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Enhancing and analysing Project Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Enhancing and analysing Project Communication

Different cultures and languages make web-based communication among the members of international research projects often complex. Focussing on frequently neglected internal communication, this cumulative PhD thesis seeks to present methods from applied LSP research on a concrete case study – a research project from the area of Public Health. Aiming to establish a winwin situation between systematic approaches and communication optimisation, the case study is also used to verify known models. Systematic approaches can be beneficial for enhancing project communication, if they are part of a circle of theoria cum praxi. The thesis closes with appeals to linguists, project leaders and funding agencies for improving project communication as well as the involvement of applied linguistics in future.

Ethics in Professional and Corporate Discourse
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Ethics in Professional and Corporate Discourse

Ethics. Whether explicit or implicit, it plays a key role in our lives, guiding our decisions and shaping our view of what the world – including the world of business – is or ought to be like. This volume provides a thorough description of the language that is used to encode ethics, to deal with ethical issues, and to express ethical values in business and professional discourses. It explores the relationship between ethics and ethos in a variety of professional and corporate texts and genres, and investigates the role and positioning of ethics in today’s cultural environment, shedding light on how it is negotiated vis-à-vis other values in the pursuit of business and professional goals. Thanks to its rigorous linguistic approach, the analysis fills a significant gap in the burgeoning scholarship on ethics in discourse, laying the ground for a better understanding of what ethical pronouncements do, linguistically and pragmatically.

Knowledge Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 136

Knowledge Communication

Knowledge Communication as a research field emerges as a response to the communicative core challenges of the knowledge society. At ist center is the question of how to produce and transform specialized knowledge into interactions to gain value for this kind of knowledge. The field’s foundational concepts concern a transactional understanding of communication, an ideology of convergence between communicators and an appreciation of knowledge as construction. These stem from critical discussions of insights harvested from three parental disciplines: Language for Specific Purposes, Public Understanding of Science, and Knowledge Management. In their synthesis, these foundational concepts define Knowledge Communication as a means of strategic communication. In lieu of this, the research agenda of Knowledge Communication presents a novel prism through which to discern and investigate communicative core challenges of the knowledge society.

New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 392

New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes

This anthology consists of selected papers presented by European scholars at the 21st LSP-Conference 2017 on Interdisciplinary knowledge-making: challenges for LSP-research, held at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen, Norway. The multifarious aspects of LSP-research publication cover issues on terms and terminology, LSP-texts from a text linguistic approach, training in LSP-settings and translation of LSPtexts. The volume gives an up-to-date selection of the ongoing research endeavours in specialised communication in subject fields ranging from maritime accidents over healthcare and financial accounting to climate change.

Legal Translation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 410

Legal Translation

In this anthology renowned scholars working in the area of legal translation studies (LTS) focus on current issues and challenges in legal translation emerging from today’s globalisation and internationalisation. Considering both theoretical and practical points of view the contributions present interdisciplinary approaches to legal translation dealing with legal systems in national, EU and international settings, and include civil law and common law as well as supranational and private international law. In addition to the historical evolution of legal systems and of legal translation the papers discuss specific features of legal language and challenges in legal translation, as well as new didactic strategies to deal with the future profiles of legal translators.

The Digital Scholar: Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 344

The Digital Scholar: Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment

The forms and genres of academic communication have changed considerably over the past decades – from standardised ways of producing texts on/for paper to a (less?) standardised way of communication in Web 2.0. Published papers are now available to a greater number of readers, interaction among colleagues can take place in real time via written, audio or visual formats, and it has become much more comfortable for students as well as for those outside the scientific community to access academic information and to contact its authors. It seems, however, that many aspects of academic communication have not yet changed, and its participants – either in the „old“ or in the „new“ generation – are ill-equipped to work within the multimedia context. This volume, therefore, takes a look at academic communication in the multimedia environment, in order to throw light on how these processes are linked to new multimedia affordances, while at the same time encapsulating old genre conventions and participant interaction with the medium.

