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Ensino e aprendizagem em matemática
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 212

Ensino e aprendizagem em matemática

Este livro aborda diferentes aspectos do ensino e aprendizagem em Matemática: Uso da Resolução de Problemas, Exploração da Modelagem Matemática, Ludicidade, Utilização de Recursos Digitais, Etnomatemática, Processo de Leitura e Interpretação de Enunciados de Problemas Matemáticos, Discussões Sobre a Omissão de Informações no Ensino do Conjunto dos Números Naturais para Surdos, Uso Calculadora e a Construção de Conceitos da Matemáticos.

Anais do II Congresso Sertanejo de Computação - SERCOMP 2019
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 365

Anais do II Congresso Sertanejo de Computação - SERCOMP 2019

Congresso Sertanejo de Computação 18 a 20 de Setembro de 2019 Patos, Paraíba, Brasil ​ Organizadores: Rodrigo Alves Costa, Jannayna Domingues Barros Filgueira, Fábio Júnior Francisco da Silva, Ingrid Morgane Medeiros de Lucena, Pablo Roberto Fernandes de Oliveira ​ O SERCOMP busca, a partir deste ano de 2019, seu espaço na comunidade acadêmica para divulgação de iniciativas e estudos em espaços formais de computação e tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC). Como se pode perceber neste volume, o trabalhos publicados tiveram um caráter aplicado, refletindo o conceito moderno da integração entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. ​ Editora: Pimenta Cultural (2019) ISBN: 978-65-86371-25-3 ​ DOI: 10.31560/pimentacultural/2019.253

Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 489

Cardiovascular Surgery

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-12-14
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  • Publisher: Springer

This clinical casebook is comprised of surgical cases involving the most important cardiovascular diseases in a concise, easy-to-read format (5x8 in trim size, like other titles in this burgeoning, informal product line in the Springer clinical medicine program). Each chapter is a case that opens with a unique clinical presentation, followed by a description of the diagnosis, assessment and management techniques used to treat it, as well as questions and answers (between 8 and 10) about relevant aspects related to the diagnosis and treatment of the addressed disease. The Q&A section will broaden discussion and increase the title's pedagogical value. The casebook features 40 surgical cases in...

Anais do Congresso Sertanejo de Computação
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 205

Anais do Congresso Sertanejo de Computação

O I Congresso Sertanejo de Computação (SERCOMP 2018) foi criado buscando ser um evento anual da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, de caráter regional, que busca promover e incentivar as trocas de experiências entre as comunidades científica, acadêmica e profissional na área de Computação, com temas distintos, interdisciplinares e complementares, buscando discutir a aplicabilidade da Computação na região. Em sua primeira edição, em 2018, o SERCOMP teve a coordenação dos professores Rodrigo Alves Costa e Jucelio Soares dos Santos. Embora adote a discussão da transversalidade de temas da Computação como pauta, o tema central do SERCOMP em sua primeira edição foi “Tecnologia e Inovação para o Sertão Paraibano”. O evento contou com cerca de 150 participantes, e incorporou em sua agenda diversos eventos ao longo de três dias, entre os quais palestras, feiras tecnológicas, minicursos, oficinas, hackaton na forma de hackday, apresentações culturais e momentos de confraternização.

Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics represent one of the most successful forms of therapy in medicine. But the efficiency of antibiotics is compromised by the growing number of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Antibiotic resistance, which is implicated in elevated morbidity and mortality rates as well as in the increased treatment costs, is considered to be one of the major global public health threats (www.who.int/drugresistance/en/) and the magnitude of the problem recently prompted a number of international and national bodies to take actions to protect the public (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/docs/road-map-amr_en.pdf: http://www.who.int/drugresistance/amr_global_action_plan/en/; http://www.whitehouse....

Homicide in São Paulo
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 192

Homicide in São Paulo

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-09
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume aims to explain the mechanisms for the “epidemic-like” rise in homicide rates São Paulo, Brazil during the late 20th century as well as their sharp decrease after 2000. The homicide rates increased 900 percent from 1960s-2000, and then dropped relatively quickly to 1970s levels over the next decade. While the author finds the Brazilian military government and rise of para-military police forces to be a major factor in the rise of homicide rates in Brazil, research on violent crime trends has demonstrated that it is generally due to the intersection of many factors (for example changes in policing, social or political structures, availability of weapons, economic influences) ...

Coronavirus Politics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 663

Coronavirus Politics

COVID-19 is the most significant global crisis of any of our lifetimes. The numbers have been stupefying, whether of infection and mortality, the scale of public health measures, or the economic consequences of shutdown. Coronavirus Politics identifies key threads in the global comparative discussion that continue to shed light on COVID-19 and shape debates about what it means for scholarship in health and comparative politics. Editors Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, Elize Massard da Fonseca, and André Peralta-Santos bring together over 30 authors versed in politics and the health issues in order to understand the health policy decisions, the public health interventions, the social policy decisions, their interactions, and the reasons. The book’s coverage is global, with a wide range of key and exemplary countries, and contains a mixture of comparative, thematic, and templated country studies. All go beyond reporting and monitoring to develop explanations that draw on the authors' expertise while engaging in structured conversations across the book.

Coletânea Internacional de Pesquisa em Administração e Negócios Vol.01
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 1042

Coletânea Internacional de Pesquisa em Administração e Negócios Vol.01

Temos o prazer de lançar o primeiro livro da coletânea voltada às Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, intitulado Coletânea internacional de pesquisa em administração e negócios V. 01, essa obra é editada pela Seven Publicações Ltda, tendo a composição de 13 capítulos voltados ao desenvolvimento e disseminação do conhecimento nas áreas de administração e negócios.

Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1164

Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-15
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book contains 112 papers selected from about 250 submissions to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO 2019) which takes place on July 8–10, 2019 at University of Lorraine, Metz, France. The book covers both theoretical and algorithmic aspects of Nonconvex Optimization, as well as its applications to modeling and solving decision problems in various domains. It is composed of 10 parts, each of them deals with either the theory and/or methods in a branch of optimization such as Continuous optimization, DC Programming and DCA, Discrete optimization & Network optimization, Multiobjective programming, Optimization under uncertainty, or models and optimization methods in a specific application area including Data science, Economics & Finance, Energy & Water management, Engineering systems, Transportation, Logistics, Resource allocation & Production management. The researchers and practitioners working in Nonconvex Optimization and several application areas can find here many inspiring ideas and useful tools & techniques for their works.

Biopolymeric Nanomaterials
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 732

Biopolymeric Nanomaterials

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-24
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Biopolymeric Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications outlines the fundamental design concepts and emerging applications of biopolymeric nanomaterials. The book also provides information on emerging applications of biopolymeric nanomaterials, including in biomedicine, manufacturing and water purification, as well as assessing their physical, chemical and biological properties. This is an important reference source for materials scientists, engineers and biomedical scientists who are seeking to increase their understanding of how polymeric nanomaterials are being used for a range of biomedical and industrial applications. Biopolymeric nanomaterials refer to biocompatible nanomaterials, co...