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High-Entropy Alloys: Design, Manufacturing, and Emerging Applications presents cutting-edge advances in the field of these materials, covering their mechanics, methods of manufacturing, and applications, all while emphasizing the link between their structure/microstructure and functional properties. The book starts with a section on the fundamentals of high-entropy alloys (HEAs), with chapters discussing their thermodynamics, subgroups (transition metal; refractory; ceramics; metallic glasses and more), physical metallurgy, and microstructural characterization. The next section features chapters which look at manufacturing processes of HEAs, such as liquid metallurgy synthesis, in-situ synth...
The essays of this revised and expanded collection were written by Prof. Anneli Aejmelaeus over a period of 25 years. The thread that runs through all these essays and holds the collection together is translation technique, which is characterized as a central aspect of methodology rather than an object of study. Only by tracing the trail of the Septuagint translators is it possible to gain a reliable picture of the different translators and of the Hebrew Vorlage their work was based on. The themes dealt with in the individual essays range from the study of syntactical features of the Greek language used in the Septuagint to the quest for the correct understanding of the underlying Hebrew, from the overall description of the translation character of certain biblical books to the application of translation technical data in textual criticism of the Hebrew text, and from methodological questions to the discussion of theological interpretation by the translators, reflecting the ongoing discussion in the international field of Septuagint studies and representing a significant and distinctive critical position in it.
Although not so well known today, Book 4 of Pappus’ Collection is one of the most important and influential mathematical texts from antiquity. The mathematical vignettes form a portrait of mathematics during the Hellenistic "Golden Age", illustrating central problems – for example, squaring the circle; doubling the cube; and trisecting an angle – varying solution strategies, and the different mathematical styles within ancient geometry. This volume provides an English translation of Collection 4, in full, for the first time, including: a new edition of the Greek text, based on a fresh transcription from the main manuscript and offering an alternative to Hultsch’s standard edition, notes to facilitate understanding of the steps in the mathematical argument, a commentary highlighting aspects of the work that have so far been neglected, and supporting the reconstruction of a coherent plan and vision within the work, bibliographical references for further study.
"A most welcome addition to the literature of astronomical history." — Nature "A most important contribution to the early history of Greek thought and a notable monument of English scholarship." — Journal of Hellenic Studies This classic work traces Aristarchus of Samos's anticipation by two millennia of Copernicus's revolutionary theory of the orbital motion of the earth. Heath's history of astronomy ranges from Homer and Hesiod to Aristarchus and includes quotes from numerous thinkers, compilers, and scholasticists from Thales and Anaximander through Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, and Heraclides. 34 figures.
Series: Pericope 4 - Scripture as written and read in antiquity Bible scholars and translators are often confronted with the problem of sectioning biblical texts. Until recently sentence division and paragraphing were largely left to the imagination of the individual scholar. This resulted in a wide range of different divisions of one and the same text. There is, however, a lot of long neglected evidence on how the ancient scribes themselves understood the structure of the texts they were transmitting. Research in ancient scribal traditions shows that in the entire ancient Near East scribes provided their texts with special, structuring markers. For example, rulings, lines left open, extra l...
Bei meiner Arbeit stoße ich immer wieder auf Netzwerke und Webseiten mit erheblichen Sicherheitsproblemen. In diesem Buch versuche ich dem Leser zu vermitteln, wie leicht es mittlerweile ist, Sicherheitslücken mit diversen Tools auszunutzen. Daher sollte meiner Meinung nach jeder, der ein Netzwerk oder eine Webseite betreibt, ansatzweise wissen, wie diverse Hackertools arbeiten, um zu verstehen, wie man sich dagegen schützen kann. Selbst vor kleinen Heimnetzwerken machen viele Hacker nicht halt. Wenngleich das Thema ein sehr technisches ist, werde ich dennoch versuchen, die Konzepte so allgemein verständlich wie möglich erklären. Ein Informatikstudium ist also keinesfalls notwendig, um diesem Buch zu folgen. Dennoch will ich nicht nur die Bedienung diverser Tools erklären, sondern auch deren Funktionsweise so weit erklären, dass Ihnen klar wird, wie das Tool arbeitet und warum ein bestimmter Angriff funktioniert.
A joke, one might think, knowing that ancient grammar famously lacked a syntactic component. Not so, say the scholars: the very absence of the category syntax calls for theoretical and historical analysis, and a scratch at the surface reveals that ancient grammarians did indeed recognize and deal with various aspects of syntax. The 16 papers, five of them in English and the others in German or French, look at syntactic description and reflection in antiquity, Alexandrian grammarians and syntax, virtues and vices of speech, and the Latin and Byzantine heritage. Distributed by the David Brown Book Company. Annotation : 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Wie erfolgreich sind extrem Rechte Akteure darin, ihre Ideologien für legitime Diskurse anschlussfähig zu machen, Sagbarkeitsgrenzen zu verschieben und in die sogenannte Mitte der Gesellschaft vorzudringen? Mit einer Kombination aus wissenschaftlichen Analysen, Debattenbeiträgen und Praxisberichten diskutiert der Band die Eigenheiten rechtspopulistischer und rechtsextremistischer Ideologien und Bewegungen. Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit den ideologischen Grundlagen, nehmen gesellschaftliche Kontexte in den Blick, untersuchen rechtsradikale Milieus, Akteure sowie (Gegen-)Strategien und Fragen nach der Bedeutung von Kommunikationsprozessen und Massenmedien.