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Pandemic and Freedom of Religion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 145

Pandemic and Freedom of Religion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-01-26
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  • Publisher: ucanews

A collection of 13 articles from the June 2020 edition of La Civiltà Cattolica, the highly respected and oldest Catholic journal published from Rome. The prohibition of religious celebrations during a pandemic is not a form of religious discrimination. Antonio Spadaro, SJ says it is important to ensure that worship and pastoral action continue in some way during lockdown while restrictions primarily serve the moral imperative to protect human lives. In Popular Theology and Communication, Paul A. Soukup, SJ talks about faith formation that comes through popular theology. He says the use of popular theology in faith formation can connect formal and informal faith formation. You Guo Jiang, SJ ...

Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 448

Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart

In an era in which the internet has made pornography readily accessible, Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart offers a theological critique of pornography and retrieves from the Christian tradition an alternative visual culture. This visual culture is constituted by both the character of the images we behold and the manner in which we see. Contributors include psychologists William M. Struthers and Jill Manning, who address the neurological effects of pornography and its influences on personal, familial, and social life. Their professional analysis is complemented by the testimony of a young man in recovery from pornography addiction. In an exposition of Christian visual culture, Orthodox icono...

The Pentecostal World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 744

The Pentecostal World

The Pentecostal World provides a comprehensive and critical introduction to one of the most vibrant and diverse expressions of contemporary Christianity. Unlike many books on Pentecostalism, this collection of essays from all continents does not attempt to synthesize and simplify the movement’s inherent diversity and fragmented dispersion. Instead, the global flows of Pentecostalism are firmly grounded in local histories and expressions, as well as the various modes of their worldwide reproduction. The book thus argues for a new understanding of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements that accounts for the simultaneous processes of pluralization and homogenization in contemporary World Chris...

New World Pope
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 139

New World Pope

He has captured the imagination of people around the world, including those who thought they were "done with" Christianity. In ways no one could have expected and no one predicted, Pope Francis has become a living example of what it might mean to be a Christian in our time and place. The modern world was not ready for Pope Francis, but as has been demonstrated--in his travels to the United States and around the world, in his calls for mercy and defense of the vulnerable--Pope Francis was ready for the modern world. New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church explores how Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis--the ideas, experiences, influences, and passions that have formed this pastor who has inspired, challenged, encouraged, and angered people worldwide. Ten experts from around the world--scholars, journalists, church leaders, and others--provide insights into the origins and trajectories of Pope Francis' vision and hopes for the Christian community in our day. Persons intrigued by Pope Francis will find deeper insights into his witness via this exploration of the roots and trajectories of his sense of Christian mission and discipleship.

A Arte de Ajudar
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 178

A Arte de Ajudar

A Arte de Ajudar recolhe a sabedoria dum grande mestre do acompanhamento espiritual – o Pe. José Kentenich (1885-1968), fundador do Movimento pedagógico e espiritual de Schoenstatt – e confirma essa sabedoria à luz da experiência psicoterapêutica comprovada de um dos mais conhecidos psicólogos americanos do século XX e um dos principais expoentes da psicologia humanista, Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987).

Maria vive, viva Maria!
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 95

Maria vive, viva Maria!

"Maria vive, viva Maria!" é uma obra profundamente inspiradora que convida os leitores a redescobrir a figura de Maria, a mãe de Jesus, como uma presença viva e transformadora em nossas vidas. Escrito pelo teólogo católico Pedro Luiz Dias, este livro oferece uma reflexão profunda sobre o papel de Maria no contexto da cristologia e da eclesiologia, explorando sua presença na Bíblia, no dogma, e na devoção popular. Com uma abordagem que respeita as fontes bíblicas e a Tradição da Igreja, o autor mostra como Maria continua sendo um símbolo de esperança, amor e acolhimento em meio às crises da vida moderna. Mais do que um ícone religioso, Maria é apresentada como uma mãe espiritual que caminha ao lado de cada um de nós, iluminando nosso caminho com seu exemplo de fé e devoção. "Maria vive, viva Maria!" é um convite para se conectar com a força espiritual de Maria, reconhecendo suas manifestações em nossas casas, corações e orações.

Synodalität und Kirchenreform
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 642

Synodalität und Kirchenreform

"Kirche muss anders werden!" Diese Aussage von Kardinal Reinhard Marx vom 24.10.2018 zum Ende der Jugendsynode des Jahres 2018 bringt die neue Perspektive auf den zurückliegenden synodalen Prozess der Jahre 2014 bis 2018 wie den vorausliegenden synodalen Weg der Katholischen Kirche unter der Leitung von Papst Franziskus auf den Punkt. 'Synodalität und Kirchenreform' lautet der neue Titel des Synodentagebuches der Familiensynoden 2014 und 2015 und der Jugendsynode des Jahres 2018 und löst den Titel der 3. Auflage 'Pädagogik der Liebe' ab. Verfolgen Sie in diesem Synodentagebuch in der 4. Auflage - mit einem erweiterten 70-Seiten Themenregister - eine 'Theologie in Echtzeit"! Für den Autor ist es mit Abstand die spannendste Zeit seitdem II. Vatikanischen Konzil!

E os dois serão uma só Carne
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 66

E os dois serão uma só Carne

Este livro foi inicialmente pensado para divulgar os apontamentos que o Pe. Ricardo Neves, pároco do Estoril, usava nos seus cursos para noivos e que muitos outros sacer-dotes também adotaram ao longo dos últimos anos.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 368


Als papst Franziskus exakt einen Monat nach seiner Wahl eine Reform der Römischen Kurie ankündigte, erntete er breiten Applaus. Beim Vor-Konklave 2013, nach dem Rücktritt von Benedikt XVI., war der Leitungsapparat nach manchen Missständen und Pannen in die Kritik geraten. Achteinhalb Jahre arbeitete ein exklusiver Kardinalsrat (ein "Rat von Outsidern"), unterstützt von einigen prominent besetzten Beratergremien an dem Reformprojekt. Was ändert sich mit der Konstitution "Praedicate Evangelium" PE im Vatikan und für die Weltkirche? Bringt sie mehr Transparenz und Effizienz in den Apparat? Leistet dieser nun den "Dienst", wie die Weltkirche ihn braucht? Lebendig und aufschlussreich geht das Buch - geschrieben von einem echten Insider und Kenner der Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe - diesen und anderen Fragen nach.

King Nº 5 Textos Pedagógicos
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 605

King Nº 5 Textos Pedagógicos

Recopilación del pensamiento pedagógico del P. Kentenich, destacando su rica herencia literaria y posibilitando un fecundo diálogo en torno a esta temática. El P. Kentenich se comprendió a sí mismo como un pedagogo y elaboró importantes reflexiones sobre el quehacer pedagógico. Consideró su Obra no sólo como un aporte religioso y espiritual sino como un Movimiento de marcado carácter pedagógico. Editorial Patris nació en 1982, hace 25 años. A lo largo de este tiempo ha publicado más de dos centenares de libros. Su línea editorial contempla todo lo relacionado con el desarrollo integral de la persona y la plasmación de una cultura marcada por la dignidad del hombre y los valo...