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With social inequity in urban spaces becoming an increasing concern in our modern world, The Elgar Companion to Transport, Space and Equity explores the relationships between transport and social equity. Transport systems and infrastructure investment can lead to inequitable travel behaviours, with certain socio-demographic groups using particular parts of the transport system and accessing particular activities and opportunities.
Glavni namen knjige je, da bi z njo postali dostopni izvirni opisi slovenskih jam in kraških značilnosti, kakor so jih doživeli in zabeležili popotniki po slovenskem Krasu v nekaj preteklih stoletjih. V knjigi so zbrani (in mnogi tudi v obliki faksimila objavljeni) opisi 89 popotnikov. Ti opisi, objavljeni večinoma v malo znanih publikacijah znanstvenih poročil, nekateri pa tudi na novo odkriti v rokopisnih zbirkah, niso zanimivi zgolj za zgodovino raziskovanja in poznavanja krasa, temveč so obenem bogat vir za slovensko zgodovino nasploh, in še posebej za lokalno zgodovino ter zgodovino posameznih panog tedanjega gospodarstva (npr. promet in komunikacije), pa tudi za etnografsko podobo Krasa v preteklih stoletjih.
Proceedings of the symposium held February 24 through 27, 1999, Charlottesville, Virginia
Knjiga Evolution of karst: from prekarst to cessation (Razvoj krasa: od predkrasa do izginotja) je zbornik istoimenskega simpozija, ki je v septembru 2002 potekal na Inštitutu za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU. Namen knjige je odgovoriti na vprašanja, kot so: Kdaj se začne kras in kdaj končač Kateri procesi in dogodki določajo razvoj kraškega podzemlja in površjač Kako je razvoj krasa povezan s pretakanjem voda v kraškem vodonosniku in kako z razvojem in razširjenostjo bioloških vrstč Kako merimo čas, ki je minil od določenih dogodkov v krasuč
Originally published in 1989, Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology became the leading textbook on karst studies. This new textbook has been substantially revised and updated. The first half of the book is a systematic presentation of the dissolution kinetics, chemical equilibria and physical flow laws relating to karst environments. It includes details of the many environmental factors that complicate their chemical evolution, with a critique of measurement of karst erosion rates. The second half of the book looks at the classification system for cave systems and the influence of climate and climatic change on karst development. The book ends with chapters on karst water resource management and...
This text covers topics such as sinkhole formation and regional studies of sinkholes and karst. Issues addressed are taken from the 8th multidiscilinary conference on this subject and chart the characteristics of sinkholes and karst as well as their environmental repercussions.
Karstified rocks of different lithology cover more than 10% of the continental surface of our planet. It is known that some 20% or even a few percent more of the global population largely depends on karstic groundwater but in many karst areas all over the world there are limited natural resources including absence of drinking waters. The problems o