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What I Know About You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 210

What I Know About You

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-09-19
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  • Publisher: Gallic Books

SHORTLISTED FOR THE GILLER PRIZE "A mesmerizing and achingly beautiful novel that will linger in your memory indefinitely" Jon Ransom, author of The Whale Tattoo An internationally-bestselling, and multi-award-winning, tale of impossible love and family secrets in late-twentieth century Egypt. Cairo, 1980s. Tarek’s whole life is laid out for him. A doctor like his father, he has taken over the family medical practice, married his childhood sweetheart and is well respected in society. When he opens a clinic in a disadvantaged area of the city, he meets Ali, a young man who is free from the societal pressures that govern Tarek’s life. This chance encounter will change everything, throwing Tarek’s marriage, career and his entire existence into question. From bustling Cairo to the harsh winters of Montréal, from the reign of Nasser to the dawn of a new century, Tarek wanders and reminisces. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, someone is compiling the chapters of his story . . .

What I Know About You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 218

What I Know About You

A heartbreaking tale of impossible love in late-twentieth century Egypt.Cairo, 1980s. Tarek's whole life is laid out for him. A doctor like his father, he has taken over the family medical practice, married his childhood sweetheart and is well respected in society. When he opens a clinic in a disadvantaged area of the city, he meets Ali, a young man who is free from the societal pressures that govern Tarek's life. This chance encounter will change everything, throwing Tarek's marriage, career and his entire existence into question.From bustling Cairo to the harsh winters of Montréeacute;al, from the reign of Nasser to the dawn of a new century, Tarek wanders and reminisces. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, someone is compiling the chapters of his story . . .

Wat ik van je weet
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 228

Wat ik van je weet

In het bruisende Caïro van de jaren tachtig neemt de jonge arts Tarek de medische praktijk van zijn vader over. Zijn veeleisende baan en het dagelijkse gezinsleven laten geen enkele ruimte voor zijn eigen ontwikkeling. Dat verandert wanneer hij Ali ontmoet, een jongen uit een achterstandswijk. Hun liefde brengt Tareks leven zo ernstig in gevaar dat hij naar Montreal moet vluchten. Tijdens zijn jarenlange ballingschap blijft hij betrokken bij zijn thuisland en de veranderingen die daar plaatsvinden. Zijn gezin heeft hij in Caïro achtergelaten, en zonder dat hij het weet hebben zijn vertrek en zijn homoseksualiteit diepe sporen getrokken in hun levens. Wat ik van je weet is een bijzondere en prachtig geschreven roman over een gezin waarin geheimen de overhand krijgen. Het verhaal speelt zich af tegen de achtergrond van de recente turbulente geschiedenis van Egypte. WINNAAR PRIX DES LIBRAIRES EN PRIX FEMINA DES LYCÉENS SHORTLIST PRIX DU ROMAN FNAC EN PRIX RENAUDOT

O sombrio coração da inocência
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 213

O sombrio coração da inocência

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2025-01-30
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  • Publisher: DBA


In ihrem Haus
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 231

In ihrem Haus

Man kann sich nur so lange vor der Wahrheit verschließen, bis sie an die Tür klopft. 1961, in der niederländischen Provinz: Seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter lebt Isabel allein in dem großen, von der Zeit gezeichneten Familienhaus. Die Tage ziehen ruhig und geordnet dahin. Doch als ihr Bruder Louis seine ungehobelte Freundin Eva bei ihr einquartiert, geraten Isabels stille Routinen ins Wanken, und das Haus, das einst Schutz und Sicherheit bot, wird zum Schauplatz unheimlicher Veränderungen. Plötzlich verschwinden Dinge und Isabel wird immer misstrauischer gegenüber Eva, die nicht das zu sein scheint, was sie vorgibt. In der flirrenden Sommerhitze entwickelt sich eine unerwartete Anziehung zwi...

