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Los trabajos que componen este libro representan diversas perspectivas teóricas y clínicas del trabajo psicoanalítico con parejas y familias en América Latina, abriendo a la oportunidad de pensar sobre lo íntimo y lo público, la historia de la familia y del amor, la violencia, lo transgeneracional, el suicidio, las relaciones pasionales, lo contemporáneo y sus desafíos, entre otros temas. La obra abre un espacio de reflexión sobre la diversidad y la diferencia, siempre sorpresiva y, tal vez, incómodo, pero sin la intención de agrupar los trabajos de una manera armónica por temas o abordajes teóricos, sino apenas por el deseo de profundizar en el conocimiento de esta temática. Otra significativa conquista es que fue publicado en las dos lenguas, el español y el portugués, abarcando todas las regiones de América Latina.
Os trabalhos que compõem este livro representam diversas perspectivas teóricas e clínicas do trabalho psicanalítico com casais e famílias na América Latina, abrindo a oportunidade de pensar o íntimo e o público, a história da família e do amor, a violência, o transgeracional, o suicídio, as relações passionais, o contemporâneo e seus desafios, entre outros temas. A obra abre um espaço para a reflexão da diversidade e da diferença, sempre surpreendente e, talvez, incômoda, mas sem a pretensão de agrupar os trabalhos de forma harmônica por temas ou abordagens teóricas, apenas pelo desejo de aprofundar o conhecimento dessa temática. Outra conquista significativa é o fato de ter sido publicada em espanhol e português, abrangendo todas as regiões da América Latina.
Este libro sobre la migración en parejas y familias, escrita por autores em su mayoría migrantes, es un ensayo teórico clínico psicoanalítico que también ilustra las experiencias de vida compartidas por sus autores migrantes en diferentes culturas. Los artículos relatan cómo las parejas y familias viven y construyen una historia conjunta frente a la decisión de mudar de país, de idioma, de contexto geográfico y de cultura Solamente con otros y entre otros es que esta experiencia migratoria es posible. Esta obra fue creada con la colaboración de 18 autores incluyendo a la artista de la tapa del libro, que forman una multiplicidad de culturas, nacionalidades, tierras, lenguas maternas y del país del cual migramos. Finalmente, el lector se encuentra frente a una obra escrita en español, lengua materna de la mayoría de los autores que aquí participamos y un sueño hecho realidad al plasmar ideas tan actuales en mi lengua materna. Buena lectura.
As relações que professores do Ensino Fundamental estabelecem com a leitura e a escrita e como essas relações ecoam em suas práticas pedagógicas escolares são discutidas e analisadas neste livro. Professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e de pós-graduação poderão encontrar aqui algumas respostas para suas inquietações.
Participando regularmente desde 1989 como professor no trabalho de psicoterapia psicanalítica de casais e famílias no Brasil, posso testemunhar o considerável desenvolvimento dessa atividade nesse país. Tive a oportunidade de ser convidado várias vezes para participar do Grupo de Estudos Vincular que, desde 2004, reúne psicanalistas na casa de Ruth Blay Levisky e David Léo Levisky para discutir a teoria e a clínica de diferentes escolas psicanalíticas. Entre as grandes etapas brasileiras, é necessário salientar a organização em São Paulo da sétima edição do Congresso da Associação Internacional de Psicanálise de Casal e de Família sob a presidência de Ruth Blay Levisky....
How can governments ensure that women have the same employment and entrepreneurship opportunities as men? One important step is to level the legal playing field so that the rules for operating in the worlds of work and business apply equally regardless of gender. Women, Business and the Law 2018, the fifth edition in a series, examines laws affecting women’s economic inclusion in 189 economies worldwide. It tracks progress that has been made over the past two years while identifying opportunities for reform to ensure economic empowerment for all. The report updates all indicators as of June 1, 2017 and explores new areas of research, including financial inclusion.
Illustrators Annual 2020 is the 2020 edition of Chronicle Books' yearly publication celebrating artists featured at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. Selected by the year's jury at the fair, these illustrators represent the most daring, exciting artistic minds working across the world. Celebrating debut and storied talent from around the world--talent poised to engage a whole new generation of book lovers--this glorious compendium can be read cover-to-cover or browsed through at random. * An annual publication that brings groundbreaking art from around the world to the English-speaking market * Inspires readers to marvel at the brilliance of the gifts shared by children's book illustrators *...
The Atlantic Forest is one of the 36 hotspots for biodiversity conservation worldwide. It is a unique, large biome (more than 3000 km in latitude; 2500 in longitude), marked by high biodiversity, high degree of endemic species and, at the same time, extremely threatened. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian population lives in the area of this biome, which makes the conflict between biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of the human population a relevant issue. This book aims to cover: 1) the historical characterization and geographic variation of the biome; 2) the distribution of the diversity of some relevant taxa; 3) the main threats to biodiversity, and 4) possible opportunities to ensure the biodiversity conservation, and the economic and social sustainability. Also, it is hoped that this book can be useful for those involved in the development of public policies aimed at the conservation of this important global biome.
A book focused solely on Andean Cloud Forests (ACF) has never been published. ACF are high biodiversity ecosystems in the Neotropics with a large proportion of endemic species, and are important for the hydrology of entire regions. They provide water for large parts of the Amazon basin, for example. Here I take advantage of my many years working in ACF in Ecuador, to edit this book that contains the following sections: (1) ACF over space and time, (2) Hydrology, (3) Light and the Carbon cycle, (4) Soil, litter, fungi and nutrient cycling, (5) Plants, (6) Animals, and (7) Human impacts and management. Under this premise, international experts contributed chapters that consist of reviews of what is known about their topic, of what research they have done, and of what needs to be done in the future. This work is suitable for graduate students, professors, scientists, and researcher-oriented managers.
This book provides an overview of beach management tools, including carrying capacity, beach nourishment, environmental and tourism awards (like Blue Flag or others), bathing water quality, zoning, beach typologies, quality index, user's perception, interdisciplinary beach monitoring, coastal legislation, shore protection, social and economic indicators, ecosystem services, and coastal governance (applied in beach case studies). Beaches are one of the most intensely used coastal ecosystems and are responsible for more than half of all global tourism revenues, and as such the book introduces a wide range of state-of-the-art tools that can be used to deal with a variety of beach challenges. Each chapter features specific types of tools that can be applied to advantage in beach management practices. With examples of local and regional case studies from around the globe, this is a valuable resource for anyone involved in beach management.