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Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity: for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. —Psalm 6:8 The years of good and plenty that Quint Sawyer now cherishes have not always been the case. And it is only by Grace that Quint is given a second chance at love. Quint is a fourth-generation cattle rancher. His heart and love was in the land that he works. For Quint, there’s no better life than the open range of his Montana home. The first time he met the fiery Penniford Elliott, they didn’t hit it off, and every time they’ve crossed each other’s path since then, Quint has gotten Penni out of one mess after another. “It doesn’t matter where or how your life starts; it matters how your life ends.” Penniford Elliot is far from her home in the upstate suburbs of Illinois. For one Summer, Penni traded in her structured life to go visit her aunt in the unpredictable, wide open spaces of Montana. Penni soon discovers that she isn’t cut out for the wide-open spaces or the ever-present Quint Sawyer.
Disputes over valuation issues fill the court's dockets and for good reason, fair market valuations are required frequently by the law. The authors believe that approximately 243 sections of the Code and several thousand references in the Regulations explicitly require fair market value determination. Consequently, taxpayers file an estimated 15 million tax returns each year reporting an event involving a valuation related issue. It is no mystery, therefore, why valuation cases are ubiquitous. Today, valuation is an important and highly sophisticated process. Valuators need legitimate guidance to perform their work. The objective of this book is to provide knowledge, and guidance to those wh...
From the popular Instant Bible Lessons series, enjoy this fully reproducible lesson book for preschoolers (ages 3-5). From A-Z, these reproducible lessons guide children through the Bible, using the alphabet to help little ones focus on key points. Children learn their ABC's and foundational truths from God's word at the same time. Volunteer and parent friendly, each lesson is easy to use and ready to go. You can use this reproducible book as a weekend curriculum or anytime you have young ones together. Keep your preschoolers actively involved in creative Bible learning and review early education basics at the same time with over seventy hands-on, interactive activities. Best-selling points: 26 fun-filled Bible lessons--one for each letter of the alphabet Quick and easy-to-use resource for teachers and parents Each lesson moves through the Bible Includes Bible lesson with step-by-step instructions, age-appropriate craft, alphabet sheet, and fun activities Versatile! Can be used for weekend classes, midweek teaching, or homeschooling Volunteer friendly and reproducible
Retired Captain Griffin T. Washington was one of the Army Rangers’ finest special operations investigator. Now, Griff is one of only two detectives at the Cody Police Department. After years of being retired from active duty, and with a fulfilling job, Griff is still alone. The loss of his wife ten years ago nearly broke Griff. Then the black hole he sunk into after coming home from active duty threatened to pull him back under again. Healing from his wife’s death has not been easy, but Griff now lives his life with order and peace. While coming from a call, Griff’s life is turned upside down by a careless driver, and before he can get her insurance information, she speeds off, leaving...
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law. —Galatians 3:13 Remington Haylord is a preacher’s son. Remington was raised with a respect and love of the Word of God and a love of taking care of animals. Instead of running with his biker buddies down in Texas, Remington ran with the horses. Although Remington has not always led his life according to the Word, he knows that not every walk with Christ is an easy one, and yet, he feels a preacher’s life is not for him. Now, after a few years in the corporate arena, he’s found a peaceful life at the Sawyer Ranch. While standing at the head of a church, officiating his best-friend’s wedding, Remington looks down the aisle and is bot...
Business Valuation and Federal Taxes Procedure, Law, and Perspective SECOND EDITION Combining the expert knowledge of Senior Judge David Laro and Shannon Pratt, Business Valuation and Federal Taxes, Second Edition presents the authors' decades of experience, with advice on everything practitioners need to know about the relationship between federal taxes and valuation, and specifically valuations relating to business interests. This reference features indepth examinations of numerous topics that are particularly important to practitioners and explores a broad understanding of the basic knowledge needed to appreciate business valuation. Valuators, CPAs consulting on valuations, attorneys, cor...
Elise Montgomery has always wanted to be a professional singer. Becoming one of the world’s greatest Gospel singers of all times, is more than a dream, it’s one of her life’s goals. Elise would sing for her supper in almost any venue she could, to pay her dues. Now comes her big break, to join a Gospel tour in New York. When Elise has a five-hour layover on her way to an awards show, Elise gets side-tracked by a tall, handsome cowboy. That night Elise makes one of the hardest decisions of her life when she walks away from her handsome cowboy. But that decision will come back full-circle four-years later. "I knew when I first laid eyes on her, I was in love." Thane Bailey is a fifth-generation rancher, and a Marine for life. Thane would like nothing better than to stay on his ranch, in peace, and hang out at his favorite watering-hole with his military sisters and brothers than go to his fellow Marines’ bachelor party, in Vegas. Unbeknownst to Thane, when he visits Vegas for the first time, he will meet the only woman he knows he will ever love. The Masters of the Caverns is a set of Novellas.
Braun Hartgrove, is a retired Army Ranger and detective with the Cody, Wyoming police department and a happy bachelor. After ten-years of serving his country, Braun is happy to settle into his life in his childhood town, enjoy his bachelorhood, and enjoy some nights with his military family at his favorite place, The Caverns. While attending his future brother-in-law’s bachelor party, Braun gets an unexpected surprise, one that he will later figure out, too late is his greatest blessing. Now the bachelors’ life doesn’t seem so enjoyable. But Braun needs to wait to claim his blessing, and wait he will, because what is his, only God can take away. "My past comes full circle when my futur...