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Ten years after the financial crisis of 2008 there is widespread scepticism about the ability to curb volatile financial markets and achieve international cooperation. Rather than simply a result of the clash of national egoisms, this book explores the structural origins of this failure in the competing models of capitalism across the globe.
This book covers big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence-related technologies and how these technologies can enable the design, development, and delivery of customer-focused financial services to both corporate and retail customers, as well as how to extend the benefits to the financially excluded sections of society. Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, and Financial Inclusion describes the applications of big data and its tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning in products and services, marketing, risk management, and business operations. It also discusses the nature, sources, forms, and tools of big data and its potential applications in many industries for competitive advantage. The primary audience for the book includes practitioners, researchers, experts, graduate students, engineers, business leaders, and analysts researching contemporary issues in the area.
In diesem bahnbrechenden Buch bietet Jonathan McMillan eine neue Perspektive auf unser Wirtschaftssystem. Er zeigt, dass Kapitalismus und Marktwirtschaft nicht das Gleiche sind, und deckt dabei einen grundlegenden Fehler in unserer Finanzarchitektur auf. Das hat handfeste Konsequenzen – gerade für Europa. McMillan stellt die Probleme der Eurozone in einen größeren historischen Zusammenhang und entwickelt einen radikalen, aber durchdachten Reformvorschlag. Dabei wird klar: Wer eine freie und demokratische Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert bewahren will, kommt an einer neuen Wirtschaftsordnung nicht vorbei.
In this thought-provoking book, Jonathan McMillan dissects banking to reveal its inner workings. He cuts through the complexity of modern finance and explains how banking almost crashed our financial system. Banking is broken, and McMillan reveals why we can no longer fix it. The digital revolution turns out to be the game changer that calls for the end of banking. But McMillan refrains from merely pointing out flaws. Building on economic research and a rigorous analytical approach, he goes on to provide an innovative blueprint for a modern financial system. The End of Banking transforms our understanding of the financial system. It identifies the root cause of today's problems with banking and presents a solution that stands out against existing reform proposals.
“누구나 공감할 수 있는 평범한 이야기로 보안에 대한 시각을 이해하기 쉽게 풀어낸다.” _ 김철웅, 금융보안원장 “사이버 보안 렌즈를 통해 전 세계 정치, 사회 이슈를 이해하고자 하는 독자에게 추천한다.” _임정욱, 중소벤처기업부 창업벤처혁신실장 “이 책에는 우리나라 사이버 보안을 위한 제언이 담겨 있다.” _박찬암, 스틸리언 대표 눈에 보이는 것이 다가 아니다 사이버 보안은 기계와 인간 사이의 모든 영역에서 살아 숨쉰다. 하드웨어에서 소프트웨어, 비즈니스, 데이터, 극히 사적인 영역에 이르기까지 우리 주변과 밀접하게 관련돼 있다. 이 책은 디지털 혁명이 가져온 산업 변화와 사회적 이슈 그리고 역동적인 국제 관계 속에서 사이버 보안의 의미와 위상을 조명한다. 이 과정에서 어떻게 현재와 미래를 준비해야 하는지 통찰을 얻을 수 있다. 현장에서 평생 힘써온 저자의 통찰을 담은 이 책을 사이버 보안 종사자는 물론 C레벨 임원진, 리더에게 필독서로 추천한다.
An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income and commodities. Using a unique structural approach, it dissects all markets the same way: into spot, forward and contingent dimensions, bringing out the simplicity and the commonalities of all markets. The book shuns stochastic calculus in favor of cash flow details of arbitrage trades. All math is simple, but there is lots of it. The book reflects the relative value mentality of an institutional trader seeking profit from misalignments of various market segments. The book is aimed at entrants into investment banking and dealing businesses, existing per...
Euro-Atlantic system, and especially the relationship between the US and the European Union and NATO cooperation with the EU, despite the difficulties, are and will be one of the most important elements in the process of building a new global multipolar order. However, the United States and the European Union should pursue a more correlated international policy, based on a realistic and idealistic vision of the world. The world needs the Euro-Atlantic community, as there is no and there won't be in the near future such integrated community of values and interests in the new emerging global order. The above problems are describe in this monograph, which was written in the framework of the research project called: "The role of the Euro-Atlantic system in a multipolar world in the context of the emerging new global order."
The economies of developing countries today are highly integrated into world markets. Trade volumes in relation to the overall size of the economy are often much higher in developing countries than in industrial ones. The question that emerges from this trend is, "What impact does international trade have on economic growth and distribution in developing countries?" In order to answer this question the present study derives empirical testable hypotheses from theoretical models thereby bridging the existing gap between theory and empirical studies. A broad range of trade variables derived from a growth model incorporating features from the new growth theories suggest adeeperaY effects of trade on economic development that go beyond the standard "openness" correlations. Likewise, the simulation of a trade reform on goods and factor prices shows insightful results on welfare changes for various Thai household categories. The distributional impacts do not correspond with the simple dichotomy of the rich getting richer and the poor becoming poorer.
It’s now or never. The goal of achieving global climate neutrality is essential for ecological, economic and social reasons and requires immediate and decisive action from politicians and society. Carbon Free summarizes the building blocks we need to successfully manage the energy transition. Replete with international examples, the book’s first part explores the transformation of the energy markets, necessary accompanying redistributions, the often neglected issue of global population development, but also the ethical and political framework conditions under which the energy transition should take place. Part II deals with sector-specific topics including renewable energies, heat pumps,...
Plongez sans attendre dans cet ouvrage afin d'en apprendre davantage sur l'économie parasitaire ! Pourquoi, depuis une quarantaine d’années, la plupart des pays développés voient-ils leurs performances économiques faiblir ? La faute aux innovations technologiques, à la mondialisation, aux États trop interventionnistes ? Les hypothèses sont nombreuses. Beat Bürgenmeier, professeur émérite d’économie, en propose ici une nouvelle : les fautifs, ce sont les parasites. Comme tout écosystème, notre économie fait les frais d’activités se développant à ses dépens. Ces parasites sont aujourd’hui multiples : bureaucratie envahissante, excès de gestion, nouvelles technologie...