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“A fresh approach to aging well . . . the definitive ‘how-to’ book for celebrating the second half of life!” from a top yoga and mindfulness teacher (Darren Main, author of Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic). Filled with science, suggestions for gentle daily movement, natural remedies and modern wisdom, Super Ager is a practical and concise guide to optimal aging. Yoga instructor, nutrition expert and healthy living blogger Elise Marie Collins has compiled a comprehensive look at what “Super Agers” are doing to live long and prosper. Learn about movement at any age, brain fitness and memory maintenance, foods, vitamin and mineral content cues and clues, and what they do to pr...
Many of us rely on our car’s or phone’s GPS but ignore the life-directional system we were each born with. This innate compass — what Zen Cryar DeBrücke calls our internal guidance system (IGS) — wants us to be happy, successful, and stress-free. How do we tune in to this tool? DeBrücke learned from trial and error and through the dramatic crucible of being the CEO of an internet firm during the dot-com bust. Her IGS helped her ride these daunting waves — and in the process she learned to leave painful memories behind, abandon destructive relationship patterns, and set boundaries. Learning to recognize and speak her truth led to the “beautiful sensation of being comfortable in [her] own skin.” Here DeBrücke shares her innovative program with readers so they too can have the life-changing experiences that result when we follow the guidance within.
Bringing together scholars from musicology, literature, childhood studies, and theater, this volume examines the ways in which children's musicals tap into adult nostalgia for childhood while appealing to the needs and consumer potential of the child. The contributors take up a wide range of musicals, including works inspired by the books of children's authors such as Roald Dahl, P.L. Travers, and Francis Hodgson Burnett; created by Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lionel Bart, and other leading lights of musical theater; or conceived for a cast made up entirely of children. The collection examines musicals that propagate or complicate normative attitudes regarding what childhood is or should be. It also considers the child performer in movie musicals as well as in professional and amateur stage musicals. This far-ranging collection highlights the special place that musical theater occupies in the imaginations and lives of children as well as adults. The collection comes at a time of increased importance of musical theater in the lives of children and young adults.
Applying intellect, insight, and intuition to promote school-wide transformation for educators through interpersonal reflection and hands-on tools. This is no one-size-fits-all approach to education that provides a formula or a practical how-to guide. The truths found in this book are about applying research-based best practices to the processes that lie outside of academia. Readers will find themselves getting out their pens and highlighters to write in the margins and apply personal reflection to the teachings. The three Is—intellect, insight, and intuition—are tools for educators to find personal growth and development inside the structure of the school system so that they can promote...
“Genlerimizin yaşlanmaya etkisi ortalama bir tahminle yüzde 25 ya da daha az. Yaşlanma sürecinin geri kalanı, yüzde 75’i hayat tarzımızla ilgili. Süper Yaşlanmak zamanla olan ilişkimizi yavaşlatmak, gençleşmek ve daha yavaş yaşlanmak demek.” Çağımızda yaşam süresi uzadıkça iyi yaşlanmaya ilgi de giderek artıyor. Yoga eğitmeni ve sağlık koçu Elise Marie Collins kültürümüzün yaşlanmayla kurduğu tatsız ilişkiyi yok saymak yerine yenilikçi, bilge ve sevecen yaklaşımıyla meselenin kalbine iniyor. Dünyanın dört bir yanından seksenini, doksanını devirmiş hatta yüzü geçmiş büyüklerimizin tecrübelerine kulak vererek, kadim bilgelik kaynakları ile çağdaş bilimsel verileri sentezleyerek farkındalık, beslenme, gündelik alışkanlıklar, ruh ve beden egzersizlerinin iyi yaşlanma üzerindeki etkilerini ele alıyor. Süper Yaşlı sadece uzun yaşamaya değil sağlıklı ve iyi yaşlanmaya dair dört dörtlük bir kılavuz. İngilizceden çeviren Fulya Kılınçarslan #AgantaKitap
Viele Menschen haben ein angespanntes Verhältnis zu Geld: Es löst bei ihnen Ärger und Ängste aus oder ruiniert ihre Beziehung. Der japanische Bestseller-Autor und Zen-Millionär Ken Honda räumt auf mit den falschen Vorstellungen zu unseren Finanzen. Er hilft uns, ein für allemal Frieden zu finden in unserer Beziehung zum Geld, und verrät, wie wir uns von negativen Gefühlen befreien und in einen Money-Flow geraten. Anerkennung, Dankbarkeit und Freude sind der Schlüssel - und nicht Fleiß, Neid oder die Gier nach immer mehr. So wie Marie Kondo den Umgang mit unseren Habseligkeiten revolutioniert hat, ändert Ken Honda den Umgang mit unseren Finanzen. Er lehrt uns eine völlig andere Einstellung zu Geld – und dem eigenen Leben. »Ken Hondas großartiges Buch hilft dabei, die Beziehung zu den eigenen Finanzen deutlich positiver zu gestalten. Absolut lesenswert!« Thomas Kehl, Bestsellerautor und Gründer von FINANZFLUSS
10 years after the release of the viral YouTube hit The Mean Kitty Song, Sparta is back with a new adventure of epic proportions! The cute kitty has grown into the biggest, meanest cat to ever roam the earth, or so people thought. Follow his story and learn to never judge based on appearances.
Provides an alphabetical listing of affirmations for young readers to encourage positive self-talk and self-compassion.
International #1 Best Seller Business is the most pervasive and influential force on the planet today. Its activities transcend national and international borders. Its activities are not unduly constrained by financial, political, cultural, ethnic, or religious concerns. The net of this is that business, as a prevalent and important force, has a moral responsibility to guide, enhance, value, and nourish the existence of all that it encounters. In the world today, the absolute opposite of this occurs. Business today seldom assesses the efficacy of its activities through the lens of anything but profit. The true purpose of business is to uplift the experience of existing. It is not to make own...
Take Control of Your Life Chances are, you’ve already had run-ins with your Outer Child — the self-sabotaging, bungling, and impulsive part of your personality. This misguided, hidden nemesis blows your diet, overspends, and ruins your love life. Your Outer Child acts out and fulfills your legitimate childlike needs and wants in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and in counterproductive ways: It goes for immediate gratification and the quick fix in spite of your best-laid plans. Now, in a revolutionary rethinking of the link between emotion and behavior, veteran psychotherapist Susan Anderson offers a three-step program to tame your Outer Child’s destructive behavior. This dynamic, transformational set of strategies — action steps that act like physical therapy for the brain — calms your Inner Child, strengthens your Adult Self, releases you from the self-blame and shame at the root of Outer Child issues, and paves new neural pathways that can lead to more productive behavior. The result is happiness, fulfillment, self-mastery, and self-love.