Zukunftsformate der Fachkommunikationsforschung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 521

Zukunftsformate der Fachkommunikationsforschung

Zukunftsformate der Fachkommunikationsforschung formuliert die zentralen Perspektiven der inzwischen fest als Schlüsseldisziplin der Angewandten Linguistik etablierten und gesellschaftlich verankerten Fachkommunikationsforschung. Im Band Fachkommunikationsforschung im Spannungsfeld von Methoden, Instrumenten und Fächern (2021), FFF 161, haben die Herausgeber bereits eine Entwicklungsbilanz gezogen und den status quo konstatiert. Nun wenden sie sich den wesentlichen Herausforderungen an Theorie, Praxis und gesellschaftliche Dimensionen ihres Faches zu: Wissenstransfer, Bildung und Interlingualität. In sieben Themenkapiteln – mit einem Schwerpunkt im Bereich Translation – erschließen internationale Autorinnen und Autoren eine breite Palette aktueller Aspekte, deren Relevanz und Dynamik die kommenden Entwicklungen und Anforderungen mitbestimmen. Sie demonstrieren so die Bedeutung der Fachkommunikationsforschung für die Zukunft der öffentlichen Kommunikation und gesellschaftlichen Bildung.

Gender in legislative languages
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 256

Gender in legislative languages

Legislation is characterized by a high degree of linguistic conservatism. So, despite existing EU and national guidelines, inclusive choices are still limited in legislation at both levels. An introduction to the topic of gender in language and in legal language opens the volume, focusing on the EU dimension and on the language policies of England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. In the following, five sociolinguistic contexts are described, and three Romance, and two Germanic linguistic traditions are compared through qualitative and quantitative corpus analyses based on the same corpora and consistent methodological guidelines. These studies aim at highlighting the presence or absence of a gender-neutral language in European and national laws.

Syntax in Fachkommunikation
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 551

Syntax in Fachkommunikation

Syntax ist ein von der Fachkommunikationsforschung bislang wenig bearbeitetes Gebiet. Zu Unrecht. Dieser Band stellt das komplexe Forschungsfeld vor, zeigt Potenziale auf und gibt neue Impulse für die weitere Diskussion in diesem hochinteressanten Bereich. Im Fokus des Bandes steht die Syntax romanischer Sprachen und des Deutschen. Übersichtlich gegliedert werden 1. übereinzelsprachliche, 2. einzelsprachliche, 3. kontrastive und 4. translationswissenschaftliche Dimensionen von Syntax in Fachkommunikation beleuchtet. Die Autorinnen und Autoren bieten einen neuen Blick auf Reduktions- und Universalienhypothese, beschreiben syntaktische Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten in fachkommunikativen Situationen und widmen sich dem interlingualen Vergleich syntaktischer Aspekte in Textsorten. Sie erkunden ferner synsemiotische Kohäsion in fachbezogenen Videos, diskutieren Übersetzungsprobleme wie auch Fragen, die die Syntax Leichter und Einfacher Sprache betreffen, und untersuchen darüber hinaus ausgewählte diachronische Aspekte von Syntax in Fachkommunikation.

Der französische Fachwortschatz im Bereich Solarenergie: Wortbildung und Lexikographie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 232

Der französische Fachwortschatz im Bereich Solarenergie: Wortbildung und Lexikographie

Der Klimawandel und die erneuerbaren Energien spielen zunehmend auch im Alltag eine Rolle. So wird z. B. Sonnenenergie auch privat genutzt. Wie sich der damit verbundene Austausch zwischen Laien und Experten auf den allgemeinen Wortschatz auswirkt, zeigt die Autorin am Beispiel Frankreichs. In ihrer diachronen Studie zur Aufnahme des Fachwortschatzes der Solarenergie in den allgemeinsprachlichen Wörterbüchern Le Petit Larousse illustré und Le Petit Robert diskutiert sie den Aufbau eines populärwissenschaftlichen Textkorpus, Methoden der Extraktion der Termini, Einwort- und Mehrwortlexeme in der französischen Morphologie, die lexikographische Erfassung von Fachwörtern, Veränderungen bei den Bedeutungsangaben sowie Kriterien zur Aufnahme von Fachwörtern in Nachschlagewerke.