The Gourmet
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 146

The Gourmet

From the author of the international bestseller The Elegance of The Hedgehog comes a mouth-watering tale delving into the life of a monstrous food critic. 'A foodie's delight; just don't read it when you're hungry' Daily Mail 'The exquisite descriptions of eating are like nothing you've read before' Good Housekeeping After a lifetime of presiding over cowering chefs and pursuing sensual delights, France's greatest food critic is dying. Given just forty-eight hours to live, Pierre Arthens has one last ambition - to recall the most delicious food to ever pass his lips, an elusive taste from his childhood. From his luxury penthouse at 7 Rue de Grenelle, Pierre casts his mind back over a lifetime of flavour: eating barbequed sardines with his grandfather; the warm, crumbly pastry of an apple tart; his first taste of velvety sashimi. But orbiting around him are a cast of family and acquaintances, each with their own story to tell about the greed and ruthlessness that has paved the way to Pierre's search for the perfect meal.

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 163


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-18
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  • Publisher: Dos Bigotes

Miki es un actor disfrazado de payaso que huye de la policía en un centro comercial. Acumula castings fallidos y fracasos amorosos, mientras malvive en una diminuta buhardilla. Lo que nadie sabe es que Miki esconde en su nevera un terrible secreto que podría acabar con sus planes de éxito. Para librarse de él, acude a su amiga Loreto, una excéntrica artista del croché con el pelo verde, y a la Butcher, una carnicera gaditana de temperamento explosivo y afilado sentido del humor. Juntos se embarcarán en un caótico plan, lleno de persecuciones y malentendidos, donde este trío disfuncional intentará encontrar la manera de salir indemne de una situación que, cuanto más intentan arreglar, más absurda se vuelve. Payaso es un thriller con tintes de comedia negra que trata temas como la obsesión por el éxito, el desamor, la conciencia de clase o el valor de la amistad. En esta novela, la desesperación y el humor más ácido se entrelazan en una historia tan delirante como divertida, protagonizada por unos personajes únicos e impredecibles.

The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine

The Pentecostal mission in Palestine is a virtually unknown episode in the history of Pentecostalism. Its story begins in 1906 at the Azusa Street Revival, from which missionaries were sent to Palestine. In its first thirty years, the Pentecostal mission in Palestine gained a foothold in Jerusalem and expanded its reach into Jordan, Syria, and Iran. It was severely tested and lost traction during the tumultuous period of the Arab Revolts, World War II, and the Partition Crisis. With the catastrophic war of 1948, the Pentecostal missionaries fled as their Arab clients were swept away in the Palestinian Diaspora. After 1948, a valiant attempt was made to revive the mission, but only with relat...

100 livres qui changent la vie
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 302

100 livres qui changent la vie

À mi-chemin entre un carnet de lecture et un carnet d’inspirations littéraires, Maïté Defives, du célèbre compte @mademoisellelit, partage ses 100 coups de cœur livresques qui ont changé sa vie de lectrice. Entre le livre qui ramène en enfance, celui qui fait remonter le temps, fait voyager en Italie ou encore celui qui donne envie d’aller au musée, le lecteur est invité à une aventure littéraire à 360°. Les amateurs de littérature sont accompagnés à travers une sélection exclusivement contemporaine et résolument féminine, avec plus de la moitié des titres écrits par des femmes. Entre bande dessinée, littérature française, étrangère, blanche, noire ou encore poésie, chaque lecteur y trouvera son bonheur.

Disarming the Church
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343

Disarming the Church

If Christians follow the Prince of Peace, why do they often behave so violently? What can be done to transform the church so that it looks more like Jesus? Eric Seibert explores these questions in this important and timely study. He builds a biblical and practical case for living nonviolently in all areas of life and urges Christians to reexamine their most fundamental attitudes toward violence, warfare, and killing. Through true stories and careful analysis, Seibert demonstrates that it is possible to resolve conflict, correct injustice, and stop oppression without resorting to violence. Many nonviolent alternatives are discussed throughout the book, alternatives that can be used in a wide range of situations, from dealing with an unwanted intruder at home to removing a dictator from power. In a world filled with so much violence, hate, and fear, alternatives like these are desperately needed. This book offers hope that a better way is possible, one that has the potential to transform the church and change the world. So read on and join in!