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When the world in which philosophers need to work and on which they ought to reflect starts changing rapidly, asking questions about the nature of her discipline becomes especially pressing for the philosopher. When new scholarly disciplines pop up radically restructuring the academic world, problems concerning the place of philosophy among other disciplines need to be addressed. When new kinds of problems enter the world and the public consciousness, philosophers have to be able to tell whether their conceptual tools make them suitable to deal with them. And when the very purpose and nature of academic research and scholarship transforms due to technological, social, and economical advancements, philosophy has to redefine its place in academia and society.
There is no need to argue for the relevance of affectivity in early modern philosophy. When doing research and conceptualizing affectivity in this period, we hope to attain a basicinterpretive framework for philosophy in general, one that is independent of and cutting across such unfruitful divisions as the time-honored interpretive distinction between “rationalists” and “empiricists”, which we consider untenable when applied to 17th-century thinkers. Our volume consists of papers based on the contributions to the First Budapest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, held on 14–15 October 2016 at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. When composing this volume, our aim was not to present a systematic survey of affectivity in early modern philosophy. Rather, our more modest goal was to foster collaboration among researchers working in different countries and different traditions. Many of the papers published here are already in implicit or explicit dialogue with others. We hope that they will generate more of an exchange of ideas in the broader field of early modern scholarship.
The Political Philosophy of the European City is a courageous and wide-ranging panorama of the political life and thought of the European city. Its novel hypothesis is that modern Western political thought, since the time of Hobbes and Locke, underestimated the political significance and value of the community of urban citizens, called ‘civitas’, united by local customs, or even a formal or informal urban constitution at a certain location, which had a recognizable countenance, with natural and man-made, architectural marks, called ‘urbs’. Recalling the golden age of the European city in ancient Greece and Rome, and offering a detailed description of its turbulent life in the Renaiss...
A járvány társadalomtudományi vizsgálata többszörösen is összetett feladat. Egyrészt mivel a koronavírus társadalmi életünk minden szegmensében érezteti hatását, valamennyi tudományterület szakértelmére és szempontjaira szükségünk van a hatások azonosításához és a következtetések levonásához. Másrészt a világjárvány terjedése, a leküzdéséért vívott küzdelem és következményeinek kezelése globális szinten zajlik, ezért a nemzetállami folyamatok értékelését regionális és nemzetközi kitekintéssel kell teljessé tennünk. A Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem oktatóinak és kutatóinak szerzői közreműködésével készült kötet ebben...