스런 옷을 고르며 그것이 대량 생산되기 위해 수많은 사람들의 땀과 눈물, 그리고 비극이 있었다는 사실은 좀처럼 상상하지 못한다. 『런웨이 위의 자본주의』는 화려해 보이는 패션 산업에 드리워진 글로벌 자본주의의 그림자를 낱낱이 고발한다. 저자는 한줌의 다국적 기업이 각종 패션 브랜드를 소유한 패션업계에서는 특히 독점화 문제가 심각하다고 지적하며 이윤을 위해 어떤 불법과 착취가 이뤄지는지 세심하게 파고든다.
‘This is Doro and he is beautiful.’ So begins the extraordinary story of Doro Ģoumãňęh, who faced an unimaginable series of adversities on his journey from persecution in The Gambia to refuge in France. Doro was once a relatively prosperous fisherman, but in 2014, when the country’s fishing rights were stolen and secret police began arresting Gambian fishermen, Doro left home, fleeing for his life. From Senegal to Libya to Algeria and back to Libya, Doro fell victim to the horrific cycle of abuse targeted at refugees. He endured shipwrecks, torture and being left for dead in a mass grave. Miraculously, he survived. In 2019, during one of his many attempts to reach Europe, Doro was ...
This edited volume explores the historical, cultural and literary legacies of Polish Britain, and their significance for both the British and Polish nations. The focus of the book is twofold. First, it investigates the history of Polish immigration and the ways in which Polish immigrants have conceptualised their own experiences and encounters with Britain and the British. Second, it examines how Poles and Poland have been represented by Anglophone writers in both fictional and non-fictional forms of discourse. Inevitably, these issues are intertwined. Polish experiences of Britain have been shaped, in part, by British ideas about Poland, just as British notions of Poland have been transformed by the emergence of large and culturally active Polish communities in the UK. By studying these issues together, this volume develops a wide-ranging and original analysis of Polish Britain.
One of Britain's most radical veterans takes us on a guided tour through ex-military life at the heart of a dead empire. The military veteran is claimed by all sides. Conservatives, liberals and socialists all want to speak about and for ex-servicemen, yet far-right demonstrations are dotted with berets and medals and ex-military men have become celebrities of the reactionary manosphere. So who are Britain's ex-servicemen? What do they want? What are their politics? What are the issues which animate them? Are they just irredeemable fascists by dint of their service to Empire? Or is there a radical political potential waiting to be unlocked? Former soldier Joe Glenton takes us on a guided tour through ex-forces life at the heart of a dead empire as he attempts to demystify military culture, rescue the veteran from his captors, and discover if a more optimistic, humanist mode of veteranhood can be recovered from the ruins.
Migration and citizenship -- Chinese re-migration -- Citizenship across the life course -- Multiple diasporas -- China at home and abroad -- Contemporaneous migration
The current report looks at three specific forms of trafficking in persons: child trafficking for begging, for pickpocketing and for sexual exploitation of boys and the way they manifest themselves among Roma communities. The report examines the profiles of victims and discusses the vulnerability factors that make the Roma minority a particular group at risk. The study provides empirical knowledge on the mechanisms of recruitment and exploitation of victims in order to inform identification efforts and counter-trafficking responses. Particular attention is devoted to the policy and measures for assistance of victims. In this field, the report identifies specific gaps in assistance and the way they affect Roma victims in particular, and suggests how child victim assistance could be improved. The active involvement of Roma organisations in the research through participatory methods aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the risk factors involved, bring knowledge back to the communities and support Roma experts’ involvement in counter-trafficking policy and mechanisms.
Immersive, engrossing report on the European refugee crisis A mother puts her children into a refrigerator truck and asks, “What else could I do?” A runaway teenager comes of age on the streets, sleeping in abandoned buildings. A student leaves his war-ravaged country behind because he doesn’t want to kill. Everyone among the thousands of people who come to Europe in search of asylum each year possesses a unique story. But those stories don’t end as they cross into the West. In Lights in the Distance, acclaimed journalist Daniel Trilling draws on years of reporting to build a portrait of the refugee crisis as seen through the eyes of the people who experienced it firsthand. As the Eu...