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In the world, many women are at risk of being exposed to economic, physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional violence, or even intentional homicide. They might also be exposed to discrimination based on their socio-demographic characteristics, such as their ethnic background, religion, and educational level. The purpose of this book is to bring together academics and researchers working in the fields of applied econometrics and applied statistics as they pertain to women’s issues. The twelve-chapter book includes insights on present econometric and statistical methodologies on women’s issues, as well as a better understanding and evaluation of contemporary policy implications, initiatives, and procedures pertaining to women.
"Çocuklar insanların üçte birini oluşturuyor. Çocukluk dönemi ise insan hayatının üçte birine denk geliyor. Öyleyse, Çocuklara yeryüzündeki bütün zenginliklerin üçte birini vermeliyiz. Bu, bir lütuf değil, onların hakkıdır.” Korzcak-1941 Yeryüzünün üçte birini veremedik. Hiç değilse bu çalışma onların olsun…
EYİ 2021 XXI. Uluslararası Ekonometri Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Sempozyumu BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ 08 - 10 Eylül 2021 ONLINE Türkİye’de faİz ve dolar kurunun enflasyon üzerindekİ etkİsİnİn ölçülmesİ: Bayesyen nedensel etkİ modeli MeasurIng the effect of Interest rate and dollar rate on Inflation in Turkey:Bayesian causal effect model Volkan Kaymaz & Murat Öztürkmen YAPAY SINIR AĞLARI YÖNTEMİ İLE TÜRKİYE’DE VE 3 METROPOL ŞEHİRDE İNTİHAR SAYILARI TAHMİNİ ESTIMATION OF SUICIDE NUMBERS IN TURKEY AND 3 METROPOLITAN CITIES WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS METHOD Şenol Çelik KORONAVİRÜS VAKA VE ÖLÜM SAYILARI İLE İŞSİZLİK ORANI ARASINDAKİ İL...
This book is a product of the need of understanding the new debates from the perspective of business studies. First part includes the topics that define some of the contemporary issues in accounting, as well as demonstrate how accounting practices change to adapt necessities of time. Part II deals with contemporary marketing topics indicating the importance of consumer in today’s business and the necessity of understanding consumers. Finally, the last part of the book, includes writing related to new methods and approaches in operation management and production that gain importance parallel to development in industry.
Ümit Zeki Soyuduru, duygusal şiirlerinden sonra şimdi sizlere çocukluğundan gençliğine, ayrılıktan yokluğa, mutluluktan acıya uzanan bir hikaye ile siz okurlarıyla buluşuyor. "Güller Ağladı" yazarın memleketine duyduğu özlemle dile aldığı duygusal bir anlatı. Onunla birlikte aileye, birlik beraberliğe, en çok da memlekete hasret duyacaksınız. Zaten hasretseniz de kendinizi bulacaksınız. Ümidim hasretlik meğer buyumuş. Gönülde sevgiye sınır yoğumuş. Farzet ki ölmemiş, yatmış uyumuş. Gidişine güller bile ağladı.
This book is a product of the need of understanding the new debates both from the perspective of business management and economics. The first part discusses accounting education and accountancy. In the second part, the relationship between investment and development has been investigated according to entrepreneurship and environment. The next part deals with the current debates on investment in terms of microeconomics. In the fourth part, the factors influencing decision-making in financial markets have been discussed by focusing on volatility, timing, and financial performance. In the last part of the book, current debates are about how managing and hedging risks of new instruments in the financial markets.