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Pengantar Pendidikan adalah sebuah disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari berbagai aspek fundamental dalam konteks pendidikan. Mata pelajaran ini tidak hanya fokus pada teori-teori tentang proses belajar mengajar, tetapi juga meliputi sejarah pendidikan, kebijakan pendidikan, filosofi pendidikan, serta isu-isu kontemporer yang relevan dalam dunia pendidikan. Dalam pengantar pendidikan, mahasiswa diperkenalkan pada konsep-konsep dasar seperti tujuan pendidikan, fungsi sekolah, serta peran guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Mereka juga mempelajari berbagai teori pendidikan yang mencakup psikologi perkembangan, sosiologi pendidikan, dan filosofi pendidikan yang membentuk landasan pemikiran dalam pembentukan kebijakan pendidikan. Sejarah pendidikan menjadi bagian integral dalam pengantar pendidikan, mengajarkan mahasiswa tentang evolusi sistem pendidikan dari masa lampau hingga saat ini. Dengan memahami sejarah ini, mahasiswa dapat mengevaluasi perkembangan sistem pendidikan, mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi, dan menghargai perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dalam konteks pendidikan global.
Buku Ajar Keperawatan Anak ini disusun sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang menjelajahi kompleksitas dan mendalamnya tentang ilmu keperawatan anak. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di bidang ilmu keperawatan anak dan diberbagai bidang ilmu terkait lainnya. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dan referensi mengajar mata kuliah keperawatan anak dan menyesuaikan dengan rencana pembelajaran semester tingkat perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Secara garis besar, buku ajar ini pembahasannya mulai dari konsep dan paradigma keperawatan anak, family centered care, atraumatic care, peran perawat anak, sistem perlindungan anak di Indonesia, tumbuh kembang anak, konsep bermain, imunisasi, komunikasi pada anak, anticipatory guidance, hospitalisasi pada anak. Selain itu, materi mengenai tren isu dan evidence based practice keperawatan anak juga dibahas secara mendalam. Buku ajar ini disusun secara sistematis, ditulis dengan bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, dan dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) sebagai suatu bidang yang khusus mempelajari peranan dan hubungan manusia dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi/perusahaan terus berkembang hingga sekarang. Karyawan sebagai sumber daya utama dalam perusahaan adalah aset yang mempunyai kontribusi terbesar terhadap kemajuan ataupun kemunduran organisasi/perusahaan. Penanganan yang tidak tepat oleh manajemen akan menghambat pencapaian tujuan organisasi/perusahaan. Dengan MSDM, pihak manajemen perusahaan akan dapat mengarahkan karyawan secara benar sehingga potensinya akan terus berkembang sehingga diharapkan karyawan akan bisa mewujudkan tujuan organisasi/perusahaan akan lebih mudah dan tercapai secara optimal. ...
For courses in Forensic Accounting As a result of increased litigation and regulatory enforcement, the demand for forensic accountants has never been higher. This area of specialty is considered the top niche market in the accounting profession. The new Forensic Accounting is the first text of its kind to provide a comprehensive view of what forensic accountants actually do and how they do it. With experience as both practitioners and educators, authors Robert Rufus, Laura Miller, and William Hahn offer a unique perspective that bridges the gap between theory and practice. They present concepts in the context of a scientific approach, emphasising critical thinking, reasoning, and problem sol...
Sustainability of rural communities is threatened by a plethora of factors including climate change and disasters which interact in an intricate manner in making rural people vulnerable and poor. This book is the output of empirical research on communities and livelihood strategies in developing countries. It reveals how rural communities are functioning and earning their livelihoods by making the best use of the resources, local/internal or external/new and the combination of the two to counteract the various challenges they face, with the ultimate goal of becoming resilient to local or global shocks and sustaining that resilience. Local governance is identified as crucial in ensuring sustainable livelihoods as it ensures healthy collaboration between communities, on the one hand and civil society and those communities, on the other hand, in promoting self-sustaining development trajectories. Similarly, the role of social capital is not ignored as it brings in community drive and a sense of purpose, direction and solidarity among community members which facilitates problem solving in periods of crises and disasters.
This book integrates the fundamental theories of decentralization and rural development, providing a comprehensive explanation of how they can be successfully implemented to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Indonesia. The topics addressed in this book include participatory budgeting, social capital, community participation, local capacity development, and poverty alleviation, which are discussed in detail from the perspectives of local politics, public administration, rural economy, and community studies. The multifaceted interrelations between these disciplines are analyzed to formulate a framework identifying the opportunities and challenges involved in formulating guiding principles for the implementation of decentralization. Readers are provided with the necessary intellectual groundwork through theoretical discussions and case studies involving grassroots realities in Indonesian villages. This book is highly recommended for all readers who are seeking an in-depth understanding of modern efforts to effectively implement decentralization in developing countries to promote local democratization, community empowerment, and poverty alleviation.
The tender period between childhood and adolescence is full of changes for young children. They are approaching the onset of sexual maturation, and because they are beginning their school careers, the possibilities for voluntary play and movement rapidly decrease while mental stress rapidly increases. It is very important that young children have a
This volume represents the first attempt in the field of language pedagogy to apply a systems approach to issues in English language education. In the literature of language education, or more specifically, second or foreign language learning and teaching, each topic or issue has often been dealt with independently, and been treated as an isolated item. Taking grammar instruction as an example, grammatical items are often taught in a sequential, step-by-step manner; there has been no “road map” in which the interrelations between the various items are demonstrated. This may be one factor that makes it more difficult for students to learn the language organically. The topics covered in this volume, including language acquisition, pedagogical grammar, and teacher collaboration, are viewed from a holistic perspective. In other words, language pedagogy is approached as a dynamic system of interrelations. In this way, “emergent properties” are expected to manifest. This book is recommended for anyone involved in language pedagogy, including researchers, teachers, and teacher trainers, as well as learners.
This book is a compilation of research work in the interdisciplinary areas of electronics, communication, and computing. This book is specifically targeted at students, research scholars and academicians. The book covers the different approaches and techniques for specific applications, such as particle-swarm optimization, Otsu’s function and harmony search optimization algorithm, triple gate silicon on insulator (SOI)MOSFET, micro-Raman and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, high-k dielectric gate oxide, spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, microstrip antenna, Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) with conducting surfaces, and digital image forgery detection. The contents of the book will be useful to academic and professional researchers alike.