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Agronomic crops have been a source of foods, beverages, fodders, fuels, medicines and industrial raw materials since the dawn of human civilization. Over time, these crops have come to be cultivated using scientific methods instead of traditional methods. However, in the era of climate change, agronomic crops are increasingly subjected to various environmental stresses, which results in substantial yield loss. To meet the food demands of the ever-increasing global population, new technologies and management practices are being adopted to boost yield and maintain productivity under both normal and adverse conditions. To promote the sustainable production of agronomic crops, scientists are cur...
As today’s world develops and evolves, so does its economics. New economic approaches have begun to emerge, but traditional methods are still being implemented. As both systems provide different solutions to society’s economic issues, thoughtful research and analysis is required regarding the tactics and strategies that both theories utilize. Comparative Approaches to Old and New Institutional Economics is an essential reference source that discusses the sequential history of these two economic theories as well as their application to global fiscal disputes. Featuring research on topics such as international relations, business management, and institutionalism, this book is ideally designed for economists, analysts, managers, researchers, practitioners, academicians, and students seeking coverage on the parallel methods of these economic philosophies.
In today’s data-driven world, certain infrastructures of society have begun to lose their anthropological traits. Economics, specifically, has started placing importance on quantity over quality, excluding its philosophical perspective. Scientists and associates of economics need to be reacquainted with the psychological aspect of commerce and its significance to humanity. Examining the Relationship Between Economics and Philosophy is an essential reference source that discusses the psychological view of economics as well as its philosophical background. Featuring research on topics such as cognitive science, neoliberalism, and neuroeconomics, this book is ideally designed for scientists, economists, managers, executives, academicians, researchers, and students seeking coverage on the philosophy of the financial system and its impact on competitive markets.
Reşat Nuri Güntekin 1928 yılında yayınlanan bu eserinde; çalışkan başarılı fakat zaaf gösterenlere karşı acımasız olan Zehra Öğretmen ile babası Mürşit'in bakış açılarından dramatik yaşam öykülerini anlatıyor.
This handbook provides a comprehensive and non-technical explanation of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), later legal instruments, current policy issues and the relationship between TRIPS and public health. It is aimed at an audience including government officials and policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, academics and students.
“Öğretmensiz kalmaktan korkun da neden, anam babam, neye uğraşıp didiniyoruz zati? Üç gün sonra başa geçtiğimiz vakit, çocuklarımızı, hele kızlarımızı o şartsız herife mi emanet edeceğiz sanıyorsun? Yok kardeşim, yok anam babam yok, okulda fink atmaya paydos artık. İmam, Allah’ın yolunu göstersin çocuklarımıza...” Kemal Bilbaşar, romanlarında olduğu gibi öykülerinde de Anadolu’nun her bölgesinden çarpıcı kesitler sunuyor okuyucularına. Cumhuriyet döneminin kent ve taşra dokusunu yansıtan bu öykülerde ağalık, köy hayatı, toplumun devlet memurları ve din adamlarıyla kurduğu çarpık ilişkilerin yanı sıra kadının toplumdaki yeri de nüktedan bir gerçekçilikle ortaya konuyor. Bilbaşar, yoksulluk, otorite, eşitsizlik ve ahlaka ilişkin kadim soruları bir kez daha hatırlatıyor.
Develop your learners' skills in creative writing and writing for a purpose. Introduce your learners to creative writing and writing for a purpose. They'll write a biography of a famous person and a poem based on The Pied Piper, helping build their extended writing skills as they progress through the units. Each unit focuses on a different text type such as dialogue, recounts, reports or instructions. Model texts in each chapter show learners good examples of each writing type and specific activities are included to help them practise their grammar. Planning tools and an extended writing task develop learners' essential skills including editing, checking, planning and creative thinking.
Elinizdeki bu eser Sosyal Hizmetler Akademisine öğrenci olarak başladığımdan (1974-1978) itibaren 36 yıllık görev sürem boyunca (1978-2014) hayatımın neredeyse 7/24 etkisi altına alan sosyal hizmet bilgi, görgü ve tecrübesinden ortaya çıkmıştır. Emekli olmama rağmen de halen etkisinden kurtulamadığım, hatırladıkça zaman zaman düşündüğüm, güldüğüm, üzüldüğüm anılarımın kurgusal içerikte sosyal bir roman haline dönüştürülmesinden oluşmuştur.
„Ein muslimisches Bayramfest im Wohngebiet einer südwestdeutschen Kleinstadt ist weder alltäglich noch risikoarm. Meine Eltern hatten daher präventiv die Nachbarschaft eingeladen, außerdem Freunde und Verwandte, die sich den Spaß nicht entgehen lassen wollten. Davon abgesehen war das Verspeisen eines ganzen Hammels eine Aufgabe, der sich eine vierköpfige deutsche Familie, selbst mit Unterstützung eines bosnischen Clans, nicht gewachsen sah.“ ------ Die alte Brücke in Mostar ist seit jeher ein Symbol für die Verbindung von Ost und West, von Islam und Christentum und den unterschiedlichen Ethnien in Bosnien-Herzegowina. Als sie im Herbst 1993 von kroatischen Streitkräften gespren...